
Having elevated levels of triglycerides can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, but it can also increase your risk for other health problems.

Medically Reviewed
doctor listening to heart beat
High triglycerides, like high cholesterol, can affect your heart, pancreas, and even skin. 肖恩·洛克/斯托克斯

When you’re first diagnosed with high甘油三酸酯, or hypertriglyceridemia, you might be tempted to write it off as nothing more than a number, especially if you don’t have any symptoms. But that number is a warning: If you don’t take action to address high triglycerides, you may be putting yourself at risk for even more serious health issues.

The first step totaking charge of high triglyceridesis understanding your numbers. Here’s howtriglyceride levelsare categorized, according to theU.S. National Library of Medicine:

  • Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) is normal
  • 150 to 199 mg/dL is borderline high
  • 200 to 499 mg/dL is high
  • 500及以上非常高

高甘油三酸酯意味着您的血液中有大量脂肪颗粒或储存在脂肪细胞中。Your body needs triglyceridesfor energy, but excess levels, especially when accompanied by high low-density lipoprotein (LDL或“坏”)胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白(HDL, or “good”) cholesterol can play a role in fat accumulation in artery walls, notes the美国心脏协会(啊哈)。这种脂肪堆积称为atherosclerosis, 一个nd it narrows the arteries and makes them less flexible for blood to freely flow through. Plaques can also rupture and lead to blood clots, which can cause a heart attack or stroke. Severely hightriglyceride levelscan do damage to the胰腺和even cause skin disorders.


As mentioned,atherosclerosisrefers to a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can eventually lead to more serious heart problems. Experts have known for years thatLDL胆固醇在斑块积聚中起着重要作用。过去尚未清楚地理解的是甘油三酸酯在这一过程中的作用,但越来越多的证据表明,甘油三酸酯是炎症,动脉粥样硬化和各种原因的独立因素。论文于2016年2月发表在《杂志》上流通研究。Areview published in November 2018 in the journalNutrients得出相同的结论:富含甘油三酸酯的脂蛋白与动脉粥样硬化期间发生的斑块积聚有关。


When plaque is allowed to build up over time in the heart vessels, the condition that results is known ascoronary artery disease(CAD),它限制了血液流向心脏和其他重要器官。该斑块还使血块形成并进一步阻断动脉的可能性更大。CAD可能导致许多危险且潜在的威胁生命的条件。血流的限制最终会导致心脏病发作或心绞痛。其他可能性包括心脏衰竭arrhythmia

也就是说,严重升高的甘油三酸酯水平是完全不同的动物。“一旦获得1,000 mg/dl以上,就越有可能对高甘油三酸酯的遗传易感性越严重。”Douglas Jacoby, MD, 一个心脏病专家with Penn Medicine in Philadelphia. In these cases, the triglyceride particles are not risk factors for heart disease only but are a risk for pancreatitis, he says. (More on that below.)


这就是为什么了解您的甘油三酸酯号码如此重要的原因:阅读可以使您了解特定的健康风险。“如果您的甘油三酸酯很高,那么您最大的风险是pancreatitis,”说医学博士Suzanne Steinbaum, 一个holistic cardiologist in clinical practice in New York City. “The high triglyceride levels overtax the胰腺并抑制其功能。”

胰腺炎是一种非常痛苦的,有时是威胁生命的疾病,会影响胰腺。疼痛通常是由胆结石passing through the common bile duct. Researchers estimate that up to 10 percent of cases of急性胰腺炎are caused by high triglycerides, according to anarticle published in June 2018 in theUnited European Gastroenterology Journal。In addition,急性胰腺炎during pregnancy, while rare, is a dangerous condition that can lead to serious, even fatal complications for mom and baby, according to a案例报告于2019年5月发布妇产科临床杂志

要引起胰腺炎,甘油三酸酯的水平必须非常高,通常高于1,000 mg/dl,但是一旦通过500 mg/dl,风险就会增加2018 guidelines来自AHA和美国心脏病学院。在这些水平上,甘油三酸酯在胰腺中被酶分解时似乎会造成损害。您的医生可以帮助您管理这种风险。


When triglyceride levels are very high, they can also result in an uncomfortable skin condition known as eruptive xanthomatosis, saysAkshay Khandelwal,医学博士,介入心脏病专家at Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit, Michigan. This looks like a bumpy, pea-sizedrash那是黄色,橙色或红色的,并被光环包围。U.S. National Library of Medicine。The rash often appears on the buttocks or around the shoulders, arms, thighs, or legs.

Eruptive xanthomatosis is rare and typically related to triglyceride levels higher than 2,000 mg/dL, according to a案例研究和审查于2018年1月至2月发表家庭医学与初级保健杂志

Over time, elevated levels of triglycerides, just like高胆固醇, can lead to serious health problems. If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertriglyceridemia, be sure to与您的医生谈论减少和控制甘油三酸酯的方法。With the right lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and regular exercise — and, if needed, medications — you can get your triglycerides down to a healthier level and reduce your risk of health conditions related to hypertriglyceridemia.

杰西卡·米加拉(Jessica Migala)的其他报道。
