7 Mobility Exercises to Boost Your Health and Fitness

Mobility is important at every fitness level. If you’re not working on mobility, here’s how to get started.

woman doing yoga on green mat child's pose
Mobility is how much your joints can move in their sockets. And it’s important for a lot of everyday activities, as well as exercise.
Getty Images

您上次考虑进行移动锻炼是什么时候?就像你训练aerobic耐力,力量和灵活性, you also need to train for mobility, especially if you want to maintain a vibrant, active life.

移动性是指关节在其插座内移动的方式。“移动性是能够通过周围的组织自由移动关节,使运动顺利进行。”丹妮丝·塞万提斯(Denise Cervantes),位于加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺的ACSM认证的运动表现和健身专家。

Think, for instance, the way the shoulder moves when you’re doing an arm windmill or arm circle.

It’s related, but not synonymous withflexibility。灵活性是指在拉伸中延长或保持肌肉的能力。移动性是指关节的运动范围。


“如果你没有灵活性和机动性,蒂姆e it can get harder to do simple things like getting in and out of your car, bending down to put on your shoes, or reaching up to get something out of a cupboard,” Cervantes says. And it could make training and exercise more difficult.


Take, for instance, mobility in your hips and thoracic spine. If you keep these body parts immobile too much, you may develop injuries simply due to repetitive daily behaviors, namely from excessive sitting and device use. Without attention, those habits cause kyphosis, an exaggerated rounding of the back, Cervantes says.

Immobility can also lead to poor walking mechanics. “Because of so much sitting, the臀部屈肌become so tight that they’re unable to open so when you walk, you’re only able to use a shortened stride,” she says. You’re then more likely to shuffle your feet as you walk when you age, your body hunched over.


Even better? You’re never too young — or old — to start. “At all points of your life, mobility training should be part of your力量训练program,” saysPrentiss Rhodes,CSCS,位于亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔的NASM认证的私人教练和主要教练。

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7 Exercises to Help You Get More Mobile




Here are seven exercises you can try that help with mobility for your major and most-used joints:

1. Child’s Pose to Downward-Facing Dog





站在脚比肩膀稍宽,脚趾s turned out for this exercise, Rhodes says. Sit back to lower body until thighs are parallel to floor (or as close as you can get to parallel). Hold here a second before shifting weight forward and placing hands on floor in front of you. Spread knees farther apart, as you lower yourself toward the ground, bring chest to the floor if possible. (Support yourself as needed with your arms if stretch in the inner thighs and groin is too intense.) Hold for a second before pushing back to that deep squat with toes turned out. Moving slowly, stand.


3. Chest and Shoulder Opener


Repeat 8 to 12 times, Rhodes says; then carefully roll onto back, hold weight into chest to give arms a break, and switch sides, repeating on other side.

4. Hitchhiker

Get on floor on hands and knees in Tabletop position, wrists below shoulders and knees below hips, Rhodes says. Form right hand into fist, thumb pointing up in Hitchhiker position, and lift right arm in front of you to shoulder height. Lower to start and repeat 8 to 12 times.



Kneel on floor with knees about hip-width apart. Step right foot forward so right knee is over right ankle and right thigh is parallel with floor. With arms to sides or hands on hips, shift weight back as you lean from hips over right foot allowing right toes to come up. (If you need some balance, place hands on floor.) Release to start and repeat 8 to 12 times, Rhodes says.





Lie face up on floor with legs extended on floor, Cervantes says. Bend right knee and bring it toward chest so knee is pointing toward ceiling. Draw circles — make them progressively bigger — with that knee in one direction 20 times; switch directions and repeat. Then switch sides and repeat, Cervantes says.
