11 Natural Insomnia Aids That Will Give You Sweet Dreams


Medically Reviewed

On the rare night when you actually crawl into bed at a decent hour, you stare at the ceiling, eyes wide open, mind racing, with a good night's sleep feeling more like a distant dream with every passing second.

你不是一个人。根据这一点National Sleep Foundation, a third of all American adults report experiencing one失眠symptom a night. And about10 percent of people遭受慢性失眠, which means they find it difficult to get enough shut-eye at least three nights a week, for at least three months.

一种lthough some medications and health issues such as depression and甲状腺功能亢进can cause insomnia, a person's anxiety, stress, diet, and age are also factors.

If you experience frequent insomnia, you’ve probably already tried the basics, like cutting back on caffeine and alcohol. Maybe you’ve also turned to the medications, luxury mattresses and pillows, white-noise machines, and other remedies that make up the $41 billion Americans spent on sleep aids and remedies in 2015, according to a report from BCC Research. But you might be wary, understandably, of relying on drugs.

最适合短期失眠的睡眠药物,确实需要一些谨慎,因为它们会在第二天导致宿醉,或者更糟糕的是,引导您吃,有些,甚至开车睡着了,没有记忆被吃掉,叫做或驱动。FDAsuggests that if you take Ambien, in particular,并且在某些剂量下,您不应该开车第二天,或者参与其他需要完全清醒的其他活动,因为该药物可以在可能影响您运作的水平的水平中留在您的系统中。

But there are natural sleep remedies — such as lifestyle changes — you can turn to that are safe and effective. And experts say that behavior modifications are the better strategy, even if they may take time to have lasting effects.

根据国家互补和综合健康中心,研究表明基于谨慎的压力减少而且其他放松技术,如音乐辅助放松,可能是有益的。也已显示认知行为治疗(或CBT)来帮助 - a研究于2017年11月在2018年期刊上发表的研究Sleep遵循500多名患有失眠的女性发现,CBT比其他治疗更有效,包括药物甚至瑜伽。





If you're having trouble沉沉睡去,听取平静,柔和的音乐,因为你打瞌睡可能是一个解决方案。2015年8月发布的报告Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews发现在睡觉前听音乐可能有助于提高睡眠质量。只要确保你正在挑选舒缓的东西,而且你会在一段时间后关闭它,最好是当你已经深入梦境时。




众所周知婴儿fall fast asleep when they’re rocked gently back and forth in a carriage or a mother’s arms. Surprisingly, the same trick works with adults. According toa small preliminary study published in目前的生物学当学习参与者在吊床上睡觉的床上时,他们睡着得更快,睡得更加沉重,而不是在普通床上睡觉时。似乎温柔的摆动感受到促进的大脑活动沉睡。While you can’t exactly doze off in a hammock every night, try chilling out in a rocking chair before hitting the sheets to mimic the motion and help your body feel sleepy.



a woman sitting in a dark room

“睡眠不是一个开关,”睡眠专家和临床心理学家说迈克尔布雷斯,博士,作者何时的力量。“Your body needs time to unwind and ready itself for shut-eye.” That’s why Dr. Breus recommends practicing a three-part routine called the “Power-Down Hour.” During the first 20 minutes, complete any tasks that absolutely must get done before bedtime. Wash your face, brush your牙齿,并在接下来的20分钟内穿得睡觉。最后20分钟,静静地躺在床上,冥想。专注于你的节奏呼吸和shoo away any negative thoughts during this time.


Count Sheep — Backward — and You'll Fall Asleep




Practice Some Gentle Yoga Before Bedtime

a person doing yoga in bed

练习15分钟,yoga-like poses (such as neck rolls, shoulder rolls, and arm and back stretches) to help your muscles unwind before hitting the sheets, saysHelene A. Emsellem,MD, the medical director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland. But go slowly. “The goal is to loosen your muscles to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep, not increase your心率,” she explains.




Exercising in themorning可以帮助你睡得更好working out在下午或晚上。在美国北卡罗来纳州布隆阿巴拉契亚州立大学的第58次会议上提出的未发表的研究中,发现人们在轻微的睡眠中花费了85%,在他们工作时深入睡眠时间有75%out at 7 a.m. compared with working out later in the day. The authors aren’t sure why, but they believe early-bird workouts affect levels of stress hormones in a way that leads to better sleep quality later on. More research is needed to confirm these finding.


Sip Tart Cherry Juice为宁静的睡衣?


酒精是一种已知的破坏者——这可能会让你睡觉u fall asleep, but it disrupts normalbob ios下载 ,导致你在半夜醒来。另一方面,樱桃汁可能有助于确保舒适的睡眠,因为它被认为是自然高的褪黑激素,一种有助于调节身体睡眠醒来周期的激素。一个小的2017年3月发表11名科目的研究美国治疗杂志发现与失眠的参与者喝了两周的樱桃汁,增加了他们睡觉的金额。樱桃汁的风险很低,但如果您对升高的糖倾向,最好在开始之前与您的医生讨论。




Even if you’re exhausted, try to stick to within 30 minutes of your normal bedtime. Going to bed hours earlier than usual may throw your body’s normal rhythm out of whack, says Dr. Emsellem. “Sticking to a routine is key to在海湾保持失眠。While you may hate being locked into a schedule, your brain likes following a pattern.” Likewise, daytime napping, even if you slept poorly the night before, is also a no-no if you’re prone to insomnia.




与我们所有的愿望相反,您无法真正赔偿平日睡眠债务根据国家睡眠基础,通过周末睡觉。那是因为你需要一个小时睡一小时,这意味着如果你在本周期间错过了四个小时,你需要在周六和星期天睡四个小时。相反,选择一个更合理的工作日睡觉时间来坚持下去。NSF说,在帮助您调整时,将睡前15分钟推迟。If you normally hit the hay at 11:30 p.m., for example, go to bed at 11:15 for a few nights, then 11, then 10:45 — until you reach your ideal bedtime, which for most people is about 7 to 9 hours before you need towake up



a person lowering the temperature in their house

根据国家睡眠基础,睡眠最佳室温is between 60 to 67 degrees。匹兹堡大学研究人员的一项研究发现,当失眠术时,戴上专门的帽,设计用于降低大脑的温度,他们尽快睡着了,并且睡得很久,因为其他研究参与者没有睡眠问题。为什么这有效:冷却帽有助于减少脑代谢活动,在运动中设置正常的睡眠周期。但是您不需要特殊设备来睡眠更好。保持卧室凉爽,穿着透气服装(甚至没有什么!)可以帮助桑德曼欢迎。
