Calcium: Everything You Need to Know About This Mineral and Why Your Body Needs It

To help get the calcium your body needs, consider including foods such as kale and supplements in your diet. iStock(2)

Did you know that your bones and teeth are mostly made up of calcium? In fact, 99 percent of your body’s calcium supply is stored in these body parts. In addition to literally forming the foundation of your body, calcium works in many other ways to help keep you in tip-top working order. (1

What Is Calcium, and Why Do I Need It?

钙是一种在许多身体过程中起作用的矿物质,包括血液凝结和释放激素。((2)“钙,体内最丰富的矿物,是骨骼和牙齿,”说Emily Kyle, RDN,纽约罗切斯特私人执业营养师。钙在人体内部的某些代谢功能中也起着许多重要作用。足够的钙摄入量对于维持最佳神经传播和心脏肌肉功能的调节很重要。”

一生中获得足够的钙可以帮助prevent osteoporosis, a bone disease that heightens your risk of breaking bones. (2,3)重要的是要足够vitamin D与钙一起,因为组合会增加您对矿物的吸收。(3)



  • 1-3:700毫克(MG)的儿童
  • 4-8:1,000毫克的儿童
  • 9-18岁的儿童:1,300毫克(4


  • 19-50:1,000毫克的男女
  • Women age 51+: 1,200 mg
  • 男性51岁以上:1,000毫克
  • 男性71岁以上:1,200毫克(5
  • Pregnant or lactating women ages 14-18: 1,300 mg
  • 19-50:1,000毫克的怀孕或哺乳期妇女(6

Calcium absorption also varies based on the type of food the calcium comes from, other foods it’s consumed with, and how much calcium is taken in at any one time. As the amount of calcium consumed increases, how efficiently the body absorbs that calcium decreases. As a result, it’s more effective to split doses of calcium throughout the day than to take in the same total amount of calcium all at once.

What Are the Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency?


根据2013年发表的一项研究美国营养学院杂志。((8)Age groups most at risk for insufficiency include females ages 14 to 18 and adults age 71 and older, according to a study in营养杂志。((9


Initially, you may show no noticeable signs of a calcium deficiency. But over time, symptoms can include numbness or tingling in fingers, muscle cramping, irregular heart rhythms, loss of appetite, and lethargy. (4)


While dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich in calcium, these aren’t the only food sources of the mineral. (5) “Tofu is my personal favorite calcium-rich food because it is versatile and perfect for plant-based eaters and omnivores alike,” says Kyle. To get the calcium benefits of tofu, choose an option prepared with calcium sulfate. You’ll also find calcium in canned salmon, leafy greens such askale, and西兰花。(4)


Do I Need to Take a Calcium Supplement?

It depends. “Both men and women require differing amounts of calcium throughout their lifetime, meaning that some people may need to take calcium supplements at a certain age to meet their recommended dietary allowance,” says Kyle. “For women, the body requires more calcium during adolescence, pregnancy, and lactation, and the postmenopausal phase. During these periods, it is wise to discuss your personal need for a calcium supplement with your healthcare provider.”

Not sure how much calcium you get from food? Log your daily eats with an app likebob体育在线日常健康的卡路里柜台(追踪营养摄入),大约一个星期see where you stand. If you fall low, consider adding more calcium-rich foods to your diet before you jump straight to supplements since the whole food version provides benefits beyond calcium alone.



“钙补品有多种形式,最常见的是calcium carbonateandcalcium citrate,”说Kyle. “The most appropriate calcium supplement should be selected with your healthcare provider, based on a variety of factors, including your age, any current medical issues, and the risk for potential interactions with current medications.”

