How to Stay Upbeat Despite Rheumatoid Arthritis


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定期的瑜伽练习可能有助于防止与RA相关的抑郁症。 Stocksy

当某人被诊断出患有rheumatoid arthritis (RA), life as they knew it changes dramatically. For some, this new world can lead to serious depression.

Depressive disorders are one of the most common conditions that come along with RA, according to a评论于2019年4月发表在《德国医学杂志》上Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie。Between 10 and 42 percent of患有RA的人评论发现,患有抑郁症,妇女和最近被诊断出的人更有可能受到影响。

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As one woman with RA explained in anarthritis support group hosted by CreakyJoints,保持积极的衰弱可能是一场斗争symptoms of RAcan impact every aspect of life: hobbies, work, relationships, educational pursuits, socializing, and basic functionality.


Positive, Proactive Steps to Fight RA-Related Depression

维持一个充满希望的感觉and optimism is important and possible when managing RA. To keepdepression在海湾,尝试以下7种策略。

Protect your pleasures.“保持愉悦和有价值的活动。”Thomas Harrell, PhD, a professor emeritus of psychology and the director of the fatigue management institute at the school of psychology at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne. “There’s a tendency to do what has to be done and give up the valued activities that make life worthwhile.” If you’re tempted to cut back on fun so you can get work done, consider which of the necessary activities you can delegate to someone else or get help with so that you can conserve energy for things that bring you pleasure.

建立社区。“Don’t go it alone,” advises玛丽·戴维斯(Mary Davis),博士,亚利桑那州立大学的心理学教授,他说社会支持在患有慢性疾病的生活中起着关键作用。“与RA相关的挑战之一是,如果人们寻求帮助或承认有时患有慢性疾病并不容易,他们就会感到被认为是虚弱的。但是,分享您的担忧会提高您与受信任他人的联系的质量,因为每个人都有挣扎。分享使我们意识到我们并不孤单,而增加的联系感可以减轻我们的负担,并改善我们的幸福感。”

In addition to reaching out to friends and family, there are many support groups for people with RA, saysBahar Moghaddam, MD, arheumatologist在纽约西奈山医院,包括Arthritis Foundation以及由RA的毒品制造商赞助的。人们还在吱吱作响

Get enough睡觉。Getting a good night's与RA睡觉慢性疼痛具有挑战性,但必不可少。哈雷尔博士说:“睡眠不足会增加抑郁,疼痛和疲劳感。”从事于bob ios下载 to help you get the slumber you need: Stick to a consistentsleep schedule,避免当天晚些时候避免使用咖啡因,并在睡觉前避免使用计算机和手机屏幕。如果这还不够,一个bob ios下载 doctor may help.


明智地管理疲劳。哈雷尔说:“与RA相关的疲劳与与活动相关的疲劳的反应不足。”他自己研究,发表在杂志上护理研究, showed that fatigue significantly contributes to feelings of depression and dissatisfaction with life. “Continue with measured activities despite fatigue, and don’t spend additional time in bed due to the feelings of fatigue,” he advises.

有关的:The Best Ways to Reduce Stress When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

Take upyoga.瑜伽是许多RA患者特别有用的练习。它不仅可以帮助身体感觉更好,而且减轻练习的压力方面可以增强您的情绪。更多的温柔的瑜伽风格,例如Hatha和恢复性瑜伽,可能是最好的。有RA的人有时需要modify some yoga poses保护他们的关节。

Try mindfulness meditation.Though any style of meditation can be helpful, Dr. Davis prefers a mindfulness approach that teaches people to pay attention to their experiences and become less judgmental of them, particularly those we consider “bad” or “wrong.” Any meditation, even a session that lasts two minutes, encourages a person to see more fully the complexity of their own mind and to understand themselves and the sentiments of others, Davis says. In particular, meditations that focus on building our self-compassion can help reduce our tendency to be hard on ourselves and may improve our mood. You can find meditation guidance online, although some find it more motivating to learn one-on-one or in a class.

请记住,您不仅仅是RA。“疾病没有定义你,“哈勒尔says. “The more actively you manage your symptoms, the more confidence you will feel in embracing life despite RA.” If you’re going through a period of feeling like RA is consuming your whole life, make lists of things that have nothing to do with RA, including everything you are (a good sister, friend, volunteer), everything you enjoy (food, family, fun), and things you do well (hobbies, work, tasks).

如果您尝试所有这些步骤,但仍然发现您有抑郁症状,如感觉绝望,或者你爱的人might be better off without you, seek counseling from a professional. Look for a therapist who has experience with chronic illnesses who can help you work through feelings of despair.

其他报告玛德琳·R·范恩(Madeline R. Vann)
