


Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition, but you can still lead a long and healthy life if you’re vigilant about diabetes care. Taking your medication as prescribed andchecking blood sugar levels只是图片的一部分。拥抱健康的生活方式,如吃聪明的饮食和经常锻炼,可以帮助你更好地控制2型糖尿病。


管理2型糖尿病的第一步是了解你的A1C.number, Dr. Phelps says. The A1C is ablood testthat averages blood sugar (glucose) over a three-month period and is reported in percentages. Your doctor will discuss what A1C target is best for you, but generally an A1C of less than 7 percent will best help avoiddiabetes complications。如果您和您的医生注意到您的A1C增加,您可能需要更好地改变您的药物或生活方式以更好地控制糖尿病。



  1. 观看你的体重。If you’re overweight, your doctor will probably suggest that you lose some weight. This may seem like a daunting task, especially if you need to drop a lot of pounds. But even a relatively small weight loss of 10 to 15 pounds can make a difference. Ask your doctor or diabetes educator to help you set short-term goals that are realistic to reach. Making small changes, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can help you start shedding the pounds.
  2. 吃好喝好。健康的饮食可以帮助保持你需要的血糖。全天吃较小的部分,注意您正在吃多少碳水化合物是两个重要规则type 2 diabetes diet。选择瘦肉和许多新鲜的蔬菜,并屈服于脂肪,淀粉和含糖食物可以帮助您留在轨道上。营养师可以帮助膳食计划。菲尔普斯说,有些患有糖尿病的人认为他们不会享受他们最喜欢的食物,但这不是真的。患有糖尿病并不意味着你永远不能再有一块蛋糕 - 关键是portion control, 他说。他的建议:“只是咬了一口,以满足你的渴望和传递休息。”
  3. 动起来。如果你是一个健身房老鼠,那就太棒了,但这不是必须的。运动有助于稳定血糖,但你不需要跑马拉松:30分钟的体育活动,一周中的大多数日子是建议的好处type 2 diabetes management菲尔普斯说。如果您按下时间,请尝试每天三次在10分钟的活动运动中工作。在街区周围的快步走路可以做这个技巧。或者通过跳舞来握出事,有趣的方式来移动。在开始之前,请务必从医生那里获得绿灯锻炼计划

