A Detailed Guide to Following a Vegetarian Diet

Medically Reviewed
Vegetarians must get their protein from nonmeat sources, such as eggs and quinoa. Nadine Greeff/Stocksy


这可能是因为大多数专家和卫生组织都认为,无论您遵循多么严格的素食,多吃植物都是一件好事。(1)有趣的是,即使在用餐时间之外,素食主义者也倾向于过着健康的生活方式。通常,他们exercisemore frequently and tend to live longer than nonvegetarians. (1)

Because the number of vegetarians in the country is growing, food manufacturers and restaurateurs have started to follow suit. A wealth of vegetarian-friendly options on supermarket shelves and on restaurant menus makes being a vegetarian today much easier and more delicious than it has been in the past.

Here, let’s dive into what it means to be a vegetarian and the effect it could have on your health.

What Does It Mean to Be a Vegetarian, and What Motivates People to Cut Meat From Their Diet?

People following a vegetariandiet吃饭菜,这些餐食集中在植物上,包括坚果,种子,谷物,蔬菜,水果和豆类。((3)有许多不同类型的素食主义者,但最传统的定义是不吃肉的人。



严格的素食主义者可以吃不含肉的饮食,包括和fish, but there are many different versions of the vegetarian diet. (2) Here are eight: (1,4)

  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarians两者都吃eggs和乳制品,但没有肉,家禽或鱼
  • Lacto-vegetarianseat dairy products but no eggs
  • Ovo-vegetarianseat eggs but no dairy
  • Pollotarianseat poultry but no other meat, dairy, or fish
  • pescatarians吃鱼,但没有肉
  • Semivegetariansdon’t eat red meat but do eat chicken and fish
  • Flexitariansstick to a vegetarian diet most of the time but eat meat on occasion
  • Vegans, the strictest type of vegetarian, refrain from all animal products and animal byproducts, including dairy, eggs,honey, and things made with gelatin (2)


As a vegetarian, you’ll steer clear of meat (and whatever else goes along with the type of vegetarian you’ve chosen to be). Instead, you’ll load up on plant-based foods.

Foods to Eat on a Vegetarian Diet

Grains, vegetables, and fruit are all fair game. You’ll also find that the grocery store is stocked with vegetarian options inspired by meat counterparts — veggie burgers, chicken substitutes, and faux ground beef, for instance. (2)


Strict vegetarians will avoid poultry, fish, and meat, but there’s some flexibility based on the type of vegetarian you decide to be. You’re able to eat eggs as an ovo-vegetarian, for instance, or fish as apescatarian

Eating Vegetarian: A 7-Day Sample Menu for Meal Inspiration

Day 1

Breakfast:Oatmeal with a handful ofblueberries,almonds, and cinnamon

Lunch:Avocado toast with whole-wheat bread, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese crumbles

小吃:Apple slices with peanut butter

Dinner:Black bean tacos with shredded lettuce, sautéed veggies, low-fat part-skim mozzarella, and fresh salsa

Day 2

Breakfast:Bran-and-blueberry muffin with low- or nonfat yogurt


小吃:Roasted chickpeas made with extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt

Dinner:Caprese sandwich (with tomato; low-fat, part-skim mozzarella; olive oil; and basil) on whole-wheat bread

Day 3

Breakfast:Tofu scramble on a bed of brown rice with sautéed peppers

Lunch:Quesadillas with low-fat, part-skim cheddar cheese; black beans; and sweet potatoes

小吃:Mixed-fruit bowl

Dinner:Vegetable stir-fry with tofu on a bed of brown rice

Day 4

Breakfast:Strawberry smoothie

Lunch:Mixed green salad with crispy chickpeas and slices of grilled portobello mushrooms

小吃:Carrot sticks and hummus

Dinner:Quinoabowl with roasted vegetables and kimchi

Day 5

Breakfast:Low- or nonfat Greek yogurt with cinnamon andberries

Lunch:Vegetable and cheese panini on whole-wheat bread

小吃:羽衣甘蓝chips made with extra-virgin olive oil and sea salt

Dinner:Zucchini noodles (“zoodles”) with marinara sauce and low-sodium meatless meatballs (preferably homemade)

