
Women with metastatic breast cancer think about “fighting cancer” very differently than women who don't have a stage 4 diagnosis. If you have advanced cancer, these women understand what you’re going through.

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从左到右拍摄:Susan Rosen,Ann Silberman和Renee Sendelbach。

The term metastatic breast cancer (MBC, also called stage 4 breast cancer) describes breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast — to the bones, liver, brain, or another organ. Even if the cancer is found in another organ, it’s still referred to as breast cancer and is treated as such.

While metastatic breast cancer is terminal and cannot be cured, because of improved treatments more women are living longer than ever with it. Even so, a lack of information and many misconceptions about this diagnosis persist.

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Here are several things you should know about metastatic breast cancer and the women who are living with it.


来自德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的40岁的蕾妮·塞勒巴赫(Renee Sendelbach)说,第4阶段的诊断不是即时的死刑,七年前,她得知自己的乳腺癌已经搬进了肺,骨骼和淋巴结。

“I’ve had metastatic breast cancer for five years and I’m still kicking,” says Susan Rosen, 53, from Franklin, Massachusetts.

According to a 2017 article in the journal癌症Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention,有34%的被诊断患有转移性乳腺癌的妇女患有五年或更长时间。

“治疗的目标是尽可能长时间保持患者的脚步,以便他们继续做自己想做的事。”Gretchen Kimmick, MD, associate professor of medicine at the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina.

最近几年,treatment for breast cancerhas vastly improved, largely because doctors are able to more accurately target therapy to the type of breast cancer a woman has. “The discovery of the HER2 protein and medicines that block it has revolutionized treatment for women with cancers that overexpress this protein,” Dr. Kimmick says. “This cancer was pretty deadly two decades ago, and now we are starting to debate if we’ve cured it in some women.”

2.Metastatic breast cancer is terminal.

转移性乳腺癌无法治愈,并且是终末。“One thing I didn’t know when I was first diagnosed is that breast cancer can only kill you if you have metastatic breast cancer,” says Rosen, who explains that if your cancer remains in the breast, the tumor can be removed, but metastatic means it has spread outside the breast.

“MBC is almost like a different disease than early-stage breast cancer,” adds Ann Silberman, 60, from Sacramento, California, who was diagnosed in 2009. “We are going to die. Our concerns are much different from those of a person who has a treatment that will be over [one day]. Someone in an earlier stage may worry about losing their hair — which is understandable — but they will return to their normal life at some point.”

People with metastatic breast cancer expect to be on treatment for the rest of their lives. “I don’t think everyone understands that,” Silberman says. “I still get, ‘When will your treatment be over?’ Well, it’s never going to be over.”


“I may look perfectly healthy, but I’m sick,” says Silberman. “Treatment is hard. I sleep a lot. I still travel, but it’s difficult. I just visited a friend in Utah for four days, and it wore me out for two weeks.”

Just because someone doesn’tlook就像她患有晚期癌症一样,她可能病得很重。“这可能是一种看不见的疾病,”西尔伯曼说。“你告诉某人你患有癌症,但是如果你有头发,有时他们不相信你。”




Silberman agrees. “I’ve been going through [treatment] for a long time,” she says, “and I’ve had friends drop away. Because of MBC and my treatments, it’s hard for me to be reliable.”



Sendelbach has learned to make compromises: If her husband and son have to pick up their clean clothes from the couch, she can live with that.

“I have learned,” she says, “to look at every situation and ask if this is going to truly make a difference in my day or my family’s day for better or worse.” If the answer is no, then that task might be left undone.

不过,对于Sendelbach来说,这并不总是这样。当她第一次被诊断出患有癌症时,她的儿子只有一岁,她已经结婚了两年半。“你知道当你第一次生孩子时的情况 - 如果一切都不完美,那感觉就像]世界正在崩溃!”她笑了。“现在,对我们来说 - 我们吃了,我们还活着,房子是可以接受的 - 如果我们很好,那一切都可以。”

6. There are good days and bad days.

“There are days when I say to myself, ‘I’ve had enough. I can’t take it anymore,’” says Rosen. “But I want to keep on living. I love my life. Overall, I have a great life except for the cancer.”

Rosen has a few mantras she uses when things get tough. “A lot of the tough times are treatment related,” she says. “I refer to those as bumps in the road, and [say to myself], ‘This too shall pass.’”

7. Clinical trials are a promising treatment option.

For people with advanced stages of cancer, clinical trials can be considered thegold standardof treatment. “I recommend clinical trials highly,” says Rosen. “You get access to medication and treatment that you normally wouldn’t have.”

临床试验甚至可以对您的癌症产生积极的效果。“我们生活在一个激动人心的时刻癌症治疗,” says Kimmick. “There are myriad new drugs coming out that will improve the lives of all women with breast cancer, both metastatic and early stage.”

However, it’s important to be realistic about the potential outcome of your trial. Rosen was recently enrolled in a clinical trial in which the medication proved toxic for her. But she has no regrets about participating. “It feels like I’m helping researchers who are working on cures for cancer,” she says. “When I had a bad reaction to the drug, they were able to put my side effects in their study. I feel like I did help, and that makes me happy.”


8. I may not feel like a “fighter” — there’s no final victory.



“There’s not a finish line,” she says, “so to be in fight mode doesn’t really work. There has to be an end in sight to stay in that place.”

For her, metastatic breast cancer is something she deals with day to day. She describes her journey as a marathon, not a sprint. “If you have to stop sometimes to walk and take water breaks,” she says, “you should. If you try to run as fast as you can all the time, it’s inevitable that you’re going to fail.”

9. Our advice to other women with metastatic breast cancer: Be nice to yourself!


The body has only so much energy to offer per day, and managing metastatic breast cancer requires a lot of it. So it doesn’t make sense to try to compare what you’re able to do with what your cancer-free friends are accomplishing.

“Just getting through the day can be hard,” Sendelbach says. “Getting rid of those ‘not good enough’ feelings can lift a huge weight off you.”
