What Is Narcolepsy? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

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Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological condition in which the brain's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles is impaired. Individuals with this sleep disorder frequently experience trouble sleeping at night and periods of intense sleepiness during the day because the variousbob ios下载 happen at the wrong times.

Narcolepsy的人们可能会经历“睡眠攻击” - 在迅速开始的那一天需要睡觉的压倒性。虽然清醒和充分意识到,患有鼻腔的人也可能会体验所谓的卡吻症,其中突然肌肉突然,没有警告 - 在某些情况下,在一些活动中的活动,如笑,吃或谈论。

It's important to see your doctor if you think you or a loved one may have narcolepsy. It can interfere with school, work, and relationships and can lead todepression,anxiety,学习困难,甚至发生意外和伤害。虽然有关症状,诊断和治疗的知识得到改善,但可能需要数年时间才能获得正确的诊断,而是对个人的生活质量严重影响。这是一种引物,它意味着鼻腔梗死是什么,导致疾病,你可能会遇到的疾病,治疗以及如何与之居住。

The Two Types of Narcolepsy


Type 1typically involves cataplexy, the sudden loss of voluntary muscle control brought on by strong feelings such as anger, fear, excitement, stress, or even laughter.People with type 1 narcolepsyhave unusually low levels of the brain chemical hypocretin, which plays a key role in preventing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep from occurring at the wrong time. REM sleep follows the deepest stage of sleep; it's when dreaming and key processes involved in making memories occur.


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Type 2Narcolepsy的特征是较温和的症状,脑化学纯粹素的正常水平,而且没有催化剂。

Some people may start out with type 2 narcolepsy and later develop cataplexy, saysEric Olson, MD, a professor of medicine, a sleep medicine specialist at the Mayo Clinic and a board member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. This type was previously called narcolepsy without cataplexy.


Because people with narcolepsy have impaired sleep cycles, the most common problem is not being able to sleep soundly and consistently throughout the night, as healthy individuals do. As a result, the one symptom that everyone with narcolepsy shares isexcessive daytime sleepiness

More specifically in people with narcolepsy, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep occurs at the wrong time. This is the stage of sleep in which dreaming occurs and our bodies naturally become immobilized so that we don’t harm ourselves by thrashing about while we sleep. In people with narcolepsy, REM happens soon after they fall asleep. (REM sleep normally occurs much later, about 90 minutes after a person falls asleep.)

The lines between dreaming and waking can become blurred, resulting in vivid dreams and paralysis as a person wakes up. The following are some of the symptoms that someone with narcolepsy may experience.

白天过度嗜睡People with narcolepsy may feel refreshed when they wake up in the morning, only to feel extremely tired as the day goes on. This can cause an overwhelming urge to fall asleep, even at a meal, at work, or with friends or family.

These sleep attacks are different from cataplexy, the most dramatic symptom of narcolepsy.
CataplexyThis sudden loss of muscle tone and control occurs when someone with narcolepsy experiences a strong emotion such as joy, surprise, fear, or anger.Cataplexy可以从轻度(如眼睑的轻微下垂的略微下垂的略微下垂的感觉)到严重(整个身体塌陷)。在这些剧集期间,人们醒了,但他们可能无法移动或谈话。有些人可能在一生中只有一次或两次遇到一部分催化剂,而其他人可能会在一天内有几个。剧集持续不超过几分钟并自己解决。

碎片睡眠A disturbed sleep cycle often means a short and frustrating night's sleep for people with narcolepsy.Insomnia,不安的腿综合征, 和sleep apneamay occur, breaking up sleep.

Sleep paralysisOur muscles are temporarily paralyzed during REM sleep (thought to be an evolutionary safety mechanism that prevents us from acting out our dreams), but in people with narcolepsy it can happen at the wrong time. This symptom can leave these individuals awake and unable to move. The paralysis typically lasts only a few seconds or minutes.


Any of these symptoms can be inconvenient, dangerous (in the case of severe cataplexy), or bewildering, scary, and uncomfortable.

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Because the symptoms of narcolepsy — such as excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, hallucinations when waking up, andsleep paralysis— often resemble those of other health conditions, such as an illness or a psychiatric disorder, misdiagnosis of narcolepsy is common.



It wasn't until the early 2000s that research revealed that people with type 1 narcolepsy have abnormally low levels of hypocretin, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate sleep and wakefulness.

Doctors don't yet know exactly what causes the hypocretin loss, but they suspect it may have something to do with the immune system mistakenly attacking these brain cells, which help regulate the sleep-wake cycle and prevent REM sleep from happening at the wrong time, explains伊曼纽尔·米尼特,MD是2009年到2019年加州斯坦福大学的精神病学和行为科学教授,2009年至2019年的斯坦福睡眠科学中心的主任。Mignot LED博士初步研究将令人沮丧的缺乏症状,并导致了发现有希望的治疗,其靶向脑细胞上的甲状腺素受体。


Mignot说,这意味着人们不会出生于嗜病,而是可能或可能没有遗传倾向于发展这种情况。在某些遗传易感性的人中,它认为当免疫系统进入行动时,才能出现一些东西flu or other infection, 和in error attacks the hypocretin neurons.