Day 6

Breakfast:Overnight oats with sliced peaches and cinnamon

Lunch:Arugula-and-veggie-topped pizza with whole-grain dough and reduced-fat, part-skim mozzarella

小吃:Handful of raw, no-salt almonds

Dinner:Portobello mushroom sliders with romaine, Swiss cheese, and tomato, on whole-wheat buns

Day 7



小吃:Spring rolls


What Research Suggests About the Health Benefits of Being a Vegetarian

素食通常很丰富fiber, and lower in calories and fat than a nonvegetarian diet. (2) Eating this way, whether for a few meals or for decades, can be beneficial to your health in loads of ways, including:

  • Weight Control遵循植物性的饮食通常意味着您总体上的卡路里会减少(只要您不将肉交换过多不健康simple carbs像白面包和意大利面)。研究发现素食主义者往往较低体重指数(BMI)on average compared with nonvegetarians. (5)
  • 心脏帮助没有肉,您的饮食会更低饱和脂肪和cholesterol, which ends up reducing your心脏病的风险。Vegetarians tend to have lower levels ofLDL “bad” cholesterol。((5, 1)
  • Hypertension ManagementEating a plant-based diet may help lower high blood pressure. (6)
  • Improve Insulin ResponseGoing vegetarian won’t cure type 2 diabetes, but it may help stabilize your blood sugar and make your body more responsive to insulin as long as you’re eating a balanced diet. It could also reduce your risk of other与2型糖尿病有关的并发症。((5)
  • 癌症ProtectionVegetarians have lower cancer rates than nonvegetarians, suggesting an association between following a plant-based diet and a lower risk of certaintypes of cancer。(1)
  • Lower Metabolic Syndrome RiskSome studies suggest people who fill their plates with plants also tend to have lower rates of metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that may raise your risk of chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. (7)




一项涉及素食饮食后发现2型糖尿病患者的研究几乎有效地减肥的效果是遵循低热量饮食的两倍。((8) Overall, vegetarians tend to have lower BMIs than meat eaters, and research suggests vegetarianism could help protect against obesity. (9,10)

要看到这些减肥益处,素食主义者需要坚持健康的全食,避免暴饮暴食。Julieanna Hever, RD, a Los Angeles–based dietitian and author ofPlant-Based Nutrition (Idiot's Guides)。她说:“随着市场上所有新的无动物垃圾食品,吃肥大的[素食]食物变得越来越容易,”

Are There Any Possible Health Risks of Being Vegetarian?

Experts recommend meeting with a registered dietitian who can help you put together a meal plan to make sure you’re sourcing enough appropriate nutrients and sticking to a reasonable amount of calories each day. (5) The dietitian can also advise on foods to eat or supplements to take to avoiddeficiencies。(2)

Here are a few nutrients that vegetarians risk being deficient in, plus some vegetarian-friendly ideas of how to get your fill: (2)

  • Protein found in nuts, peanut butter, grains, legumes, eggs, dairy, tofu, tempeh and seitan
  • Ironfound in legumes, whole grains, fortified cereals, seeds, and tofu
  • found in milk, yogurt,cottage cheese, and fortified nondairy milk
  • can be sourced from dried beans, fortified cereals, nuts, seeds, dairy, and nutritional yeast
  • Vitamin B12a vitamin found in dairy, fortified breakfast cereal,soy milk, eggs, and nutritional yeast
  • Vitamin Dmost easily found in cow’s milk

Because vegetarians don’t usually eat as many calories as nonvegetarians, it may not be a good diet for children and teens who are still growing. (2) Consult yourpediatricianto be sure.


Because of the potential deficiencies outlined above, vegetarians may want to consider supplements. Most important, avitamin D supplementcan be helpful if you’re not sourcing enough of the vitamin from sunlight or fortified foods. (4)

Potential Challenges of Being a Vegetarian

许多素食者遇到的最大挑战resisting meat-filled foods they’ve enjoyed in the past, such as turkey at Thanksgiving or a hot dog at a baseball game. You’ll likely need to drastically rethink your meals. “Most of us were raised with meat at the center of the plate and having to recalculate that requires a transition period,” Hever says.

