

Medically Reviewed
在烘焙食品和其他加工食品中发现的反式脂肪可能对胆固醇水平产生重大影响。 bob体育在线

Recently diagnosed with high cholesterol? Then you should know that some foods can help lower cholesterol and others may need to be limited — or cut from your diet completely. A registered dietitian can be an invaluable resource, especially when it comes to managing your diet and high cholesterol.

Here, dietitians share their insights on what they want you to know if you — or someone you love — has high cholesterol.

1. Saturated Fat and Trans Fat Have a Big Influence on Blood Cholesterol

We use the same word for the cholesterol in foods as for the cholesterol that gets measured at the doctor’s office in our血液测试- 但两者之间存在重要差异。根据这一点美国心脏协会(AHA),your liver naturally produces all the cholesterol your body needs to build cells. But eating certain foods can raise these natural levels and produce too muchLDL Choleserto.l (or “bad”) blood cholesterol. Cholesterol usually isn’t the biggest culprit, however.

A large body of research shows that eating foods that contain cholesterol doesn’t affect the amount of cholesterol in the blood of most people as much as doctors once thought, saysLisa Dierks, RDN, dietitian and regional director for the University of Minnesota Extension Program in Wanamingo, Minnesota. Instead,饱和脂肪和trans fat raise LDL cholesterol levels more than dietary cholesterol does,根据美国心脏协会(AHA)

但这并不意味着一个high-cholesterol dietis a good choice. While limiting cholesterol is no longer listed in the most recentUSDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans,a study of 30,000 people,published in March 2019 inJAMA, found that cholesterol did appear to impact blood cholesterol levels and in turn, risk for心血管疾病(CVD)根据这一点Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the combination of fats and carbohydrates a person regularly eats has the largest impact on blood cholesterol levels — not the amount of cholesterol you get from food –– but it’s still important to limit the amount of cholesterol in your diet, especially if you have diabetes.

As it turns out, a lot of high-cholesterol foods are also high in saturated fat. Andaccording to USDA guidelines, it’s particularly important to limit saturated fats, which are found in animal products like meat and full-fat dairy, and trans fats, also known as partially hydrogenated oils, which are found in many fried foods and processed baked goods such as cookies, cakes, and crackers. Specifically, saturated fatty acids shouldn’t account for more than 10 percent of your daily calories.

这re has been tons of back and forth over whether or noteggs有助于高胆固醇,因此如果您试图降低您的LDL水平,Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D. of the Mayo Clinic recommendseating egg whites, which are rich in protein but not cholesterol. The jury is out on shrimp as well, another food that is高胆固醇, but low in saturated fat and rich in other nutrients like protein.根据AHA, shrimp is a healthier choice than cuts of meat that are high in saturated fat, as long as you don’t fry it.

2. Not All Blood Cholesterol Is Bad

Being diagnosed with high cholesterol can be alarming, and the three numbers you're given for your cholesterol levels can also be confusing. However,not all cholesterol is bad。这three numbers that you usually see are so-called “good” HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, “bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, and total cholesterol. A higher HDL cholesterol number is good for heart health since it flushes bad cholesterol from the bloodstream. But a high level of LDL cholesterol increases your risk for心脏病和中风since LDL cholesterol’s structure allows it to stick to the walls of arteries where the deposits are known as plaque buildup,according to the Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health

3. The Same Things That Lower Bad Cholesterol Raise Good Cholesterol

You also have some control over your so-called “good” HDL cholesterol.根据这一点Mayo Clinic,具有代谢综合征的人 - 一群条件,包括肥胖,高血压,甘油三酯,和高血糖–– typically have lowHDL cholesterol levels。So losing weight with diet and exercise could help increase your HDL cholesterol levels. Also, following the same diet guidelines that canlower LDL cholesterolcan raise HDL cholesterol levels at the same time.

Research has shown that high doses ofniacin根据一项研究,补充剂可以将HDL胆固醇水平增加多达35%2018年7月出版,在期刊上预防医学的进展,虽然根据梅奥诊所,增加HDL的药物不会降低速率心脏病


In the same way that no single food will cause you to have high cholesterol, there’s no one food that can save the day, either. “There are no magic foods. You have to look at the overall diet,” saysJudith Wylie-Rosett,RDN,教育博士, professor of epidemiology and population health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York. The key to降低胆固醇水平是一般吃健康的饮食lean protein,水果,蔬菜,全谷物和无脂肪或低脂乳制品,并限制饱和和反式脂肪。

