
Got PMS? A new ad campaign from milk processors casts moo-juice as a cure for premenstrual symptoms — geared toward the men who must brave their wives' moody symptoms each month. Should you be offended?


Most women know the sometimes-torturous nature of经常综合症all too well — and so do their partners.

At least that’s what the California Milk Processor Board is hoping for with a new advertising campaign that pitches calcium-rich milk as a PMS cure-all, addressed to the men who have to contend with the wild mood swings, irritability,腹胀和伴随他们的合作伙伴每月可以的疲劳PMS symptoms.

It’s aptly called the “Everything I Do Is Wrong” campaign.

“牛奶?”背后的同一组将牛奶胡椒的名人作为饮用Moo Juice倡导的广告现在关注PMS受害的丈夫,左边的海报。他们描绘了紧张的男人赐予牛奶水壶的图像,以及这样的头条新闻为“我为互相误解的误解而道歉,这显然是我的错”和“我很抱歉我听了你所说的,而不是你的意思。”

The PMS Milk Campaign Controversy

该活动的目的是在本月的那个时间举起幽默。It even features a microsite with such interactive features as a “Puppy Dog-Eye-Zer” (it allows men to transform their face into one that’s impossible to “stay mad at”), a video apology maker, an emergency milk locator, and a global PMS level ticker.

It’s also not the first time the milk board has pitched milk as a PMS fix. According toThe New York Times,他们的原子能机构,Goodby,Silverstein&Partners,2005年推出了一台电视商业,称为“牛奶到救援”,显示男士在储存的牛奶中储存了背景下的牛奶:“最近的一项研究表明钙可能会减少钙PMS的症状。喝牛奶?“

The milk board told the时代目前广告的重点是让人注意和惊喜消费者 - 它已经被批评为性别歧视。

The campaign’s taglines “play on the ancient stereotype that a woman, for several days each month, becomes a wholly irrational and crazed being hopelessly overtaken by PMS,” Elizabeth Flock wrote on Washingtonpost.com. “The campaign ignores the physical symptoms women have to endure and focuses on the ‘abuse’ men have to put up with.”

Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon.com agrees: “It speaks directly to that tired old idea that a woman’s problem is a man’s inconvenience,” she wrote. “The milk board just might find a whole lot of rampaging female consumers suddenly feeling lactose-intolerant.”

Milk: It Really Does Do PMS Symptoms Good

Controversy aside, PMS-plagued women can take solace in this: Because of its high calcium content, a good old-fashioned glass of milk really can bring relief — or prevent PMS altogether.



  • Yogurt (1 cup): 447 mg
  • 沙丁鱼(3.25盎司):351毫克
  • 菠菜(1杯):245毫克
  • 马苏里拉奶酪(1盎司):183毫克
  • Tofu (4 oz): 100 mg


除了在钙上骨折外,你还可以和你的医生谈论尝试other supplements for PMS symptoms, includingvitamin E,维生素B6, magnesium, and chasteberry.

Also, try these healthy ideas tomanage your PMS symptoms.

  • Exercise.有氧运动helps ease anxiety and sadness, two common symptoms of PMS. Try to get at least 30 minutes per day.
  • 吃得更好。On days PMS rears its ugly head, consume more fruits, veggies, and whole grains — the复合碳水化合物可能会提升你的心情。
  • Relax.If PMS has left you tense, a number of relaxation techniques — from yoga and Tai chi to massage and meditation — may help you relax and can soothesore muscles.
  • 戒烟。需要另一个原因来踢习惯?对3,000多名女性的研究发现吸烟的女性超过了产生严重的PMS症状的可能性。
  • Talk it out.Cognitive therapy has been shown to be particularly helpful with the emotional symptoms of PMS.