
矿物质对于情绪,肌肉,肠道健康等很重要 - 但是测试可能很棘手。这是您需要知道的。

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purple and orange woman with headache
你有经常头痛吗?如果是这样,那可能是一个迹象,您对镁的含量很低。 iStock

如果有全部营养奖,它可能会获得镁。美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)指出,卑微的矿物质在帮助您的身体成功方面起着至关重要的作用。((1)“除了成为我们骨骼的组成部分外,还需要300多个酶促反应。”Robin Foroutan,RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in integrative and functional medicine at the Morrison Center in New York City.





As the NIH notes, magnesium deficiency first shows up as a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. It can progress to cause numbness and tingling, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythm, and even personality changes. Severe deficiency can lead to an electrolyte imbalance, driving down或者levels. (1) The consequences of a condition like hypokalemia (low potassium) can cause symptoms like weakness and fatigue, according to the Mayo Clinic. (2)


Signs and Symptoms of Suboptimal Magnesium Levels

Olivia Wagner,RDN是芝加哥综合注册营养师营养学家,怀疑有人在提出以下投诉时可能会降低镁:


镁可能在神经递质that help control or block pain, according to the American偏头痛基础。((3)

Muscle Cramping With Exercise



镁可能有助于放松肌肉,这可以减少无法控制的冲动twitch or move your legs at rest根据克利夫兰诊所的说法。((4)

Anxiety or Depression

瓦格纳说,某些神经递质需要镁才能正常运行。神经递质不平衡可能会使您冷静下来或使您感到边缘处于优势,从而增加了精神状况的风险,例如anxiety and depression


镁支持结肠壁的肌肉功能,并帮助您平静下来,这两者都鼓励肠道运动并减少便秘, says Wagner.




Certain conditions, such type 2 diabetes andgastrointestinal克罗恩(Crohn's)或腹腔疾病, can affect the way magnesium is absorbed or speed its clearance from the body, therefore putting people who have these conditions at risk of deficiency. Yet true magnesium deficiency in healthy people is rare, according to the NIH. (1)

Some researchers don’t agree. Authors of a study published online in January 2018 in放开心灵wrote that “the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for deficiency” because of chronic disease, medications (that affect magnesium levels), diets high in加工食品(不包含足够的营养素,例如镁),并且由于现代农业而导致土壤中的水平枯竭。作者说,但是,大多数案件都没有被诊断出来。((5)可能增加镁缺乏风险的药物包括利尿剂,抗酸剂, 和口服避孕药, according to a review published in September 2018 inNutrients。((6)


确实,瓦格纳说:“我认为镁缺乏症经常被忽略。”一个可能的原因是标准测试可能会降低。通常,您的医生可能会订购血清验血if they are concerned about your magnesium level. However, the magnesium status in your blood will remain in the normal range until you’re truly deficient, which can be dangerous, says Foroutan. “While there’s controversy about what is the best way to analyze magnesium nutrient status, I use a magnesium red blood cell (RBC) test,” she says. The two tests sound the same, but they differ. RBCs are used as they typically have a higher magnesium content compared with blood serum, making them a potentially preferable marker, notes past research. (7) However, as the researchers explain, there needs to be more, particularly long-term, studies on this to determine the reliability of this test. Talk to your healthcare provider.


If you are concerned that your symptoms or health concerns may be a result of magnesium deficiency or that your level may not be optimal, talk to your doctor. Ask what type of test they use and why. Based on the results, you may be advised to supplement along with making a concerted effort to eat more富含镁的食物瓦格纳说,就像坚果,南瓜种子,菠菜和瑞士甜菜一样。总是最好尽可能从全食中获取营养。健康的男人应以400至420毫克的摄入量(MG)摄入;克利夫兰诊所指出,健康女性应消耗310至320毫克。((8)



  1. 镁。国立卫生研究院。March 24, 2020.
  2. 低钾(低钾血症)。Mayo Clinic。January 11, 2018.
  3. 镁。American Migraine Foundation。2013年10月15日。
  4. 5医生批准的家庭疗法,治疗不安的腿综合症。克利夫兰诊所。March 11, 2019.
  5. Dinicolantonio JJ,O’Keefe JH,Wilson W.亚临床镁缺乏症:心血管疾病和公共卫生危机的主要驱动力。放开心灵。2018。
  6. 工作人员JL,Doyle RP,Bortz J.诊断镁地位的挑战。Nutrients。2018年9月。
  7. Ismail Y, Ismail AA, Ismail AAA. The Underestimated Problem of Using Serum Magnesium Measurements to Exclude Magnesium Deficiency in Adults; A Health Warning Is Needed for "Normal" Results.Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine。March 2020.
  8. 镁Rich Food.克利夫兰诊所。December 1, 2014.
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