

获取有关睡眠呼吸暂停的事实,该呼吸暂停可能会在家庭中运行。 Allison Michael Orenstein/Getty Images

关于阻塞性的错误信息仍然存在睡眠呼吸暂停- 当您停止在睡眠期间短暂呼吸,反复呼吸时,即使大约有1800万美国人有共同的状况。National Sleep Foundation

的数量people with sleep apneais going up, found a May 2013发表在《美国流行病学杂志》上。Increases were from 14 to 55 percent over the past two decades, depending on age group and gender.


1.睡眠呼吸暂停可以在家庭中运行。Adam Amdur, 41, of Sarasota, Florida, believes he's had sleep apnea since childhood, though doctors didn’t diagnose him with the condition until he was 35. After his diagnosis, he learned that children can inherit facial features — like a recessed chin, large tonsils, or a large overbite, among others — that put them at risk for obstructive sleep apnea. Because of that, he knew what to look for in his daughter. She experienced sleep apnea as a baby, but unlike in his own childhood, she got timely treatment. Amdur believes he saved his daughter from “years of slow, incremental decline — physically and mentally.”

Up to 4 percent of children have sleep apnea, including some who are only 2 years old, according to the美国睡眠呼吸暂停协会。“绝对可以是遗传性的,”美国学院院士Shalini Paruthi医学博士说。bob ios下载 圣路易斯SSM红衣主教儿童医疗中心的儿科睡眠和研究中心主任。

2. Women can have sleep apnea, too.Tracy Nasca, 61, who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, wishes more people realized that women can have this common disorder. She suspects that one of the reasons it took doctors 14 years to诊断她的睡眠呼吸暂停他们只是从来没有想到这是可能的 - 因为她的性别。她说:“那时,妇女只是没有被诊断出患有睡眠呼吸暂停。”


3. Don’t assume snoring is harmless.“Lots of people joke about snoring,” says Robin Simon, 51, of Chicago. “Yes, it can be annoying, but it could also be a sign of something more serious.” She was sharing a hotel room with a friend while on vacation in Italy about five years ago, and her snoring kept both of them up. “When someone complains about your snoring, you should consider that there might be an issue and get it checked out,” Simon says. She did, and she learned she had sleep apnea.


很常见的床上伴侣或家人s to say someone is snoring loudly and chronically, or choking or gasping during sleep. That’s often how doctors discover sleep apnea, Paruthi says.

4.并非所有用于治疗睡眠呼吸暂停的CPAP机器都是相同的。连续的正气道压力(CPAP)机器是最常用的睡眠呼吸暂停治疗。病人在晚上在鼻子和嘴上戴着口罩。面膜连接到提供连续气道压力并保持鼻腔通道的机器上。其他睡眠呼吸暂停treatments包括可调气道压力设备和呼气正气道压力以及口服电器以保持喉咙打开,notes the Mayo Clinic


5.您不必超重即可获得睡眠呼吸暂停。Nasca believes that her significant weight gain after her children were born contributed to her sleep disturbance. But even after she lost weight throughbariatric surgery,她仍然有睡眠呼吸暂停。她说:“我的舌头没有损失一盎司。”Paruthi指出,根据她的经验,超重的人处于更高的状态睡眠呼吸暂停的风险, but she has treated thin people for the condition, too.

6. Sleep apnea should never be ignored.“I wish people knew that sleep apnea never gets better if left untreated. It only gets worse,” Nasca says. Untreated sleep apnea can cause you to develop other serious health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and weight gain, Paruthi says. Complications can also include daytime fatigue because of being repeatedly awakened at night, and could cause your partner to becomesleep-deprived, notes the Mayo Clinic
