

当普通的手动运动 - 打开罐子,举起婴儿或发短信时 - 会导致疼痛,日常生活就变得困难。找出你的数字为什么会疼痛;另外,请获取救济的解决方案…

Hands are remarkably complicated and versatile, capable of doing everything from grasping large objects to performing delicate microsurgery.但是,由于一只手有许多活动部件 - 27个骨头,几个肌肉,肌腱,韧带和成千上万的神经末端都挤进了一个小空间 - 很多可能会出错。特别是女性。动作可能会对您的手和手臂上的关节,肌肉和神经造成长期损害,从而捡起小孩,烹饪晚餐和发短信。Plus, diagnosing hand pain’s cause is complicated.Symptoms may come and go or get worse at different times or movements. In some cases, pain may even travel from one part of the arm or hand to another.“The problem is, hand andarm painmay originate from more than one area of the body," explains orthopedic surgeon David Geier, M.D., director of sports medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.例如,手腕运动的肌肉和肌腱起源于肘部,在整个肢体中引起疼痛。“Tendon problems in the wrist typically cause pain in the wrist and thumb but also the forearm,” Dr. Geier adds.

Age, lifestyle, occupation and genetics determine your risk of hand and arm disorders.For example, mothers-to-be are at a higher腕管综合症的风险因为妊娠引起的液体增加会压缩腕神经。盖尔博士说:“此外,新妈妈可能会全天捡起并抱着婴儿,可能会在肘部肌腱炎。”继续阅读以找出其他触发器,以解决共同的手和手臂问题以及获得救济的最佳方法。1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Repetitive activities, such as texting and computer work, may gradually trigger CTS, which is caused by swelling from irritated tendons or fluid in the carpal tunnel, a small passageway of bones and ligaments at the base of the hand.The swelling compresses nerves in the CT, leading to pain and tingling in the fingers.People with narrower carpal tunnels are more susceptible to CTS.So are those withautoimmune diseasessuch as rheumatoid arthritis (see #6),纤维肌痛and狼疮,因为炎症和肿胀会变窄神经道路。

症状:CTS usually starts with tingling or numbness in hands and wrists.As nerves become more compressed, sharp, piercing pains may shoot through wrists and up arms.“The thumb, index finger and third finger (but not the pinky) often become numb", says Neil Kirschen, M.D., president of疼痛管理Centers of Long Island in New York.Treatments:非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林or布洛芬,稳定手腕的冰袋和夹板可以减轻疼痛和刺痛。So can massaging the area where wrist and forearm meet.“有些人在针灸中发现救济,维生素B6和物理疗法,” Kirschen博士补充说。如果症状持续存在,请参见医生排除关键原因,例如关节炎。For CTS, doctors may recommend surgery to relieve pressure on nerves.First ask for a nerve conduction test to evaluate nerve function and confirm the CTS diagnosis.

You don't have to play tennis to develop this painful condition.It results from a partial tear of the tendon that connects muscle to bone on the outside of the upper arm.Overuse and repetitive use of muscles from using a computer keyboard and mouse or twisting motions (for example, turning a screwdriver) increase risk.症状:Pain radiating from outside the elbow to the forearm when grasping or twisting, a weak grip, elbow pain that gradually worsens.Treatments:Ice works best," Dr. Geier says.Two or three times a day, apply a cold pack to the painful area for 20 minutes, followed by 20 minutes off.Don’t apply heat; it can exacerbate inflammation.Drugstorepain relievers also may be effective, but don’t take them more than 20 days a month.

3. Golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis)
Blame这种类型的肌腱炎的高尔夫,网球和球拍运动 - 尤其是当您使用的设备太小或重型设备时。与网球肘不同,它影响了侧面,这种情况在inner用来弯曲手腕的肘部。绘画,耙子和其他重复运动,包括练习,也可以触发它。Strength trainingof the upper body and yoga positions, where hands are flexed against resistance, can also cause golfer's elbow," Dr. Geier says.症状:内肘,有时甚至是内臂的疼痛和压痛。握手或转动门把手可能会受伤。您的手,腕部和小手指的麻木也可能会感到虚弱。Treatments:除了抗炎外,还要减少问题活动,并用弹性缠绕绷带包裹肘部,以减轻疼痛和炎症。Massaging the inner elbow with ice for five minutes at a time, 2-3 times daily, also helps.

4. “Blackberry finger” (De Quervain's tenosynovitis)
Frequent and repetitive overuse of the thumb from handheld devices such as cell phones may trigger De Quervain's tenosynovitis, a thumb pain caused by inflammation of the sheath surrounding two tendons that control the thumb.它也发生在新妈妈中,他们反复捡起婴儿,拇指伸出和腕部弯腰朝着小指弯曲。S.C.查尔斯顿的物理治疗师P.T.梅利莎·帕顿(Melissa Patton)说:“捏,扭曲或拧开衣服也可能导致de Quervain的衣服。”症状:难以抓住和抓握物体,疼痛,软弱,压痛和手腕拇指一侧的肿胀。Treatments:Splints may help support and rest thumbs and wrists.Also, apply ice and avoid activities that are repetitive or trigger pain and swelling.If those treatments don’t provide relief, see a doctor about oral or injected anti-inflammatory medications, such ascortisone

5. Osteoarthritis (OA)
关节磨损,受伤,年龄甚至基因可能触发骨关节炎(OA)。It’s caused by a breakdown of joint cartilage, allowing bones to rub together.It most often affects hands and over time may permanently damage joints.董事会认证的加里·西尔弗曼(Gary Silverman)说:“这是120种形式的关节炎中最常见的关节炎之一。”rheumatologist在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市开业。,在Midw教员estern University in Glendale, Ariz.症状:打字、写作、针织、举起重物,or humid or rainy weather may exacerbate pain.Joint stiffness, particularly in the last joints near the fingerstips, occurs mostly in the morning.较小的肿胀也可能表明OA。西尔弗曼说:“但是,与类风湿关节炎不同(见下文),关节是'酷',不会感到发炎。”Treatments:如果可能的话,请休息一下,并服用保健院止痛药,例如布洛芬。在严重的情况下,您的医生可能会开出更强的止痛药。“Recent FDA-approved prescription topical pain-relief gels can help [temporarily] when rubbed onto the affected fingers," Silverman says.

As long as your joints are not inflamed, do the following stretches daily to retain flexibility. First, soak hands in warm water to loosen the finger and wrist joints, then hold each stretch for 2-5 seconds.Finger Fan:Place hands flat on a tabletop with fingers together; spread them wide, then bring them back together.手指伸展:Put hands together by touching fingertips in front of your chest; bring elbows out to sides as you gently press fingertips together.Prayer Hands:Place palms of the hands together, fingertips pointed up and elbows out to the sides at right angles, forearms parallel to the floor.6. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
尽管其原因尚不清楚,但医生认为遗传学和环境因素的结合触发了RA, a disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues, causing painful swelling in fingers and other joints.症状:Typically, you’ll feel pain in the middle knuckle and base of the hand. Unlike OA, which worsens in the morning, RA joint stiffness and pain lasts hours, even all day.“You may also feel sick [with fatigue, appetite loss and low-grade fever] because rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic illness," Silverman says.

Treatments:It’s important to get treatment fast because "prescription medicines often help reduce the inflammatory response [and bone and joint degeneration] and put the person in quick remission," Silverman says.非药物疗法包括夹板或牙套,可以在睡觉时稳定手腕关节。锻炼和伸展还有助于保持正常的关节运动和灵活性并减轻刚度。Linda Melone is an ACSM- and ACE-certified personal trainer and fitness-and-health writer.
