
Medically Reviewed

Genital warts develop as a symptom of infection with certain types of the人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)。Known medically asCondyloma acuminata, genital warts are a common type ofsexually transmitted disease (STD)

Although warts can be a nuisance, they are treatable and are typically not dangerous to your health, according to Planned Parenthood.

And while there are some kinds of HPV that can cause cancer, those types are rarely associated with genital warts, notes past research.

However, it is possible to be infected with more than one type of HPV at once. So people with genital warts should not skip screenings for or ignore symptoms of cancers caused by HPV.

甚至比治疗与HPV相关的疣更好的是阻止它们,许多生殖器疣的病例可以预防。HPV vaccine- 相同的疫苗阻止了许多人感染types of cancer-causing HPV.

Signs and Symptoms of Genital Warts

生殖器疣是柔软的,湿润的生长,通常是肉体调的。根据Medline Plus,它们可能是平坦,抬高或形状像花椰菜(如果它们在簇中生长)。


In women, genital warts can grow in or around the阴道, vulva, urethra, cervix, and anus.


在男人和女人中,Condyloma acuminatacan also develop in the mouth and throat, and on the tongue and lips.


Learn More About Genital Warts Symptoms

Causes and Risk Factors of Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by HPV, which is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

HPV isn't a single virus, but rather a group of more than 150 related viruses. Each of these has a designated number, or HPV type.

HPV types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90 percent of genital warts, according to NYU Langone Health.

You can get genital warts if you have intimate, skin-to-skin contact with someone who’s infected with a type of HPV that causes genital warts, even if they don't have any visible warts.


  • Are pregnant
  • Arebob bet体育 和have another viral infection, such asherpes
  • Have a weakened immune system from medications or other health conditions, including糖尿病艾滋病毒或艾滋病
  • Use tobacco or drink alcohol
  • Are sexually active at an early age, or have unprotected sex with multiple partners
  • 还有另一个性病

Although genital warts inside the anus predominately affect people who have had receptive anal intercourse, they can also occur in men and women who have no history of anal sexual contact.

How Are Genital Warts Diagnosed?

Genital warts are usually diagnosed by their appearance, but in some cases, abiopsy可以确保您的医生或皮肤科医生进行。活检涉及删除一部分或全部疣,并将其发送给实验室进行进一步测试。

在女性中,一个异常的子宫颈抹片检查(在显微镜下检查子宫颈的细胞的过程)可能会促使您的医生执行一种称为的程序colposcopy, which enables the doctor to take a close look at your cervix.

A colposcope looks somewhat like a microscope or pair of binoculars that’s mounted on a stand. The exam is done by inserting a speculum into a woman’s vagina, rinsing the cervix with a vinegar-like solution, and positioning the colposcope so that it shines a bright light onto the cervix. The colposcope itself is not inserted into the vagina, nor does it need to touch the woman’s body at all, notes Planned Parenthood.

Colposcopy may reveal internal genital warts or other types of abnormal tissue.


Prognosis of Genital Warts

The prognosis of genital warts is hard to predict. Sometimes people have them just once, while others may have recurring outbreaks. The warts can be treated, but they won’t be cured — and the HPV that causes them won’t be cured either, according to the Cleveland Clinic.


  • 如果尚未接种疫苗,请鼓励您的伴侣与医生讨论HPV疫苗
  • 使用屏障方法,例如避孕套和牙科水坝,阴道,肛门和口交期间
  • Abstaining from sex (even with barrier methods) if you have visible warts
  • Not smoking, as smoking may cause a flare-up of warts
  • Communicating openly and honestly about your health status and your partner’s risk of getting genital warts from you




There’s no cure for genital warts, but they can sometimes go away on their own if the body fights off the HPV. They may also linger or grow in size or number. If you have genital warts that are causing discomfort, or if you simply want them to go away, you’ll need to see a doctor. You should not attempt to self-treat genital warts, as you may cause permanent damage to your skin, noted an article inU.S. Pharmacist


Medication Options

生殖器疣有几种不同的局部药物。根据出版的指南,其中一些必须在医生的办公室中使用,以确保它们的应用正确,其中一些可以在家中应用。American Family Physician

  • Imiquimod (Aldara,Zyclara)是一种局部药膏,它上调了免疫系统以攻击疣,直到它消失为止。
  • Podofilox(Condylox)是一种局部解决方案,可阻止被感染的细胞分裂并导致组织死亡。
  • Sinecatechins (Veregen)是由绿茶叶提取物制成的,这些绿叶复合成局部软膏。它们通过减少病毒复制来起作用。
  • 三氯乙酸是一种通过破坏细胞中的蛋白质来溶解疣的药物。它可能会对疣外部区域造成皮肤损害,因此将其应用于医生的办公室。


有几个手术用于雷莫ve genital warts, according to Planned Parenthood.