Dining at restaurants can also be a challenge, though more and more eateries now have veg-friendly items such as veggie burgers on their menus. Ordering a salad plus an appetizer without any meat or fish is also a good bet. Pescatarians have an easier time dining out because fish is readily available on many menus. (2)

6 Smart Tips for Success When Going Vegetarian

Michelle Jaelin, a registered dietitian withNutritionArtist.com, says going vegetarian can be healthy — so long as you know what you’re doing. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics agrees and emphasizes that a vegetarian diet needs to be appropriately planned. (2)


  • Cut meat from your diet gradually.Rather than going vegetarian overnight, try adding a few meatless meals to your menu each week until you slowly phase out meat. (4)
  • Work with a professional.请注意潜在的营养缺陷,并在注册营养师的帮助下相应地计划您的餐点(您可以find one at eatright.org). “With all drastic dietary changes, there are health risks,” Jaelin says, adding that it’s important to pay close attention to those potential deficiencies.
  • Meal prep!Choose your meat-free foods wisely and keep your fridge stocked with healthy vegetarian options. Meal prepping by chopping up vegetables to toss in a salad or making batches of quinoa or farro to have on hand is also a good idea.
  • Experiment with different flavors.Try out different spices and seasonings to make your meals interesting.
  • Make small tweaks to your favorite dishes.If you’re feeling stuck, try to put a vegetarian spin on your favorite meals. For instance, try vegetarian chili filled with beans instead of chili made with ground beef. (4)
  • Source new recipes.Hever suggests referring to websites, cookbooks, and social media to find recipes you love. Then, tweak them and add them to your weekly menu. “It becomes second nature rather rapidly,” she says.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Following a Vegetarian Diet


A:Many different types of vegetarians exist, but the traditional definition is a person who follows a plant-based diet instead of eating meat, poultry, and seafood. (1)

Q: Is a vegetarian diet healthy?

A:是的 - 只要您用全谷物,水果和蔬菜填充盘子。这就是利用与素食主义有关的许多健康益处的方式。(4)炸薯条和高热量的饮食加工食品, though technically vegetarian, won’t get you there.

Q: Will I be deficient in certain nutrients?

A:Vegetarians should pay attention to their intake of protein, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. (4) By being aware of the potential deficiencies, you can get your fill either through vegetarian-approved food sources or supplements.

A Final Word on the Vegetarian Diet and How to Follow the Approach Correctly

A vegetarian diet that’s filled with whole grains and vegetables offers loads of health benefits, from weight control to disease prevention.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. Digging a Vegetarian Diet.National Institutes of Health。July 2012.
  2. Becoming a Vegetarian.来自Nemours的TeenShealth。October 2014.
  3. Vegetarian Diet.U.S. National Library of Medicine。March 1, 2018.
  4. Vegetarian Diet: How to Get the Best Nutrition.Mayo Clinic。March 14, 2016.
  5. Vegetarian Diet: Can It Help Me Control My Diabetes?Mayo Clinic。September 23, 2015.
  6. Yokoyama Y, Nishimura K, Barnard ND, et al. Vegetarian Diets and Blood Pressure.JAMA内科April 2014.
  7. Turner-McGrievy G, Harris M. Key Elements of Plant-Based Diets Associated With Reduced Risk of Metabolic Syndrome.Current Diabetes Reports2014。
  8. Kahleova H, Klementova M, Herynek V, et al. The Effect of a Vegetarian vs. Conventional Hypocaloric Diabetic Diet on Thigh Adipose Tissue Distribution in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Study.Journal of the American College of NutritionJune 10, 2017.
  9. Becoming a Vegetarian.Harvard Health Publishing。December 4, 2017.
  10. Tonstad S, Butler T, Yan R, Fraser GE. Type of Vegetarian Diet, Body Weight, and Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes.Diabetes CareMay 2009.
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