

this is dementia documentary
来自“这就是痴呆症”的图像拼贴。 Photos courtesy of Dr. John DenBoer

Few understand dementia, a term used to describe conditions associated with a severe decline in mental ability.This Is Dementia, a new documentary available on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Google Play, aspires to raise awareness ofthe conditionthat affects 5.8 million people in the United States.

约翰·丹布尔(John Denboer)博士,亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale)的临床神经心理学家,也是医疗保健技术公司的创建者Smart Brain Aging, produced and stars in the film. It details his research on dementia, misconceptions about the disease, and his personal experience as the grandson of a dementia sufferer.

Dr. DenBoer was in medical school when he noticed that his grandmother, Jean Seeling, was developingsymptoms of dementia。即使她不记得最接近她的人的名字,她也不认为自己患有这种疾病。丹伯尔将其归为恐惧和否认。

“Most people are afraid of losing their sanity and their independence before dying,” he says. “They don’t want to become a burden to the people around them. The gravity of that fear immobilizes them.”



DenBoer:大多数人都取决于未来5至10年的药物治疗方法。那是充满希望的,但不现实。我们距离合法的缓解剂至少25到30年。实际上,最后一个痴呆药根据2003年批准美国食品药品监督管理局, and the results have been limited.



Myth: Keeping your brain active as you age can help ward off dementia.

DenBoer:Keeping your brain activeby, for example, playing bridge, taking up crossword puzzles or Sudoku, or even trying to learn a foreign language isn’t enough. The brain tolerates this activity, which is old learning, and doesn’t release chemicals that help limit the atrophy. What you need to engage in is new and novel learning by doing things your brain has never done before.

For example, I created theSmart Brain Aging program,一种具有挑战性的在线练习系统,例如单词搜索或记忆练习,旨在减轻痴呆症的程度。定制的大脑运动计划是一种基于临床的数字疗法,就像为您的大脑提供私人教练。

Myth: Dementia just happens to you. There isn't much you can do to stop it.

DenBoer:Dementia isn’t something that just happens to you. It can begin to develop 10 to 15 years before you even notice it.


我认为人们应该从55或60开始获得一般的认知健康检查。如果他们显示出轻度认知障碍的迹象,他们应该采取预防方法,就像我们这样做一样prevent heart disease通过管理血压和胆固醇。为了减轻痴呆症的风险,我不仅建议从事新的和新颖的学习,还建议吃心脏健康饮食,变得常规aerobic exerciseand staying socially active. These are all things my grandmother could have done.

我们不会很快治愈这种疾病。People need to start realizing that and taking personal ownership. My movie is a small megaphone. Mitigating痴呆症风险需要成为基层运动。