Calcium carbonate is the most commonly available calcium supplement, and it’s also the least expensive one. (4,10)当食物食用时,您会吸收最好的。(4)

但是,研究于2013年11月发表在《杂志》上研究生医学表明吸收率对也正在消费的人不利proton pump inhibitorsor组胺2个阻滞剂(用于治疗消化溃疡和回流)。((11)碳酸钙也可能导致副作用,例如气体,腹胀, 或者便秘。(4)另一方面,应在没有食物的情况下服用柠檬酸钙,而报告的副作用较少,这是低胃酸产生的人的最佳补充选择。(4,11)钙补充剂的常见类型较少包括乳酸钙andcalcium gluconate。(4)




  • 1-8岁的儿童:2,500毫克
  • Children ages 9-18: 3,000 mg
  • 19-50岁的男女:2,500毫克
  • 51岁以上的男性和女人:2,000毫克
  • 14-18岁的孕妇或哺乳期妇女
  • 19-50岁的怀孕或哺乳期妇女:2,500毫克(6)

您可以通过食物获得这么多钙吗?不太可能。您只需要担心通过强化食品和补充剂过量服用钙即可。并记住,您可能正在通过多种来源补充钙 - 例如多种维生素,钙补充剂和非处方antacids。这些抗酸剂通常提供每片200 mg至400 mg钙。(4)

As for interactions with medication, you do need to be concerned with this, as some will negatively interact with calcium. For instance, calcium supplements can decrease absorption ofbisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis。(4)您可以在Drug Interactions Checkerat for potential interactions, but it’s still a good idea to speak with your doctor and pharmacist before starting any new medication.



Symptoms of calcium deficiency include numbness and tingling in the fingers, muscle cramps, convulsions, lethargy, poor appetite, and abnormal heart rhythms. (4) If you suspect your calcium intake is too low — or if you have any of these symptoms — speak with your doctor about getting some tests run. It’s also possible to have no symptoms but have a low-level calcium deficiency that does increase health risks. It’s best to make sure you’re getting adequate daily calcium intake from foods.

What Foods Are High in Calcium?

当食物含有矿物的每日价值的20%或以上时,钙被认为很高。钙的每日值为1000毫克,因此高钙的食物每份可能含有200 mg或更多的食物。高钙的食物包括酸奶,奶酪,牛奶,钙结合钙豆浆和橙汁,沙丁鱼罐头(包含骨骼)和用硫酸钙制成的豆腐。(4)

Can I Get Too Much Calcium?

Yes, there is such a thing as too much calcium! Although taking in too much from food is unlikely, you can overconsume calcium through fortified foods and supplements. Before beginning a calcium supplement regimen, speak with your doctor to make sure you need it and that it’s safe to pair with any medication you are taking.


A calcium channel blocker prevents calcium from entering the cells in the heart and blood vessel walls — helping to lower blood pressure. It may also help治疗冠状动脉疾病, 胸痛,心律不齐,以及某些循环疾病,例如雷诺氏病。((13



  • 柠檬酸钙柠檬酸钙;$ 9.93;亚马逊
  • 生命花园原始钙补充剂;$ 30.51;亚马逊
  • 自然制成镁锌;$ 8.62;亚马逊
  • 维生素K2 + D3的新章钙补充剂;$ 32.24;亚马逊
  • Nature Made Calcium with Vitamin D; $9.47;亚马逊

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking


  1. Ross AC,Taylor CL,Yaktine AL等。钙的概述。维生素D和钙的饮食参考摄入量。2011。
  2. Calcium in Diet.Medlineplus。2017年1月7日。
  3. 骨质疏松症:概述。Medlineplus。October 1, 2017.
  4. 钙。国立卫生研究院。September 26, 2018.
  5. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015–2020。December 2015.
  6. 钙和维生素D的饮食参考摄入量。Institute of Medicine of the National Academies。November 2010.
  7. Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.美国农业部
  8. Wallace TC,Reider C,Fulgoni VL III。钙和维生素D差异与美国的性别,年龄,种族,家庭收入水平和体重分类有关,而不是美国的素食:NHANES 2001-2008数据集的分析。美国营养学院杂志2013.
  9. Bailey RL, Dodd KW, Goldman JA, et al. Estimation of Total Usual Calcium and Vitamin D Intakes in the United States.营养杂志。April 2010.
  10. Calcium and Calcium Supplements: Achieving the Right Balance.梅奥诊所。2018年10月3日。
  11. Booth A,CamachoP。仔细研究钙吸收以及饮食与补充钙的好处和风险。研究生医学2013年11月。
  12. Kohn JB。关于钙补充剂的最新建议是什么?营养与饮食学院杂志2017年9月。
  13. 钙通道阻滞剂。梅奥诊所。2019年1月2日。