Research has shown that adopting aplant-based dietcan be a powerful way to lower LDL cholesterol. A meta-analysis of 96 studies on the health impacts of vegan andvegetarian diets,published in November 2017, in食品科学与营养的关键评论, found that a plant-based diet significantly reduced both total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol numbers. In another study,published in August 2019, in the美国心脏协会杂志,研究人员将自己的研究结果与以前的心脏病和饮食的研究结果进行了比较。正如以前的研究表明,新的研究也发现,在较低的肉类和饮食中吃得更加素食的人总体而言心脏病风险

5. Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains Are Key to a Cholesterol-Controlling Diet

Choosing foods that containhealthy unsaturated fats,就像olive oil要么鳄梨, and limiting those with unhealthy saturated and trans fat is key to lowering high LDL cholesterol levels. But it’s only part of building a healthier diet. “While fat tends to be the thing we focus on first, other components of the diet can help too,” says Dierks. “Are you吃足够的水果, vegetables, and whole grains?” The fiber in these foods can contribute to bringing down your cholesterol levels.根据这一点Mayo Clinic, just 10 grams of可溶性纤维要么more a day can reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Reducing added sugar can also positively impact your cholesterol levels. A prospective studypublished in February 2020, in the美国心脏协会杂志, found that adults who drank 12 ounces of sugary drinks –– sodas, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, and presweetened coffees and teas –– more than once a day had lower levels of HDL cholesterol and raised triglycerides, which are both linked to heart disease. Take a look at your diet as a whole and decide where you may need to make changes.


6. Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Cholesterol Numbers

除了饮食外,其他健康的生活方式还会发生胆固醇水平的差异。“饮食非常重要,但这不是胆固醇难题的唯一一块,”说Despina Hyde, RDN, CDE, registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Shannan Carter Nutrition, LLC in New York City. For instance, being physically active on most days of the week canlower your cholesterol levels。这美国心脏协会(AHA)recommends getting at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate exercise — or 75 minutes (1.25 hours) of vigorous exercise — per week as an important part of cholesterol management. Hyde also says thatquitting smoking, losing weight, and limiting how much alcohol you drink can all contribute to lower cholesterol levels (and lower your blood pressure also — another important risk factor for cardiovascular disease).根据疾病控制和预防的中心(CDC),吸烟与较低的HDL胆固醇水平有关,血管中的斑块积聚增加。将这些生活方式与健康的饮食变为健康的饮食,您可能会在路上达到更好的胆固醇水平。

7. Family History of High Cholesterol Puts You at Higher Risk

If members of yourfamily have high cholesterol, you’re more likely to have it as well. This doesn't mean that your destiny is sealed, but you may have to pay more attention than the average person to your diet and lifestyle choices. “If you have a family history of high cholesterol, have your blood cholesterol levels checked every year and focus on a healthy diet to minimize the risk of developing high cholesterol yourself,” recommends Hyde.

8. High Triglyceride Levels Are Bad, Too

甘油三酯是另一种类型的血脂can be dangerous if levels get too high, and a blood lipid panel will screen for them as well. “On average, your diet can influence a modest percentage of your cholesterol values. Triglycerides, though, are highly influenced by diet,” saysJulia Zumpano, RD,一个注册的营养师克利夫兰诊所in Ohio. “Cholesterol is only one piece of the pie,” says Zumpano. Having high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood, increases your心脏病发作的风险和中风。

根据这一点National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute, high blood triglycerides can be a separate condition, or be compounded by high LDL cholesterol or low HDL cholesterol.Thyroid疾病,糖尿病,肝肾疾病,并超重是能够引起高血甘油三酯的医疗条件。但生活方式习惯和遗传也会影响triglyceride levels。As is the case with LDL cholesterol, not getting enough exercise, eating foods that are high in fat and sugar, and drinking too much alcohol can all raise blood triglycerides. On the contrary,omega-3 fatty acids,就像the kind found in salmon, olive oil, and avocado, can help keep triglycerides in check.

9. Some People Will Still Need Medication

Make the changes and work closely with your doctor to monitor your levels. Wiley-Rosett says, “There are ways to bring down cholesterol levels through healthy changes, but in the end,you may need medicationas well.”


Because other factors —including, sometimes, the medication you take— contribute to cholesterol levels in addition to your diet, hitting your health targets can be complicated. If you’re not sure where to start, pick one or two changes that you know you can stick with. Small adjustments to your diet, more physical activity, or other lifestyle changes can go a long way to lowering cholesterol levels.

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