
Put simply: It’s complicated.

Medically Reviewed
基因,健康状况,生活方式和病史都是可能引起失眠的因素。 shutterstock(2)

Figuring out if you have失眠通常并不困难。然而,确定导致睡眠困扰的是什么可能是具有挑战性的,即是因为如此多的因素可以导致您无法获得晚安的睡眠。人格因素,医疗状况,心理健康和您的日常生活方式习惯都可能有助于您患失眠的可能性。


Certain Risk Factors Can Make You More Likely to Develop Insomnia

不眠之夜可以由很多事情触发,例如创伤经历,生活中的压力时间或医疗状况。当然,一些发现自己正在处理其中一件事情的人可能不会在睡眠中遇到任何麻烦 - 而对于其他人来说,其中一个触发因素可能导致失眠。

“The theory is that there are some predisposing factors or personality traits that contribute to insomnia,” says医学博士Sheila Tsai,丹佛国家犹太人健康的肺科医生和睡眠医学部门负责人。

被认为使您更有可能发展失眠的独特性格特征之一是具有更大的认知唤醒 - 或者说,用外行的话来说,更加不安的头脑。Tsai博士说:“这将包括一直在想或可能更容易焦虑的人。”



  • Being a woman:For reasons that aren’t clear, women are more prone to insomnia than men, especially as they approach menopause, when rates of insomnia rise. Fortunately, though, sleep issues often resolve after menopause, Tsai says.
  • Being 60 or older:Rates of insomnia increase as people age, as sleep patterns and health status tend to change as you age. (2)
  • Family history:Research suggests people with family members with insomnia may be more likely to develop the sleep disorder, too. (3) Evidence linking specific genes with insomnia, however, is still in early stages. (4)



Some medical conditions can be insomnia triggers, either directly or because they may come with symptoms that make it more difficult for you to sleep. Medical conditions with symptoms that may make sleep difficult can include arthritis; any type of chronic pain, includingback pain;哮喘;gastrointestinal问题(例如回流);过敏;内分泌问题,例如甲状腺功能亢进;和神经系统状况,包括帕金森氏病, according to the National Sleep Foundation. (5)

Note that pain in particular has a reciprocal relationship with insomnia. “The more pain you experience, the more disturbed your sleep can become,” saysSara Nowakowski, PhD, a clinical psychologist and sleep researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.Yet research also shows that poor sleep is associated with a lower tolerance or threshold for pain, including a study published in the August 2015 issue of the journal痛。((6)

可能引发失眠的另一类医疗状况是其他bob ios下载 不安的腿综合征,一种疾病,您的腿或其他身体部位有不舒服的感觉,并有渴望移动双腿以减轻这些感觉的渴望,例如,可能会触发失眠症。Sleep apnea(这种情况会导致您的气道在睡眠期间部分或完全阻塞,从而导致呼吸的停顿,使您短暂地唤醒您短暂但在夜间重复的时期)也可能导致失眠。


虽然以上主要是医疗状况,但心理状况(包括depression and anxiety) can cause insomnia, too. “Studies show that people with mental health conditions are more likely to report trouble sleeping, but it’s a reciprocal relationship, meaning that while insomnia is asymptom of depression,沮丧和心情烦躁symptoms of insomnia,” Nowakowski says.

同样重要的是要了解失眠是一个复杂的问题。即使焦虑或其他心理健康问题引发了失眠,这并不一定意味着治疗情绪障碍会使失眠消失。“心理健康问题可能是促成失眠症的急性事件或急性因素。但是,即使经过治疗,也会永久性因素(行为与睡觉不兼容,例如睡觉以弥补夜晚糟糕的睡眠,保持不规则睡眠时间表,即使在失眠的原因早已消失之后,还可以继续呆在床上的时间更长的时间,并且小睡可能会导致失眠和睡眠不佳。” Nowakowski说。

That’s why it’s important that people inform their mental health providers and therapists about any sleep problems, so they can treat the insomnia either independently or in addition to the mental health problem.

Exercise, Diet, and Personal Sleep Habits Can All Affect Insomnia


Some of these lifestyle factors that can cause insomnia include:

  • 喝太多咖啡因或离睡前太近:它可以使您保持紧密联系,无法入睡。
  • Drinking alcohol too close to bedtime:与普遍的看法相反,“虽然酒精可以帮助您困倦,但睡眠时会磨损,并且很可能会破坏睡眠,这就是为什么我会限制或避免它。”
  • 在睡觉前,在手机,计算机或其他明亮的屏幕上花费太多时间:床前使用数字设备也可能会出现问题,因为它们产生的明亮光可以抑制褪黑激素, a hormone your body produces that tells it when it’s time to go to sleep and wake up. Instead of your body getting the signal that it’s time to get sleepy, it gets the signal to feel more alert and awake, Tsai says.
  • Exercising too close to bedtime:Getting regular physical activity generally helps sleep, butworking out是一种刺激的活动。而且,如果您安排锻炼太近就寝时间,那么刺激可能会使您一旦撞到枕头就很难放松。((7) If you do exercise at night, try to do so earlier in the evening or choose a lower-intensity workout.
  • Not managing stress:压力会使床上不良。如果您在打枕头之前还没有采取措施,以减轻一天的压力(由于工作,家庭责任和任何其他因素),这些担忧可能会得到您的睡眠。


  1. Patke A等。人类昼夜节律基因的突变cry1在家族延迟的睡眠期障碍中。细胞。2017年4月6日。
  2. 失眠: Symptoms & Causes.Mayo Clinic。2016年10月15日。
  3. Beaulieu-Bonneau S, et al. Family History of Insomnia in a Population-Based Sample.Sleep。December 1, 2007.
  4. Lind MJ等。失眠的遗传途径。脑科学。2016年12月。
  5. 是什么导致失眠?National Sleep Foundation
  6. Sivertsen B等。成人的睡眠和疼痛敏感性。Pain。2015年8月。
  7. 在一天中的这个时间锻炼以获得最佳睡眠。National Sleep Foundation
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