Why Fear Is Keeping the Breast Cancer Community From Coming Together

乳腺癌幸存者和设计师Dana Donofree股份为什么对所有阶段的成员更重要,以倡导转移性研究和支持。

Dana Donofree.
Dana Donofree.(far right) with her team at the AnaOno headquarters in Philadelphia. Dana Donofree.

“You’re lucky you caught it early,” said just about everyone I encountered after I was diagnosed with breast cancer a day before my 28th birthday.

I believed them. I thought they must know something I didn’t know. It was early —stage 1, to be exact — a small tumor, no lymph node involvement, HER2+, ER+.

I was “lucky” I caught my cancer before it “spread,” said other people (they were closer, but still very far away).


My treatment was aggressive, just like my cancer. I had a doublemastectomy;六轮chemotherapy;a year of赫赛汀,针对HER2阳性癌症的靶向治疗;其次是七年半的荷尔蒙抑制剂。虽然我被诊断为“早期”,但我的医疗团队建议我留下互联网,因为我会发现关于HER2阳性癌症的东西会过时。它不会反映对我提供的治疗,但患者早些时候没有患者。那些患者,大多数人都死了。


What early meant was that I actually做过幸运。我很幸运,我的手腕在我的淋浴间吃草了我的腋下。我很幸运,我最好的朋友,我的小妹妹最近告诉我他们乳房肿块,去看了医生让他们检查。我很幸运,我很快就会退休gynecologistcouldn’t see me when I rescheduled my appointment, which brought me to the new, young, smart nurse practitioner. Iwaslucky.

我现在知道,我当时不知道是,early doesn’t always matter. Actually, much of what we think we know about cancer doesn’t matter. We have cancer, and cancer has a mind of its own. We do our best, but we don’t always win.


I am lucky as a 10-year “survivor.” I am now one of the elders in the breast cancer community, which is like a secret society, even though I have not even lived 40 years of life. I am lucky to have had the opportunity to launchAnaOnoand创建包容性内衣after my own cancer experience showed me a world that needed improving.

你知道吗30 percent of early-stage breast cancer "spreads"还这意味着我们三个在我们诊断出患有早期乳腺癌的美国近似metastasizeat some point in our lifetime, and our diagnosis will be terminal. As of today, that diagnosis means 18 to 36 months to live, on average. I didn’t know that until 2017 — seven years after my diagnosis.

Why don’t we know this? Why don’t we talk about it? I think it has a lot to do with fear.


I am lucky to have had the opportunity to meetChampagne Joy, the late founder of#Cancerland,一个阶段4倡导的媒体平台。当香槟喜悦第一次分享那些令人惊叹的4阶段的统计数据时,我害怕和困惑,但我问了很多问题,我做了自己的研究。


My dearest and closest friend, Jill Conley, was my muse. After the AnaOno launch party, I posted her bio on my brand-new website and wrote, “diagnosed stage 3 breast cancer and bone cancer.” A woman emailed me: “You have to update what you wrote about Jill. She does not have bone cancer; she has breast cancer in her bones.”What?I literally had no idea what this meant. I knew my best friend had stage 4 breast cancer, and I knew she would be on medication forever, but I didn’t know her breast cancer was in her bones. In less than two years, my muse, Jill, was gone.


Dana Donofree.
Donofree通过手术和包容性的内衣和胸罩恢复来热衷于赋予乳腺癌患者。 Danielle Pearce Photography

How I Advocate for an Inclusive Breast Cancer Community

When I launched AnaOno I started to learn, to hear so many stories, and to share my own story. Supporting the breast cancer community through advocacy and activism is now a part of my business. Bringing the community together is now part of my mission.

In 2017, I partnered with Champagne Joy and #Cancerland to provoke new conversations and advocate for accountable action toward a cure. I pushed forward to support Champagne in exposing the truths around breast cancer in a new way — that year we staged our first New York Fashion Week (NYFW) show, #Exposed. The show supportedMETAvivor.org, an organization that gives 100 percent of all money raised to stage 4 breast癌症研究。那一年我们失去了香槟喜悦。

Still, we didn’t think the world got it. They had seen mastectomy scars on breast cancer patients who walked the runway, but they didn’t see models with stage 4 breast cancer. In 2018, we vowed to be louder — one-third of our models had stage 4 breast cancer, to represent the 30 percent of women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer who would become metastatic. It was an amazing show, and still the press barely mentioned stage 4 breast cancer.

In 2019 we doubled down on our message in support of Champagne’s legacy.所有24种型号是4阶段的乳腺癌患者。我站在那里,一个早期的台阶,被乳腺癌患者秘密学会的成员包围,他们在我们所有人面前死亡。这是我生命中最自豪的时刻,同时我深深地感受到了我最亲爱的朋友的失去,他们不是那里与我分享。

2020年:今年,在我们方面的比赛中,我们希望在疫苗(患乳腺癌的风险增加),早期患者和晚期乳腺癌患者之间分解墙壁之间的墙壁。因为我们都需要彼此。我们彼此依靠继续改变并破坏对乳腺癌意味着什么的常见误解。乳腺癌不仅仅是一件事 - 它很复杂。仍然没有治愈。我们仍然只希望更好地治疗,提高我们的生活质量,并获得每次射击,所以我们可以充分地生活这一生活。

Every year as we prepare for NYFW, I get an email from a customer who lets me know that during “this time” she has to stop following us. That we talk too much aboutmetastatic breast cancer她只是不能忍受它。她提出质疑我们的统计数据,因为她的“医生从未告诉过她”。今年,我们的主题是#fearless,我希望她准备好了,因为我们所有人都需要加入力量,分享我们的恐惧,武装自己的信息,并筹集资金来资助最终可能导致我们更好的研究治疗转移性疾病,因此使我们所有人都有益。

Someone just like me.

Important:The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not Everyday Health.
