


You’ve stopped eating before bedtime. You’ve switched to smaller meals. You’ve black-listed trigger foods from your diet. But despite your best efforts to avoid胃灼热那sometimes acid消化不良刚刚发生。然后你想要的就是快速胃灼热救济

“胃产生酸通常假设d to, to help digest food for absorption,” says Matthew J. Wyneski, MD, associated staff member in pediatric gastroenterology at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “If the stomach makes too much acid, if the stomach is too full, or if the junction between the esophagus and stomach is weak, that acid can go from the stomach back into the esophagus, causing an irritation in the esophagus.” The acid causes a burning, and even sour, sensation in the esophagus, which equals burning in the chest, which equals胃灼热


If You Go Over-the-Counter (OTC)

对于快速蠕动的救济,很多人都可以咀嚼antacids钙如TUMS.or Rolaids. They work by neutralizing stomach acid and are useful for occasional, mild heartburn. Symptoms can lessen within minutes.


另一种类型的OTC胃灼热救济是一个组胺blocker. “PepcidZantac那andtagamet.Wyneski博士说,在身体内部致于胃的产生细胞产生少量酸。““这些可能在20到30分钟内工作,可用于轻度到更频繁的中等问题。”

Finally there areproton pump inhibitors(PPIs) such asPrilosecandprevacid.,当人们有慢性和经常性问题时往往会被使用。这些通常对降低胃酸量的最激烈影响,因为它们进入胃的酸产生细胞,并且几乎完全关闭酸生产。然而,浮雕往往需要更长时间,两到三天,有时甚至几周。


“有许多自然补救措施people use to help take the burn out of heartburn — chamomile,aloe vera果汁,榆树,“蒂普博士说。此外,“避免酸性和含咖啡因的食物可能是避免胃灼热的最自然的方式。”如果您决定尝试草药补救措施,请用医生清除它,以确保它不会与您所采取的任何其他药物不利互动。

Sometimes it’s all about finding the right position. A review published in theArchives of Internal Medicine发现用头部睡觉的人升高(使用28厘米块的研究)具有较少的胃灼热。当他们确实经历消化不良时,剧集较短,症状较少,酸更快地清除。


If You Go Prescription


“The majority of prescription medications are PPIs and do not differ substantially from the OTC version,” says Jeffrey Tipton, DO, MPH, medical director at CareMore in Cerritos, Calif. “Patients are sometimes prescribed medications such asreglan.that increase motility in the GI tract. Like most medications, these are helpful for some and not for others.”


One of the most important tips for dealing with heartburn is making sure your symptoms aren’t signs of anything more serious. Sometimesheartand lung issues can seem likeacid reflux,Wyneski说,请注意你的痛苦。如果您感到疼痛辐射到颈部或沿着手臂,严重的心悸或灯头,或者如果您经过,请寻求医疗。

