

Medically Reviewed
改变你的护肤程序n lead to happier, more hydrated skin. Nicky Lloyd/Getty Images;bob体育在线日常健康

你的皮肤干燥。可能很痒。它可能刺痛。这很不舒服。而且它看起来也很乏味。到底是怎么回事?“Dry skinis essentially skin with low water content,” says医学博士Joshua Zeichner,纽约市西奈山医院皮肤病学美容和临床研究主任。他说:“这通常与皮肤屏障的破坏有关,这意味着皮肤细胞,水合损失以及在严重的情况下,皮肤炎症之间的裂缝。”

Ultimately, your dermis — the layer of skin responsible for making oil — may be parched for a variety of reasons. That includes genes; a cold, dry climate (such as in the fall and winter); overcleansing; or using harsh skin-care ingredients, says Dr. Zeichner. Some of those things are easier to address than others. So, while you’re not going to do a thing about your DNA, you can tweak your skin-care routine and practice healthy lifestyle habits for well-nourished skin.

RELATED:10 Surprising Causes of Dry Skin

Here’s what you need to do to keep skin hydrated this season (or any time of year).

1. Keep an Eye on the Clock When You Shower

There’s almost nothing better than a hot shower on a chilly day. But skin does not love it, says Zeichner. “Extended exposure to water, especially hot water, can strip the skin of essential oils that protect the skin barrier,” he explains. Best to keep your shower lukewarm (he likens this to the temperature of a heated pool in the summer) and get out and towel off after 10 minutes.


This advice applies to your whole body because your skin can go dry from head to toe. Despite the fact that you might like a squeaky-clean feeling, using a liquid antibacterial body wash or cleanser is going to be too harsh. “These strip the skin of lipids (natural fats) and begin to break down its water-binding barrier,” saysStacie Clark, MD, a board-certified dermatologist with Pinnacle Skin in Rochester Hills, Michigan. On your body, use a gentle liquid soap and keep it only to sweaty areas, like armpits, groin, and butt, she says.



You can buy the best moisturizer around and you still might not get the full benefits from it. “When products are applied on dry skin, they’re not absorbed as well,” says劳伦·菲尔(Lauren Fine),医学博士,芝加哥整容手术和皮肤病学的董事会认证皮肤科医生(@drlaurenfine)。这意味着您可能不会从局部利益中获得全部利益,或者可能发现尽管有勤奋的保湿习惯,但仍会发现干燥度仍然存在。她说:“对于干燥的皮肤或冬季,在常规中添加透明质酸产品可以使皮肤保持更好的水分。”



4. Stay Hydrated, But Don’t Expect Drinking Water to Affect Your Skin’s Appearance

It’s a good idea to保持水分by drinking water and eating水含量高的食物(例如水果和蔬菜)到达国家科学,工程和医学学院的建议。该小组建议,每天称重的每磅喝½盎司(OZ)至1盎司的水。

然而,当涉及皮肤时,没有规则 - 旋转水不会有帮助。Zeichner说:“这是一个神话,您需要喝八杯水以维持水分的皮肤。”只有在您四处走走时,这可能会有所帮助。2018年8月的评论Skin Research and Technologyconcluded that people who have low water consumption may find increasing H2O boosts skin hydration轻微地但是,正如作者提到的那样,这是基于“弱”证据。喝酒,但知道这不是银弹。

RELATED:The Benefits of Using a Water-Based Gel Moisturizer


仅仅因为它较冷并不意味着太阳不会在您的皮肤上做任何数字。“阳光损伤的皮肤不那么健康。我从未遇到过阳光损害的病人,他们没有抱怨干燥。”罚款说。这就是为什么您应该使用保湿霜或防晒霜每天早晨离开家之前,至少有SPF 30。


Warm indoor air from heating units is low in humidity, which will steal moisture from your skin. And while you might have ahumidifieralready attached to your HVAC system at home, what’s most helpful is also running a portable humidifier in your room while you sleep, says Dr. Clark. “In-room humidifiers directly put steam into the air, delivering an extra amount of moisture into your room while you’re sleeping at night,” she says, adding that anecdotally patients find this soothing for their skin.

RELATED:Can You Sleep Your Way to Healthier, Brighter Skin?


类视网膜类似是维生素A。derivatives that boostcollagenproduction to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, but many patients find that they also lead to side effects like dryness and peeling, says Clark. Those problems can be exacerbated in the winter.

如果你目前使用的处方维生素aand it’s causing these side effects, make a few tweaks to your routine: Apply it every other night and use a pea-sized amount only. Slather your moisturizer on top, or consider moisturizing before applying the retinoid. If those things don’t help, you may want to step down to an over-the-counter and lower-strength version, which is called a retinol, she says.

It can be a tough problem to solve on your own, and this is where talking to your dermatologist comes in. During your next appointment, they can help you figure out a plan to keep your skin looking healthy and hydrated, no matter your age.
