




The technique is now being used to treat a growing list of health conditions that includes anxiety, phobias,obsessive compulsive behaviors, long-standing grief, and even depression.


Exposure therapy is sometimes referred to as a desensitization approach.People with PTSD, including combat veterans and rape and other assault victims, may experience nightmares and flashbacks that bring back the traumatic event. As a result, they avoid situations that can trigger similar memories, and become overly sensitive to these situations.

Edna B. Foa,博士, director of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, explains exposurePTSD的治疗这对她的患者进行了这种方式:“我们将帮助您谈论创伤,以便您可以对其进行处理和消化,并使其完成业务。”

While you won't forget entirely about the trauma, she tells them, ''It’s not going to haunt you all the time."

Dr. Foa reassures her patients they won't be exposed to dangerous situations. She also tells them, "You are going to find out that you are stronger than you think."

一种lthough exposure therapy is considered a short-term treatment — 8 to 12 sessions is common — people with more severe conditions (and those with obsessive-compulsive behaviors) may need more time.


ForPTSD, saysMatthew Friedman, MD, PhD,退伍军人管理局国家PTSD国家中心高级顾问,以及新罕布什尔州汉诺威市达特茅斯的盖塞尔医学院的精神病学,药理学和毒理学教授,“这是我们拥有的最好的治疗方法之一。”一种2007年医学研究所的报告还发现该技术对PTSD有效。

FOA出版了2005 study in theJournal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology这表明PTSD和depression symptomsin female victims of assault after 9 to 12 sessions.

2014 study inJAMA精神病学found that adding exposure therapy to traditional talk therapy was more effective at relieving long-standing grief than standard therapy plus supportive counseling.

Effective, But Different, as a Depression Treatment

While research is still ongoing, some experts believe exposure therapy can be helpful严重的抑郁症, 也。Depression and PTSDshare common features, like flashbacks and memory flooding, says一种dele Hayes, PhD,特拉华大学纽瓦克大学心理学教授。但是这两个条件也有一些重要的区别。

“With depression, it's not necessarily a trauma but a whole store of memories associated with being a failure, worthless, and defective," she says. A depressed person’s encounter with a rude clerk at a store may trigger thoughts that seem to back up their fears: that no one likes them, they are worthless, and so on.

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In 20 to 24 sessions of exposure therapy, Hayes persuades her patients with depression to reexamine the events that trigger their ''worthless'' messages. Then she asks them to see if they can reinterpret them in a more positive light. Next, she helps them build up what she calls the ''positive emotion system."

But some people with depression may be fearful of having positive emotions, she says. Paradoxically, if they start to have hope, they may begin to fear that things may fall apart again, and get more depressed.

Getting Started With Exposure Therapy




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