
When in the throes of an IBD flare, eating can be challenging, but maintaining your nutrition is critical. Rachel Dyckman, a dietitian specializing in gastrointestinal health, has had inflammatory bowel disease for almost 20 years. Here’s what she recommends.

Dietitian-With-IBD eats smoothies and soups during a flare
Soups and smoothies can help you get the nutrients you need. Rachel Dyckman, Canva

A question I’m frequently asked by fellow inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients is “What should I eat when I’m in a flare?”

为了those with IBD,“flares”不幸的是,该领土。他们是活跃的时期胃肠道(GI)炎症,导致痛苦和频繁disruptive symptoms, making it challenging to figure out what to eat without further exacerbating things. While every IBD patient’s nutritional needs, disease course, and tolerance to different foods is unique, there are certain easily digestible foods that are generally well tolerated, may help lower inflammation, and will promote a healthy gut microbiome and provide nutrients the body needs to heal.


Smoothies and Pureed Soups

Rather than avoiding fibrous foods altogether, I blend fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes intosmoothies和汤。修改高凹食食物的质地使我能够从维生素,矿物质和肠道微生物组喂养纤维中获得好处,同时最大程度地减少对肠道的机械刺激。冰沙和汤也可以帮助我在没有有效吸收液体时保持水分。

During IBD flares, it’s common to have a reduced appetite, due to painful GI symptoms and elevations in pro-inflammatory molecules calledcytokines, which tend to reduce appetite as a side effect. Additionally, fatigue that often accompanies flares can make eating feel like a chore. I find that during these times, it’s easier to drink some of my meals, rather than eat them.


Protein needs increase during flares, due to increased protein loss, increased metabolic rate, nutrient malabsorption, and certain commonly prescribed medications that promote protein breakdown, likecorticosteroids

Since protein plays an important role in maintaining muscle mass and facilitating tissue repair, it’s important to incorporate aprotein source大多数用餐。柔软的(不需要大量咀嚼的嫩食),瘦蛋白最容易消化和最耐受性。我的一些疾病包括豆腐,鱼类,瘦肉土耳其或鸡肉,普通的希腊酸奶和鸡蛋。在准备豆腐,鱼类,家禽和鸡蛋时,我使用的烹饪方法与少量脂肪(例如炒,烘烤或煮沸),而不是油炸。

Ripe, Peeled Fruits

Soft, ripe fruits like bananas, melons, and peeled peaches and nectarines are easy to digest and are great sources ofsoluble fiber可溶性纤维is particularly beneficial to those with IBD because it absorbs water, forming a viscous gel in the GI tract. This凝胶减慢GI过境时间,帮助我们从食物中吸收更多的营养和液体。多种类型的可溶性纤维双重为“益生元,” meaning they selectively feed good gut bacteria.

除了可溶性纤维外,水果是极好的来源vitamin CVitamin Cis a commonly underconsumed nutrient among those with IBD, according to a研究于2021年1月发表Crohn’s and Colitis 360Many IBD patients avoid vitamin C–rich produce during flares out of fear that these foods will worsen symptoms. While certain whole fruits are high in roughage and may need to be avoided during flares, there are plenty of soft fruits that are likely to be well tolerated.

Soft fruits also help replenish electrolytes likepotassium。This is particularly important for those takingcorticosteroidslike强的松, which can increasepotassiumloss.

Fermented Foods

Yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and miso are fermented foods that I consume often, both when I’m experiencing a flare and when I’m in remission. These foods containprobiotics, live microorganisms that provide a variety of health benefits.研究于2021年7月发表在《杂志》上Cellsuggests that eating more fermented foods may alter the gut microbiome in a way that lowers inflammation. Since IBD is an inflammatory disease associated with较少的有益细菌菌株and较少的整体微生物多样性在肠道中,食用用良好细菌重新填充肠道的食物可以帮助促进缓解。


Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish and seafood, groundchia seeds,地球种子和炮弹的大麻是易于消化的方法,可以合并更多omega-3 fatty acidsinto your diet.



Smooth Nut and Seed Butters

Whole nuts and seeds are high in roughage and tricky to break down when your GI tract is inflamed, but smooth nut and seed butters are an entirely different story. I always keep jars of peanut butter, almond butter, and tahini in my pantry as tasty and easy-to-digest sources of healthy fat, protein, and vitamins and minerals.

Nuts and seeds are high in monounsaturated fats, which are thought to beprotective against ulcerative colitis。I’ll have a spoonful of nut or seed butter as a snack, or add it to other well-tolerated foods like bananas, plain Greek yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, and rice cakes.


Bone broth has been consumed for centuries and is made from boiling collagen-rich animal bones, often with herbs and spices. I like to use bone broth as a soup base to give it extra protein, or I’ll drink it on its own as a warm, comforting beverage.Preliminary research表明胶原蛋白也可能促进肠粘膜衬里的愈合。而且由于骨汤含有钠,因此也是补充损失的电解质的好方法。




Important:The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not Everyday Health.
