8 Ways to Sit Less and Move More Each Day

谈到整体健康时,我们大多数人都不适合足够的日常运动。幸运的是,简单的活动 - 尽可能简单地站立和伸展 - 可以对你的体重和福祉产生显着差异,甚至可以延长你的生活。

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a person cleaning their house as a way to exercise at home


事实上,即使你尽职努力每天锻炼,每天至少坐13小时,每天少于4,000步可以剥夺那种运动的好处,增加了胰岛素抵抗风险, poorblood sugar control, and a high level of the fatty acids called甘油三酯。反过来,这增加了2型糖尿病和心脏病的风险,如图所示研究发表于2019年4月应用生理学杂志

And Americans are sitting more today than ever before, according to a newanalysis of U.S. government health surveys published in April 2019 in the日记账nal of the American College of Cardiology。从近52,000名美国人之间的2001年至2016年之间收集的数据表明,在那段时间内,平均每日随身时间增加了大约一个小时,成年人近六个半小时。

好消息是根据最新的美国卫生和人类服务部的行使指导方针,活动短持续时间 - 甚至只是一分钟或两次 - 算到至少150分钟中等强度有氧运动健康的成年人应该在每周服用。


“It takes energy — calories — to move even the smallest muscle,” explains exercise physiologistPolly de Mille,RN, director of the Tisch Sports Performance Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. “For example, you burn about 1.5 calories per minute just lying still while your body performs its most basic functions.” Go from lying down to sitting in a chair and answering email and you’ll burn 25 percent more calories. Now start fidgeting in your chair and you’ll burn even more.

The more NEAT activities you engage in each day, the more calories you burn, which, in turn, helps you maintain or even减肥,并提高您的整体健康状况research published in June 2018 in the日记账nal of Exercise, Nutrition & Biochemistry。In fact, the amount of everyday activity you get超过锻炼30分钟的正式运动可能对您的健康和长寿来说更重要,而不是比去健身房的旅行research published in the内科档案。Here are some NEAT ways to make the move-more concept work for you.

1. Use Your Phone to Add Activity at Work

If you have a desk job or collapse on the couch as soon as you get home, train yourself to just get up more — it could help you live longer. People who stand fewer than three hours a day live around three years longer than their more sedentary peers, according to an分析,在线期刊发布BMJ Open, of five large-scale studies involving 2 million people in 20 countries. One easy way to reduce your sitting time is to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to stretch at your desk for a few minutes every hour. “Use talking on the phone as a cue to stand up and start pacing or just shifting your weight from one foot to the other,” adds de Mille. “Stand up and stretch every time you hit send on an email.”

2. Make Counting Your Steps Easy

衡量你目前的动力有多少动力,然后激励自己做更多事情,De Mille建议跟踪你的台阶,没有褶边的计步器或一个fitness tracker。“没有什么比每天跑步的东西,盯着你让你想要移动更多,”德里尔尔说。您可以轻松地添加几乎每日活动的步骤。“停车场的远端公园或者早早离开地铁或公共汽车,”她说。“额外的步骤随着时间的推移增加了大量的卡路里。”

3. Take the Stairs Up or Down

If you want a NEAT activity that really pays dividends, take the stairs whenever possible. “If climbing stairs seems too daunting, take the elevator up and walk down on your way out,” de Mille suggests. “Or if you’re going to the fifth floor, walk up to two or three and take the elevator the rest of the way.”


Cleaning is one at-home exercise that we all have to do — you might hate it, but it’s NEAT at its finest. Amp up the calorie burn by turning on some music to add extra pep to your step as you vacuum, iron, and tidy up around the apartment or house.

5. Carry Your Groceries Home

Combinestrength training和差事在您的下一次旅行到商店:如果您住在您的市场的步行距离内,请看看您是否可以在手臂上而不是购物车携带杂货。如果您需要开车,请在每次抬起袋子中拔出箱子时,将卸载汽车卸载到家用练习中。

6. Fidget With Your Feet

脚趾敲击并抬起脚跟在坐着时不仅是整洁的练习,它们还在较低的腿部工作,甚至可能有助于预防动脉疾病, according to research published in July 2016 in the美国生理学杂志:心脏与循环生理学。在抬起膝盖上放置一本大型书,在提高你的高跟鞋将提供更多的阻力和甚至更大的加剧在卡路里支出。

7. Make the Most of Your Time While Standing in Line

Whether it's at the grocery store, the post office, or the movies, waiting in line can transform the boring realities of life into a NEAT opportunity. “Stand on one leg or step side to side when waiting for an elevator, a bus, or a train,” de Mille suggests. “If you’re taking a subway or a bus, stand. There are plenty of people who will be grateful for your seat.”


Sitting on a chair requires no muscle activity at all, but sitting on a stability ball (also known as a fitness or balance ball) forces you to subtly contract lots of different muscles to maintain your balance. If you can’t sit on a ball at work, try it at home while watching television, eating dinner, playing video games, or reading.