Learn More About the Causes and Risk Factors of Narcolepsy


To determine whether or not someone has narcolepsy, doctors typically conduct a physical exam and take a complete medical and family history. That information will be evaluated along with the results of two types of sleep tests, which are conducted in a sleep lab:


Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)如果您在PSG期间至少六个小时的睡眠,则可以在PSG后一天进行该测试,并且没有其他睡眠障碍的迹象。对于MSLT,您最多需要四到五个20分钟的小睡,在睡眠实验室中间隔大约两个小时,并检查您的大脑活动和睡眠时间。落入快速发作的REM睡眠,短暂的小睡可以是鼻腔的迹象。


Doctors suspect that narcolepsy is underdiagnosed because it is often mistaken for other conditions with similar symptoms such as depression,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停, orinsomnia。One study found that as many as 60 percent of people with narcolepsy were misdiagnosed, according to the Narcolepsy Network, a nonprofit advocacy organization.

Learn More About Diagnosing Narcolepsy


There's currently no cure for narcolepsy, but with treatment, people can expect to regain about 80 percent of normal functioning — in terms of restful sleep at night and alertness and the ability to function during the day.



Duration of Narcolepsy


A combination of medications and lifestyle adjustments can be quite effective in helping patients manage their narcolepsy symptoms.

Treatment and Medication Options for Narcolepsy

Medications such asmodafinil (Provigil),Potolisant(Wakix), 和stimulant drugs (including theADHD drugs dextroamphetamineandmethylphenidate) have been shown to be effective in treating daytime sleepiness.

抗抑郁药such asfluoxetine (Prozac)andvenlafaxine (such as Effexor), as well assodium oxybate (also known as gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GHB),已证明有助于减少型症分析。



Your doctor may also suggest you take strategic naps throughout the day to reduce daytime sleepiness and improve energy, exercise regularly, and avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. It’s also wise to avoid medications that can make you feel sleepy, such as narcotics andallergy medications

Staying safe while you drive is crucial. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may advise you to avoid night driving and long drives, or to take naps before you set out or during breaks scheduled throughout your trip. Your doctor may recommend that you take a test of how well you stay awake over extended periods of time to help evaluate how well your medications are working and whether you should limit driving.


How Narcolepsy Affects Learning

Narcolepsy doesn't affect intelligence, but it can affect someone's ability to learn, because of excessive drowsiness during the day, sleep attacks, sudden loss of muscle control, or the need to take breaks.

Diagnosis and treatment is important forstudents with narcolepsy,特别是学生,父母,教师和学校管理者之间的清晰沟通。也很重要的是要知道患有Narcolepsy的学生可能有资格获得提供住宿的专业教育计划,以便他们可以在满足他们需求的环境中学习。这些调整可能包括有关注意,测试的额外时间,灵活的时间表和小睡时间。

Learn More About Navigating School and Learning With Narcolepsy

Prevention of Narcolepsy


Complications of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy的人可能会更高的风险depression and anxiety。Researchers don’t know, however, whether mood disorders are linked directly to the brain changes at the root of this disorder or if they develop because of narcolepsy's effects on people's daily lives.




Narcolepsy is the second most common reason for daytime sleepiness diagnosed at U.S. sleep centers.

Narcolepsy may develop at any time in life, but it most often starts in childhood through young adulthood. Symptoms are often noticed in kids, teens, and young adults (from age 7 to 25) — with more than 50 percent of patients reporting their narcolepsy symptoms before age 18. But a person can develop narcolepsy later in life too.

一个未知的关于这种情况:一个在四个Americans carry a genetic marker for it, but just 1 in 500 of these people will develop narcolepsy.

Current narcolepsy research focuses on causes, symptoms, and treatments for adults and children with narcolepsy. These subject areas include:




Boosting histamine signals实验疗法可以通过保持更多的脑化学品来提高警觉性histamine活跃在大脑中。


Narcolepsy的人可能会更高的风险肥胖,糖尿病,慢性疼痛,和chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, say Danish researchers who tracked the health of 757 people with narcolepsy for six years.

The reason for the association was unknown but could be related to poor sleep or to low levels of hypocretin, which they note also helps regulate eating and activity levels.

Resources We Love

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

In addition to extensive information aimed at healthcare practitioners, this website from the organization that accredits sleep centers and medical sleep practices also has a ton of info for patients. Consumers can find recent updates about narcolepsy — including FDA-approvals of new drugs — andpatient guides对于常见的睡眠问题,可能会影响嗜睡性的人。

Sleep Foundation

The go-to destination for consumer health information about all things sleep-related, this website features articles reviewed by a team of well-credentialed sleep specialists. A section onnarcolepsy.超越基础知识,涵盖了对工作,学校,关系等疾病的影响。

Project Sleep

This nonprofit is dedicated to raising awareness about sleep health. Check out their smart, compelling videos about real people with narcolepsy — including这一个关于生活中的护士。你会发现实际supporti信息ng good sleep plus ways to get involved as an advocate for narcolepsy awareness through Project Sleep'sRising Voices of Narcolepsyproject.


一种国家领导者,疯狂的研究和意识,唤醒Narclepsy提高了尖端科学研究的资金。该网站包括一个support groupand apodcast采访了与现实的人,其中患有Narchepsy - 包括最近的一集,其中包括一名年轻的专业雪地摩托车骑手,最近有她的第一个婴儿。


一个引人注目的项目睡眠创始人的个人博客。Flygare是一名律师和严肃的跑步者(她正在经营Boston Marathon),并于2009年与哈佛大学医学院合作,根据自己的经验,为医学生的陈道赛意识教育教育计划合作。她诚实地写着生活和使用Narcolepsy。运动员将特别欣赏她的帖子running

Additional reporting bySari Harrar


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