

词汇表 -  Coronavirus-alt-Alt-722x406
新型冠状病毒大流行是改变日常生活,以及日常词汇和常用的短语。 iStock.


如果阅读关于COVID-19经常更新arching for an (online!) dictionary, here’s a quick rundown of all the most common terms and what they mean in relation to the virus.

抗体An antibody is a blood protein that the immune system makes as a response to an invader (pathogen), such as a virus. Antibodies are unique to a particular pathogen; when a person has antibodies for the infection caused by the导致Covid-19的冠状病毒, calledSARS.-CoV-2, it means that the person has been exposed to the virus and the body has mounted an immune response.

Research is ongoing about whether people with coronavirus antibodies have any protection against getting COVID-19 again, at least for a certain amount of time, as has been the case with other viral illnesses. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the assumption of immunity won't be proved until researchers are able to study people who have contracted and recovered from the virus for longer periods.

社区传播社区传播意味着人们已经感染了一个地区的冠状病毒Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),包括一些不知道他们被感染的人或在哪里。



Using containment strategies in conjunction with other measures like physical distancing can help limit the number of cases of a disease, especially if the actions are taken soon after the outbreak is recognized.

新冠肺炎新冠肺炎, also called coronavirus disease 2019, is the respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the technical name for the new coronavirus. COVID-19 is part of a family of coronavirus diseases that include the common cold, SARS, and MERS.

covid-19是first reported at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China, and the first confirmed case in the United States was on January 2, 2020, in Washington state.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include发热,cough, and气促,尽管受到感染的大多数人只有轻微的症状。

RELATED:Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus

covid肺炎A complication of新冠肺炎infection,这是一种肺部感染,其中炎症导致肺中的空气囊填充液体或脓液。最终导致低氧血症(低血氧水平)。

低氧血症会导致器官发生故障,并且在严重的情况下会干扰大脑或心脏功能。有可能先进肺炎without experiencing difficulty breathing, a condition called “silent hypoxia.”


covid t.oes.在一些合同Covid-19的人的脚趾上可能出现红色或紫色颠簸,被称为covid t.oes.。对诸如Covid-19等病毒感染的人来说并不罕见皮疹或身体上的斑点区域;covid脚趾可以是一个表现形式。凹凸可以出现在脚趾或手上,并感到痒,灼热和痛苦。


Expert Doctor Explains How We Got to COVID-19 and What to Expect Now April 2, 2020

Expert Doctor Explains How We Got to COVID-19 and What to Expect Now April 2, 2020

流行性Covid-19在这是一个大流行之前被宣布为疫情。当疾病迅速蔓延到社区,人口或地区内的大量人群时,会发生这种流行病。疫情是疾病病例突然增加 - 以上通常预期的内容。术语“爆发”定义具有相同的定义,尽管专家常常在地理区域较小时使用这个术语。

流行病或爆发的例子将是Zika virus2016年,在非洲大陆,美洲,东南亚和西太平洋的据WHO,而且伊波拉病毒在西非。

Fatality rate也称为死亡风险,这是从疾病中死亡的人的百分比与一定时间范围内被诊断出疾病的人数相比。

最初专家认为冠状病毒的死亡率在2%至3.4%之间,但是一个学习于3月19日星期四发布Nature Medicinereported that people who had the coronavirus symptoms in Wuhan, China, where the virus began, had a 1.4 percent chance of dying.

Flattening the curveWhen viewed on a graph, a sudden surge in people getting sick with COVID-19 over a very short period (within a few days) can look like a tall, narrow curve, similar to a spike. This type of surge happened with the coronavirus in Italy, and the number of people who were sick and needed hospitalization overwhelmed the healthcare facilities, safety equipment, and healthcare providers.




When COVID-19 first appeared, no one was immune because it was a new virus — allowing it to spread quickly from person to person.

Achieving herd immunity against COVID-19 in the United States will require up to 70 percent of the population to have recovered from the disease or received a vaccine, according to the梅奥诊所。Currently, there is no疫苗for COVID-19.

当患有疾病的畜群免疫力时,它可以帮助保护弱势群体免受签约。水痘,麻疹, and polio are examples of diseases that were once common but are now rare because of vaccination.


那些人immunocompromised are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. It’s recommended that this group continue taking any medications for their underlying condition and stay on their treatment plan unless directed by their doctor to do otherwise. Immunocompromised individuals should not delay getting emergency care for their underlying condition because of the virus, according to theCDC

RELATED:How Your Immune System Fights Off Coronavirus (and Other Germs)


监测changes in incidence在不同的领域对于专家来说,了解社区传播以及需要到位的社会疏散措施的重要性。


IntubationThis is a medical procedure that may be used for people with severe COVID-19 who are unable to breathe on their own. A flexible plastic tube (a breathing tube) is inserted through the mouth into the trachea, the large airway from the mouth to the lungs. The tube is then connected to a machine called a ventilator that can move air to and from the lungs.



Because the disease is spread by tiny droplets in the air, healthcare workers wear masks and protective equipment to care for people in isolation. TheCDC recommends在医院隔离的患者应该有自己的单人间,门关闭,他们自己的专用浴室。

For people in isolation at home, they should wear a mask when other people are present and sleep in a separate bedroom and use a separate bathroom if possible. Door handles, taps, and common surfaces should be cleaned daily with disinfectant.


Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)2012年首次在沙特阿拉伯确定,m是一种动物园病毒,这意味着它认为人类抓住了动物,在这种情况下。它不是很容易从人与人传播,人类传输受到限制;但它是致命的。到目前为止,2,494例MERS导致858例死亡。


Morbidity means illness, and one person can have several comorbidities at the same time. The morbidity rate is often mathematically calculated as the mortality rate, but it measures illness rather than death.

大流行病covid-19是declared a pandemic by the WHO2020年3月11日,历史上第一次冠心病造成这样的事件。大流行是疾病的全球爆发;Pandemics通常首先被归类为流行病,这是疾病在特定区域或地区迅速蔓延。这opioid epidemic在2014年西非的美国或埃博拉是最近的流行病学的例子。

According to a statement posted by the WHO's director-general on March 11, the decision to call thecoronavirus a pandemicwas made because “we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.” At the time of the announcement, the virus had spread into six continents and more than 100 countries.

Physical distancing or social distancingPhysical distancing, commonly referred to as social distancing, is the deliberate increase of physical space between people to keep them from spreading illness. Experts recommend staying at least six feet away from other people to reduce your risk of catching the coronavirus.

心理健康专家建议使用更精确的术语“物理疏远”,因为,根据CNN 3月21日发布的一篇文章,当练习保持物理距离时,社交连接至关重要。

Public gatherings like conferences, concerts, and sporting events have been canceled because of physical distancing recommendations.全国各地的学校取消了课程,大多数人都被鼓励来工作m home if possible.

PPE或个人防护装备个人防护设备或PPE是医疗保健工人穿着的设备,以减少暴露于冠状病毒。这CDC recommends那些照顾有Covid-19佩戴护目镜或一次性全面盾牌的人,称为N95面膜的呼吸器,穿着衣服的礼服,以及清洁手套。



呼吸器A respirator is a device that protects a person from inhaling dangerous substances such as chemicals or infectious particles. The type of respirator most typically used to protect against COVID-19 is commonly known as an N95 mask, which can filter out small viral particles from the air. A shortage of N95 masks has been one of the many challenges facing healthcare workers in the United States.

RELATED:Do You Really Need to Wear a Mask This Summer?

R-naught or R0Every virus has a basic reproduction number (R0). The R0 (pronounced R-naught) is the average number of additional people that one person with the virus will infect. That number depends not only on how transmissible the virus is, but also how easy or difficult the behavior of the community makes it for the virus to spread. Estimates published inNature3月18日建议Covid-19的R0在2到2.5之间。


RELATED:What People With Heart Disease Need to Know About COVID-19

Self-quarantineGiven the incubation period, it’s not always easy to know if and when exposure to the coronavirus has occurred. If a person has returned from前往高风险区域or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the new coronavirus, the CDC recommend that they self-quarantine for 14 days.

检疫期限制了人的运动(即使它们可能似乎没有生病或实际生病),直到潜伏期结束,以看看它们是否生病。自检可以在限制Covid-19如Covid-19等传播疾病的扩展方面进行了很长的路要走。待在家里是自检的第一步,但它也涉及其他重要的行为变化,据CDC称, which include:

  • No visitors
  • 没有共用毛巾或器具
  • Washing hands frequently
  • 通过避免距离家庭中的其他人至少六英尺来练习身体疏远

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)This viral respiratory coronavirus began in Asia in 2003 and spread to 29 countries. Most people with SARS start feeling ill with a fever, chills, and body aches, and then develop pneumonia. A total of 8,096 people were infected with SARS, and 774 people died as a result of the illness. Containment efforts were successful and there have been no reported cases of the virus since 2004.

State of emergency美国政府宣布紧急状态,以便在3月13日星期五遏制冠状病毒,如通过ABC新闻报道。This is different from the “public health” emergency that was由健康和人类服务发出(HHS)1月底的Alex Azar秘书,这是为了帮助国家机构重定向资金和工作人员来解决Covid-19。

Trumpdeclared a national emergency with the Stafford Act,通常用于像洪水或龙卷风造成的自然灾害,它允许联邦应急管理机构数十亿美元汇款,以努力战斗冠状病毒。

An emergency was also invoked under the国家紧急情况法案,这允许HHS修改或放宽国家医疗计划的规定bob sports app 和医疗补助以及医院。例子包括条款,如此医疗保健提供商可以通过电话进行咨询可以暂时放弃医院的患者容量限制。

VentilatorThis is a machine that takes over the breathing process when patients can’t breathe well enough on their own (respiratory failure), causing a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood that can lead to organ damage.

这re are two kinds of medical ventilators. One is more invasive and requires sedation and a tube inserted into the airway (called intubation) that pushes a mixture of air and oxygen into the lungs. The other is noninvasive and uses a face mask, nasal mask, or a mouthpiece to deliver oxygen.

People with COVID-19 may be placed on a ventilator if the amount of oxygen in their blood (oxygen saturation level) dips below a certain threshold.

