6 Signs Your Memory Loss Isn't Alzheimer's

When you lose your train of thought mid-sentence or open the fridge and forget what you're looking for, you may wonder if you're experiencing early signs of Alzheimer's. Fortunately, many "senior moments" are nothing more than that.

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other causes of cogntive decline

Lost your keys? Forgot where in the nine-level parking structure at the mall you left your car? Don’t panic. Nearly all aging adults worry that their memory isn’t as sharp as it once was or that certain “senior moments” signal the onset ofAlzheimer’s disease. In reality, though, temporary or minormemory losscan be caused by many factors unrelated todementia.

“Drugs, alcohol, fatigue, head injury, or inattention and distraction — all of these are causes of memory trouble," says Samuel E. Gandy, MD, PhD, professor of psychiatry and neurology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. "The key distinction is thatAlzheimer's diseaseis progressive and involves functions beyond just memory.”

Read on to find out about other possible explanations for your brain fog, plus signs that it’s not dementia.

You Just Started a New Medication

new medication memory loss

Many drugs, includingantihistaminesand medications used to slow bowel function or reduce the frequency of urination, can cause confusion and memory problems that don’t lead to Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. “Benadrylis the most common cause of temporary mild cognitive impairment," says Myron Weiner, MD, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. "But minor tranquilizers andbarbituratesmay also cause cognitive issues and difficulty with balance.”

If your memory problems began after you started taking a new medication, or if they seem to get better when you’renoton the drug, it’s likely that the two are related. Talk with your doctor about the potential side effects of any new treatment so you’ll know what’s normal — and what’s cause for concern.

You Haven't Been Sleeping

haven't been sleeping

临时confusi的另一个可能的解释on or impaired concentration is sleep deprivation, Dr. Weiner says. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause the same effects on the brain as those associated with normal memory loss from aging, leading to short-term or transient memory loss — but not Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. In addition, researchers at the Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School found that, when sleep deprived, people are able to process or remember fewer objects at a time than normal.

Researchers at Michigan State University speculate that your brain needs down time to process information without your awareness. This not only strengthens memory but also helps with problem-solving, vocabulary, decision-making, and reading comprehension. Waking up groggy and exhausted is likely a sign that your brain is missing out on these key benefits, so try putting in some extra pillow time to see if your mental fog clears up.

You've Been More Stressed Than Usual

stress and memory

Beingbob bet体育 , overworked, or anxious takes a toll on your physical, emotional,andmental health. According to Weiner, working late hours or simply dealing with the worries and responsibilities of everyday life can lead to occasional but not serious lapses in memory. "More than 50 percent of adults report that their memory is not as sharp as it once was,” he says. “Studies have shown that 60 percent periodically misplace their keys, and about the same percentage have difficulty recalling names. In addition, approximately 50 percent state that they often look up a phone number and then can't remember the number immediately after looking at it."

This is likely a symptom of simply having too much on your plate — and your mind. If you’re constantly making to-do lists in your head or worrying about the next hurdle you have to overcome, you can’t focus on what’s right in front of you, so even if youseea number or a word or a name, you’re not necessarily absorbing it.


depression and memory

According to Robert S. Wilson, PhD, of the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, people with depression tend to think that their memory is worse than it may actually be. However, a growing body of research shows that there is actually a link between our emotions and our ability to form long- or short-term memories. Brain scans suggest thatdepression causesa reduction in the volume of your brain’s hippocampus, which plays a large part in forming and retaining memories.

Everyone has bad days, but if you’ve been in a funk for more than a few weeks and can’t seem to shake your sadness, seek help from your doctor. Treatment can help you feel better — and maybe even restore some of your memory.

Your Friends and Family Don't Notice

friends and family memory

You may think your brief brain lapses are glaringly obvious, but if your loved ones don’t notice that anything is amiss, it’s likely that yourmemory problemsaren’t as pronounced or as serious as you fear. “I am often asked by concerned persons what signs they should look for that indicate thedevelopment of Alzheimer's disease,” Weiner says. “My usual response is that no special form of vigilance is needed — friends and relatives will be able to tell if you are becoming significantly handicapped.”

Your Day-to-Day Activities Aren't Affected

day to day memory

你可能会忘记事情不时s you age — for example, the name of that bad movie you saw on your third date with your spouse 20 years ago. But healthy brains retain basic sequences, so it’s a good sign if you can still work, prepare meals, dress yourself, and pursue longtime hobbies. When memory loss becomes a problem is when it begins to interfere with your ability to make it through the day without help. If you find that your brain lapses are increasingly causing serious disruptions to your routine, talk with your doctor. “At its earlieststage, Alzheimer's disease is difficult to distinguish from normal aging," Weiner says. "Over time, deficits due to Alzheimer's disease are likely to progress, while those of normal aging progress minimally, if at all.”
