



a preganant woman on a couch, wincing
As your uterus gets bigger during pregnancy, the pressure it puts on veins can cause them to swell, leading to hemorrhoids. Thinkstock

痔疮 - 肛门和直肠肿胀 - 在怀孕期间很常见,尤其是在三个月的时候enlarged uterusputs pressure on the veins.

Hemorrhoids can be painful. They may also itch, sting, or bleed, especially during or after abowel movement


Some women get hemorrhoids for the first time when they’re pregnant. But if you’ve had hemorrhoids before, you’re more likely to get them again when you’re pregnant.

What Can Cause Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy


激素的增加progesteroneduring pregnancy can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, as it relaxes the walls of your veins, making them more prone to swelling. An increase in blood volume, which enlarges veins, can also contribute to hemorrhoids during pregnancy. (1)

Three common additionalcauses of hemorrhoidsduring pregnancy include:

  • 排便期间紧张
  • 因承受额外的怀孕体重而劳累
  • 长时间坐着或站立


根据《杂志》上发表的研究,多达38%的孕妇在怀孕期间的某个时候便秘BMJ Clinical Evidence。((2

One cause of constipation during pregnancy may be when the growing uterus pushes against the bowel. Iron supplements you may take can also contribute to constipation, so it’s worth trying to get the iron you need naturally through your diet. (3)


How to Prevent Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Avoiding constipation is key to preventing hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Here are some tips for preventing constipation:

Eat lots of high-fiber foods.There are plenty of good ways to incorporate more fiber into your diet. Fiber-filled foods include fruits like pears (especially when you include the skin),avocados, and浆果; vegetables such as broccoli, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts; whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice,藜麦,甚至爆米花;豆类包括各种豆类,小扁豆和绿豌豆;而且不要忘记坚果和种子。


喝很多液体。Aim for 10 8-ounce glasses of water each day.


Try not to sit or stand for long periods of time.If you sit down at work, make sure to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour. At home, try to rest on your side when reading or watching TV, to relieve downward pressure on your rectal veins.

Ask your doctor about using a stool softener.This can help if other methods fail to ease your constipation. Using泻药怀孕期间不建议使用便秘的药丸,因为它们可能导致脱水并可能刺激子宫contractions。((3)

每天进行凯格尔练习。Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that help support your rectum and can improve circulation in the rectal area. You can do Kegel exercises just about anywhere — at home, in your car, at the office — but first you need to make sure you’re isolating and contracting the correct muscles.

Identify the right muscles by stopping urination midstream. (This is strictly for the purpose of identifying which muscles we’re talking about — you don’t want to do Kegels while urinating, as this could increase your risk for aurinary tract infection)。((4

Once you know which muscles to use, tighten them and hold the contraction for five seconds. Then relax for five seconds. Work up to holding the contraction for 10 seconds. Try to do at least three sets of 10 reps a day.

有关的:10 Foods to Help Relieve Constipation

有关的:Constipation Causes, Symptoms, and Relief


Hemorrhoids usually get better on their own after pregnancy, but there are a number of things you can do to ease any itching and pain in the meantime:

每天几次将直肠区域浸泡在温水中。A sitz bath, or small basin that fits over the toilet seat, can help. These devices can be purchased at most drug stores. You can also fill your regular bathtub with a few inches of warm water to create a similar effect.

申请ice packs or cold compresses to the area several times a day.The cold can reduce swelling and help relieve pain.

Keep the anus clean and dry.尝试使用潮湿的毛巾或婴儿湿巾在排便后轻轻清洁该区域。这比干厕纸更温和。


申请小苏打((wet or dry) to the area to alleviate itching. (3)

应用包含女巫榛子的治疗。Products like Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads can help keep the area clean and relieve pain and itching around the anus.


Additional reporting by Deborah Shapiro.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking


  1. 妊娠中的痔疮和静脉曲张。University of Rochester Medical Center Health Encyclopedia
  2. Vazquez J. Contipation,痔疮和胃灼热BMJ Clinical Evidence2008年2月。
  3. Pregnancy and Constipation.American Pregnancy Association。2015年7月。
  4. Kegel Exercises: A How-To Guide for Women.梅奥诊所。September 2015.

