Tips for Quick and Easy Breakfasts When You Have MS (Plus Tasty Options to Try)


Medically Reviewed

Research shows skipping breakfast means missing out on important nutrients like calcium and folate.

Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

Unpredictable多发性硬化症(MS)症状疲劳can make it tough to get breakfast on the table consistently, but missing早餐意味着缺失的营养素,这可能对你的能量产生后果do每天都有。

早餐的好处似乎无穷无尽。根据克利夫兰诊所早餐不仅replenishes your daily energy stores, but it also boosts your heart health, reduces your risk for diabetes, and helps alleviatebrain fog

How Skipping Breakfast Creates Nutrition Gaps



这researchers evaluated dietary patterns among people living in 195 different countries and collected nearly 30 years of data. The study showed that in the United States, the intake of whole grains, nuts, seeds,fruits和蔬菜不足。换句话说,不吃足够的食物正在损害我们的健康。

最近对30,000名美国成年人的早餐习惯的分析凸显了早餐在满足营养需求方面的作用。这study, which was published in April 2021 in the journalProceedings of the Nutrition Society, suggested that people who skip breakfast miss important nutrients, including folate, calcium,,选择维生素。更重要的是,该研究发现,在早餐时小姐营养物质的人不会在当天晚些时候消费。

如果您是有时或者总是跳过早餐的美国人之一,请考虑尝试这些快速,轻松,美味的策略,以便在您的一天中更加正常的一部分 - 并确保您满足日常营养需求。

RELATED:8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Multiple Sclerosis


Breakfast is a great time to include a variety of key daily nutrients:

  • Complex Carbohydrates这些营养素在全谷物,豆类和豆类,彩色水果和蔬菜中发现。提示:那个开发人员心灵饮食specifically identified leafy greens andblueberries作为支持脑健康的食物,这对MS很重要。
  • 蛋白质你可以从鸡蛋,希腊酸奶,牛奶或牛奶中获得早晨的蛋白质修复豆浆, 豆腐,临时,坚果,坚果黄油和种子。
  • 心健康脂肪坚果黄油,牛油果,脂肪鱼,坚果和种子是很棒的选择。
  • 通过饮用低脂肪或脱脂牛奶,满足您的日常钙需求。提示:如果您因任何原因弃权从乳制品中弃权,请确保您的替代方案与钙和钙强化维生素D
  • 叶子通过含叶状绿色蔬菜,叶酸 - 强化谷物,小麦胚芽和橙汁进入您的早餐菜单,开始您的一天。
  • 强化早餐麦片,豆腐,藜麦, and leafy greens like spinach are all铁源




  • SmoothiesBlend together colorful浆果, frozen banana chunks, leafy greens, Greek yogurt,嘉种子, nut butters, and milk or a fortified dairy alternative.
  • 全谷类准备一个整个谷物,如oatmeal或者藜麦with milk, or part milk and part water. Serve it with浆果和核桃的味道和营养增强。
  • 吐司与鳄梨或鳄梨酱Buying guacamole in single-serving cups like those from全鳄梨酱会节省你的时间。
  • 谷物Dry cereal with low-fat milk is as easy as it gets — but not all breakfast cereals are created equal. Look for products that provide at least 3 grams (g) of fiber and have fewer than 6 g of added sugars per serving. Top with colorful berries or sliced fruit for more nutrients.
  • 早餐三明治有多种方式来鞭打一个早餐sandwich:
    • 争夺或豆腐与叶茂盛蔬菜,甜椒和洋葱
    • 鸡蛋沙拉三明治或豆腐沙拉三明治
    • 花生酱和果冻。提示:用全麦面包制作时,这所古老的学校最喜欢的乐趣,旅行良好,并提供均衡的早餐。为了改变速度,用切片的香蕉取代果冻。


  • 重新剩余的剩菜如果您早上喜欢美味的食物,请考虑昨晚的晚餐的重复表现。例如,烤的甘薯配上炒蔬菜,鸡蛋将是一天中的色彩缤纷的方式。或者如果您有剩余的三文鱼,将其添加到炒鸡蛋或炒豆腐中,或者在三明治中包含它。
  • 预先分配的冰沙袋将您最喜欢的成分添加到可重复密封的包中,日期,并将其存放在冰箱中,直到早上的冰沙时间。
  • Baked Mini Frittatas or Egg Muffin CupsUse a muffin pan to prepare your favorite frittata recipe, and enjoy them throughout the week.
  • 早餐Quesadillas或炸玉米饼馅料提前准备这些菜肴的填充物。你可以包括鸡蛋,豆腐,豆浆,豆类和许多五颜六色的蔬菜。
  • 隔夜的麦片那里有这么多隔夜燕麦食谱!使用牛奶或酸奶制作隔夜燕麦提供蛋白质 - 并务必为纹理,纤维和更多的营养添加水果,螺母和种子。

RELATED:10 Immune-Boosting Smoothie Recipes


虽然MS symptoms像疲劳可以在你的计划中扔扳手,这些策略可以帮助阻止他们剥夺你的早餐:


Once you’ve selected some go-to meals, make a list of all the foods required to make them. Display your list on the refrigerator, on a bulletin board, or wherever it will be easy to see.

Whenever items get used, add them to the grocery list to be replaced to ensure you always have what you need in the house.

Simplify Breakfast Time


提示:如果您想使用慢炖锅或Instant Pot pressure cooker,寻找利用这些时间和节能器的早餐食谱。

Have a Backup Plan

生活很忙,改变时间表,而MS症状可以出现并在您最不期望的情况下显示和Zap您的能量 - 因此,通过掌握一些不需要的食物,以便在手头上保留或非常少的准备。




很难解释患MS等慢性疾病的生活如何,特别是当涉及疲劳等症状时。克里斯汀·米撒蒂诺创造了一个称为的隐喻勺子理论as a way of describing the amount of mental or physical energy a person with a chronic illness has available for daily activities and tasks.

在她的比喻,米撒冷,谁拥有狼疮, describes how she begins each day with a finite number of spoons. Each task or activity that she engages in costs her a specific number of spoons. When she is out of spoons, she is out of energy.

I love the Spoon Theory because it helps to quantify how having a chronic illness like MS affects your energy levels — something that is otherwise intangible.


理想情况下,一个人每天都会用一个完整的燃料,但是有女士的人只有加仑或两个开始他们的一天,我们很快就能耗尽了能量。这有助于解释为什么优化我们的燃料选择是如此重要 - 并且使用更多的汽车参考,为什么这么重要,不要像早餐一样跳过一个足球!




Another研究,2017年1月发布退行性神经和神经肌病,表明了古饮食may help lessen perceived fatigue in people with MS. However, the number of people who completed this study was very small.

While these two diets are different in the foods they include and exclude, they are similar in calling for a higher vegetable intake than a typical American diet, and both emphasize whole, unprocessed foods. Those are changes anyone can make, even without following a specific diet.



Breakfast matters. It’s an opportunity to fuel your body and support your brain health — and maybe more importantly for people with MS, a chance to start your day with a couple more “spoons!”

If you find yourself skipping breakfast because of a diminished appetite, be sure to share this with your doctor. And if MS is creating roadblocks that make it challenging to navigate your kitchen easily, consider asking your doctor for a referral to an occupational therapist (OT). For any nutrition-related questions, your doctor can refer you to a registered dietitian for help.
