

Medically Reviewed
将这些药物和用品藏在您的EPI袋中,以管理您的症状。 Marnie Griffiths/Getty Images

The symptoms ofexocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)- 包括胃痉挛,腹泻和bloating— can surface at any time, which is why you should consider keeping some emergency supplies on hand if a flare occurs.

Here are steps you can take to preventEPIflaresand be ready to respond if they happen while you’re out and about — plus what to carry with you when you’re on the go.

1. PERT药物

如果您被诊断出EPI,您的医生最有可能开处方pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT)。This medication helps yourpancreas functionwell and controls yourEPI症状。即使您在出门前就把自己的pert放在门前,也应该随身携带一些,以防万一,以防预期。Elissa M. Downs, MD, MPH,明尼苏达大学共济会儿童医院的儿科胃肠病学家。

“Truly the most important thing that people with EPI can carry with them is their prescribedpancreatic enzymes,” she explains. “Remembering to take these before every meal and snack will prevent symptoms from flaring up.”


Enzyme supplements, which can be found at health-food stores and some pharmacies, can help extend the effectiveness of PERT in an emergency, but talk to your doctor before trying them. “One has to be very careful with [supplements],” saysJohn Lieb II, MD,胰腺学家,胃肠病学家和佛罗里达大学医学助理教授。Lieb博士还在国家胰腺基金会(NPF)董事会任职。“但是,如果您仔细阅读标签,胰腺酶可能相当安全。”

Just be aware that these enzyme supplements aren’t regulated nearly as well as prescription PERT, so their concentrations or doses aren’t as consistent, says Lieb.

Lieb说,对于患有胆管障碍物或EPI狭窄的人来说,胰腺胆汁补充剂可能有助于症状临时辅助。但是胆汁补充剂也可能导致watery diarrhea,他警告。他说,根据利布(Lieb),大多数EPI患者每餐至少需要48,000至72,000单位的脂肪酶,而大多数非处方(OTC)脂肪酶补充剂仅包含每丸5,000单位。

Fiber supplements can help withincontinence。Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, and if you do opt for one or more, be sure to start with a low dose to minimize your chances of side effects, Lieb advises. Always take supplements with food.

3. Other Prescription Medication

如果你把你的PERT correctly, you shouldn’t need to worry about carrying other emergency OTC medications to ward off diarrhea and other symptoms, Dr. Downs says. But if you’ve missed a PERT dose for some reason — say, you forgot to bring it with you when heading out for a meal — or you’re worried about certain symptoms rearing their ugly heads while you’re out and about, packing prescription drugs such as antispasmodics, which can be used to treat stomach cramps and pain as well as preventgastrointestinal(GI) symptoms of EPI, can bring peace of mind, Lieb notes.

如果你有除EPI外,这很常见,请确保包装胰岛素和葡萄糖补充剂。您应该用一顿饭或小吃(包括营养饮料)服用所有处方药,以防止upset stomachand other side effects, he advises.

4. Healthy Snacks

保留小吃,例如蛋白质棒, on hand is important if you need to take your medications on the go. Avoid high-fat, sugary snacks, and check labels for hydrogenated vegetable fats, mono-/diglycerides, and olestra/olein fat substitutes, which can worsen EPI symptoms, Lieb advises. “Eating healthy is important for those with EPI and pancreatic disease due to the risk of poor nutrient and vitamin absorption,” Downs adds. “I recommend carrying healthy, portable snacks with a good mix of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.”

5. A Water Bottle


6. Any Laxatives You May Be Taking

Some people with EPI who are taking their PERT as directed feel more便秘, Downs says. If you’re one of them, you should carry OTC stool softeners or泻药与您一起根据需要进行。


OTC pain relievers, such asacetaminophenor nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can help with pain caused bychronic pancreatitis, if your doctor says you can use them, Lieb says. He warns against overuse, though, as these drugs can cause stomach pain and diarrhea, among other side effects.

8. Antacids or Anti-Gas Treatments

Speaking of OTCs to have at the ready, Lieb says some people with EPI find that OTC抗酸剂or gas treatments help manage stomach cramps and pain. The longer-acting the drugs are (usually listed on the label), the better, he adds. These products should allow you enough time to get home — or at least somewhere you can comfortably address your symptoms.

9. Vitamins

“Some people with EPI may need amultivitamin,” Lieb says, “but talk to your doctor first before taking one.” If your doctor recommends a once-daily multivitamin to help treat your EPI, having them with you can’t hurt. Lieb also recommends people with EPI have zinc lozenges on hand, because frequent diarrhea can increase your risk for zinc deficiency, which can then worsen diarrhea, he says.

10. Helpful Apps

The NPF recommends an app calledBackpack HealthLieb说,(在iOS,Android上免费)对于EPI等慢性病的人说。该应用程序允许您跟踪症状,药物,实验室结果等等,并与医生和家人共享信息。

唐斯说,有多个移动应用程序可以帮助您跟踪EPI症状和整体胃肠道健康。她说:“我鼓励患者探索一些,并找到他们使用的东西。”知道什么可以触发您的症状以及何时 - 可以帮助您更好地准备,尤其是在旅途中。


11. Hygiene Supplies and Clean Underwear

