How Changes in Body Weight Affect GERD

A growing body of research shows that your weight can have a significant impact on acid reflux and related symptoms.

Medically Reviewed
a person with GERD checking their weight on a scale
保持适当的体重可以减少GERD的症状。 Andriy Popov/Alamy

It's common knowledge that certain foods can trigger symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) — a condition characterized by frequent episodes of acid reflux, also known as heartburn.

但科学家和医生在许多不同的研究中表现出来体重超过体重- 甚至只是略微超重 - 也可以触发GERD的开始并影响其严重程度。

Similarly, there’s evidence that losing excess body weight can improve or even resolvesymptoms of GERD

目前尚不清楚为什么额外的体重对GERD产生影响,但一个可能的解释是额外的重量对腹部压力。这增加了下食管括约肌(LES)的风险 - 食管和胃之间的肌肉 - 当它不应该放松。

Another possible explanation is that people with a higher body weight may eat more fat, which is a well-known GERD trigger.





In this study, researchers sought to find out whether relatively small changes in body weight — even within the bounds of normal weight — can affect the severity of acid reflux and related symptoms in women.

The study found a clear correlation between a woman’s体重指数(BMI)和the presence of GERD symptoms. The researchers found that women who were overweight — defined by a body mass index of 25 to 30 — were more than twice as likely to develop acid reflux as those of normal weight.

Women who were obese — with aBMI.大于30 - 几乎三倍的疾病症状,如胃灼热,酸反流,胸痛,吞咽困难。

Perhaps most surprising, though, was that small differences in body weight in women of normal weight — with a BMI of 21 to 25 — also affected the likelihood of developing GERD.

Even in women who started out with a normal body weight, an increase in BMI of more than 3.5 was associated with nearly triple the risk of experiencing frequent GERD symptoms.

Overall, out of 10,545 women in the study, 22 percent reported having GERD symptoms at least once a week. Among those with symptoms, 55 percent experienced both heartburn and acid regurgitation.

The scientists in this studybob bet体育 那些拥有杰德的人体重是理想的人不应该试图减肥。但是,如果你已经获得了体重并注意到你的症状增加,你就可以通过再次失去重量来扭转这种情况。

Weight Loss Programs for GERD


在2013年3月发表的一项研究中肥胖,332 obese adults took part in a program that included dietary changes, increased physical activity, and behavioral strategies. (2) After 6 months, 97 percent had lost weight, with an average loss of 13 kilograms (29 pounds).

Over the same period, the incidence of GERD in the group dropped from 37 percent to 15 percent, with 81 percent of participants seeing a drop in their GERD symptom scores. Greater weight loss was associated with a larger reduction in GERD symptoms, although women in the study saw significant improvements with only 5 to 10 percent of their body weight lost.

在另一项研究中,2017年10月发布TheAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology,研究人员测试了一个称重损失计划,称为回流改进和监测(修剪)计划,为参与者提供“个性化,多学科”健康教育和监测六个月。(3)

因此,与未注册该计划的类似群体相比,参与者 - 一群52人 - 在开始计划后,在开始计划后,有明显更大的体重减轻3,6和12个月。

在修剪参与者中,表明GERD症状严重程度的分数明显下降三个月后,六个月后明显下降。与此同时,指示凸曲线相关的生活质量也有所改善,但不是统计上显着的学位 - 这意味着这种改进可能是由于机会。

Nevertheless, this small study showed that a multidisciplinary weight loss program aimed at people with GERD could result in weight loss, improved symptoms, and overall satisfaction with the program.


There are a number of factors that may determine whether it’s a good idea for you to try to lose weight to help manage your GERD.

One, as the researchers in noted, is whether you’ve gained weight in the recent past, and whether your GERD symptoms got worse after this happened.

另一种是您是否正在遇到其他负面健康影响,从超重或肥胖 - 例如高血压或葡萄糖耐量受损 - 这使得减轻重量是紧急的优先权。


减肥isn’t easy. But if it’s right for you, it may turn out to do more for your GERD than you imagined was possible.

Quinn Phillips的额外报告。



  1. Jacobson BC, Somers SC, Fuchs CS, et al. Body-Mass Index and Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Women.新英格兰医学杂志。2006年6月1日。
  2. Singh M,Lee J,Gupta L等人。减肥可导致胃食管反流疾病的解决症状:预期干预试验。肥胖。March 27, 2013.
  3. Yadlapati R, Pandolfino JE, Alexeeva O, et al. The Reflux Improvement and Monitoring (TRIM) Program Is Associated With Symptom Improvement and Weight Reduction for Patients With Obesity and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.American Journal of Gastroenterology。October 10, 2017.

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