  • Cryotherapy这可以通过冷冻疣来消除疣,从而导致泡沫在疣周围形成。一旦愈合,水泡就会掉下来。
  • Electrocautery该过程通过用电流燃烧疣来消除疣。
  • Surgical Excision手术可用于切断疣。
  • Laser Treatments对于最难治疗的疣,可以使用激光疗法。激光使用强烈的光束去除疣。



Having a healthy immune system may help to reduce the recurrence or growth of genital warts. To promote immune health, follow a healthy diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, avoidprocessed foods和saturated fats, exercise regularly, and get the recommended amount of sleep, notes Harvard Health.

Learn More About Genital Warts Treatment



  • Get vaccinated with the HPV vaccine. This is an effective way to prevent both genital warts and a variety of types of cancer caused by HPV, includingcervical canceroropharyngeal cancer。该疫苗可预防可能引起癌症以及两种类型的七种类型的HPV(HPV 6和HPV 11),这些HPV导致90%的生殖器疣病例。这意味着即使使用疫苗,仍然有可能获得生殖器疣,但据Nemours称,这些机会大大降低了。

  • Make sure you use latex condomscorrectly每次做爱。同样,这降低了您获得生殖器疣的机会,但是HPV仍然有可能感染避孕套未覆盖的区域。
  • Limit your number of sexual partners or be in a mutually monogamous relationship to reduce your chances of getting genital warts and otherSTDs

RELATED:HPV-Related Oral Cancers Are on the Rise



But even when genital warts pose no particular health risks, they are often psychologically distressing to those who have them. Studies conducted in numerous countries around the globe report that people with genital warts often experience shame, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, anxiety, and depression and report a reduced quality of life.


Pregnancy and Genital Warts

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause genital warts to bleed or increase in size or number. Enlarged warts may impede urination, or (rarely) obstruct the birth canal and make it less elastic, according to AmericanSexual HealthAssociation.


If you have genital warts while pregnant, your doctor will likely remove the warts via cryotherapy, electrocautery, or laser therapy to preempt any problems. However, in cases where the warts are not bothersome, and there is no concern about transmission, they may not need to be treated.



在美国,估计有500,000至100万个新案件Condyloma acuminataare diagnosed each year, according to a review inThe Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology

但是其他估计表明,生殖器疣的发生率较低 - 根据CDC的数据,每年约360,000例。(这个数字可能低估了生殖器疣的真实人数,因为它包括为疣寻求医疗治疗的人数。)

There is a gender disparity in the prevalence of genital HPV, with 46 percent rate for males and 40 percent for females for people ages 14 to 59, according to a 2018 review published in人类疫苗和免疫治疗药

The prevalence of genital warts among boys and men ages 15 to 39 in the United States increased significantly between 2003 and 2009, but remained stable in 2010, according to a report in the美国公共卫生杂志

The prevalence of genital warts among women of different age groups has seen various increases and decreases over the years. But overall, it has decreased in girls and women ages 15 to 24, likely due to the HPV vaccine, the study notes.

Black and Hispanic Americans and Genital Warts

According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2011 to 2014, the prevalence of any genital HPV was 64.1 percent in Black Americans, 41.4 percent in Hispanic Americans, and 40 percent in white Americans.

TheHPV疫苗接种reduces a person’s chances of getting genital warts, and research indicates that inequities persist in HPV vaccination rates. A study published inClinical Therapeutics发现低收入黑色,西班牙裔和亚洲青少年同样或更可能开始HPV疫苗接种系列,但他们不太可能获得该系列所需的所有照片。



HPV is the cause of genital warts, but not all types of HPV cause genital warts. Of the approximately 150 different types of HPV, about 75 percent cause skin warts, and the other 25 percent infect the genitals and other mucous membranes, according to the American Cancer Society.

Some genital HPV types cause genital warts, and others can cause a variety of types of cancer.




Sexual Health Resources


American Sexual Health Association (ASHA)

This website offers a wealth of information on various aspects of sexual health and wellness – including生殖器疣和HPV。确保检查他们的综述HPV myths versus facts,以及他们的指南discussing HPV with your partner

Clinical Trials

临床试验are a way to stay connected and up-to-date with the latest research into genital warts. This website offers a useful starting point for finding clinical trials near you which are actively recruiting.

Planned Parenthood

This organization is a great source of accessible information about signs, symptoms, prevention and treatment of genital warts. They also offer a “Find a Health Center“服务以帮助您找到一个被测试或治疗生殖器疣(和其他性病)的地方。

Learn More About Sexuality and STD Resources

Additional reporting byBecky Upham


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