How to Recover From COVID-19 at Home

Here’s how to alleviate mild or moderate COVID-19 symptoms, with help from over-the-counter medications, nondrug strategies, monoclonal antibody treatment, or antiviral oral pills.

Medically Reviewed
illustration of a house with covid-19 virus floating above
你可能需要隔离在你的房子,但是你没有’t have to fight COVID-19 alone: Call your doctor to figure out next steps. Adobe Stock

If you come down with mild or moderateCOVID-19,您可能知道您需要待在家里以避免感染他人。但是,当您的免疫系统与病毒作斗争时,您可能不知道您所能做的所有事情。

For one, scientists have made strides in developing new ways to treat mild or moderateCOVID-19. This includes two antiviral treatments that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized for emergency use (EUA) December 2021:Pfizer’s Paxlovid(copackaged nirmatrelvir tablets and ritonavir tablets) for adults and certain children andMerck’s molnupiravirfor adults.

As far as hospital treatment goes,in October 2020, the FDA approvedthe antiviral Veklury (remdesivir) for use in adults and certain children.

还有其他药物和非药物干预措施可以帮助您应付2019冠状病毒病症状,通常是发烧或发冷的混合cough,气促,头痛,疲劳,sore throat, congestion or runny nose, muscle or body aches, diarrhea, nausea, or other issues.

The first thing you should do if you think you have COVID-19: Call your doctor. Even if you think your symptoms are not severe enough to bother a healthcare provider about in the middle of a pandemic, it’s still important to reach out.

“We don’t want people to suffer in silence, at home and possibly alone,” saysPaul Pottinger, MD,西雅图华盛顿大学医学院的传染病医生。“Whether it’s in person or online, if you’re sick and suspect you have COVID-19, you should talk to your doctor, and together you can decide if you need to be tested [or] accessed [admitted to a hospital] for COVID-19.”

Read on to learn about what happens during a medical appointment, how to cope with symptoms using a variety of strategies, and whether you might be a candidate for interventions such as monoclonal antibody treatments or antiviral pills.

Note: The following are signs and symptoms of severe COVID-19 that should prompt you to seek immediate emergency care,per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in your chest
  • New confusion
  • 无法醒来或保持清醒
  • 浅,灰色或蓝色的嘴唇,皮肤或指甲床(取决于肤色)


“If someone is really sick with symptoms of COVID-19, an in-person assessment is the best way to determine the course of treatment. There are certain vital sign measurements that just can’t happen via Zoom or a telephone call,” says Dr. Pottinger.


Check your vital signs.In addition to measuring your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, physicians will assess your respiratory rate, which is how many breaths you take per minute. In a healthy person that would be around 12 to 16,根据约翰霍普金斯医学. A respiratory rate of 23 or greater is a red flag,per UW Medicine.


询问您的病史。To determine your risk of becoming extremely ill, your doctor will ask your age. “That’s because people over the age of 65 tend to have a more severe course of COVID-19 and have a relatively higher risk of dying as a result of the infection,” Pottinger explains.

A physician will also ask about any underlying medical conditions you have as well as your health history. “For example, is your immune system normal, or is it reduced in some way due to a disease process or treatment of a condition that you have?” says Pottinger.

According to the CDC,以下条件增加了您发展严重的Covid-19的风险:

Conduct a physical examination.Your doctor will listen to your heartbeat and breathing, and ask about your symptoms, including how intense they are and when they started. There is a broad spectrum of symptoms due to COVID-19 — everything fromnew loss of taste and smellto arash known as “COVID toes”— so you should keep track and tell your doctor about all of them, even if you aren’t sure they are related to COVID-19.

Your doctor will use their clinical judgment, in conjunction with lab work, to determine if you need to be admitted to the hospital. “It’s hard to describe, but it’s part of the practice of medicine being able to identify a patient who is just not going to thrive when they go home,” says Pottinger.

Drug-Free Strategies for Feeling Better When You Have Mild or Moderate COVID-19

There is no cure for COVID-19, but there are a few simple and physician-recommended ways to cope with symptoms.

Natural Remedies for COVID-19 Symptoms

TheCDC suggeststhe following as part of an overall treatment plan to manage your symptoms at home.

  • DyspneaIf you are having symptoms of dyspnea (difficulty breathing), schedule an appointment with your doctor. They may recommend that you lie prone, or face down, rather than flat on your back.
  • 气短如果呼吸不足会使您感到焦虑,您的医生可能会建议您的呼吸练习可以帮助您。加州大学圣地亚哥加州大学健康创造了简短视频that details how to perform a simple breathing technique to help with COVID-19-related stress.
  • CoughFor help managing acough, try cough drops,伤风膏, 和hot water or hot tea with lemon.
  • DehydrationTo reduce the risk of becoming dehydrated, drink fluids regularly and keep eating. Aim for about 64 to 70 ounces of water every day. If you are sweating a lot from a fever, you may want to supplement water with an electrolyte-containing sports drink, such as Gatorade,according to Geisinger Health System.
  • EatingTo make eating easier, opt for foods that are easy to digest and relatively bland such as chicken noodle or vegetable broth soup,avocados或吐司。虽然味道和气味的丧失会使食物不可吸引,但良好的营养将有助于您康复。

A研究于2021年7月发表Food Science & Nutritionfound that in mild or moderate infections, staying physically active, sleeping seven hours per day or more, drinking 2 liters or more of water per day, and consuming more plant-based proteins “can provide a significant role in early and safe recovery from COVID-19.”

RELATED:What to Do When COVID Kills Your Sense of Taste and Smell

Over-the-Counter Medications for COVID-19

Some over-the-counter medications may improve symptoms of COVID-19,according to the University of Chicago Medicine.

  • Fever, Body Aches, or HeadacheTryacetaminophen (Tylenol),naproxen (Aleve), 或者ibuprofen (Advill, Motrin)— assuming you don’t have any preexisting conditions or allergies that would make these drugs risky for you.
  • CongestionIf you are very congested, short-term use of a nasal decongestant, such as a nasal spray, may help unblock your nose and open yoursinuses, says Pottinger.

Monoclonal Antibody Treatment

Researchers are developing new therapies to treat mild to moderate COVID-19, including monoclonal antibodies. These are molecules produced in a lab that mimic those naturally made by the body’s immune system to fight invading pathogens such as viruses.


Monoclonal antibody medications are generally administered by IV (intravenous infusion) at an outpatient infusion center (generally at a hospital or other medical center). The whole treatment process takes about two to three hours, with the IV delivery of the drug taking about an hour.

Pottinger说,输注单克隆抗体可以增强免疫系统,从而降低了某人需要住院的风险,并在某些研究中降低了死亡的几率。波丁纳说:“不幸的是,这种好处的幅度比我们想要的要小得多 - 这不是奇迹的治愈方法。”

The FDA has granted EUA status to several monoclonal antibody medications for mild or moderate COVID-19. An EUA is not the same thing as an approval; these treatments are still considered investigational. But based on a careful evaluation of the available scientific evidence, the FDA has determined that the known or potential benefits outweigh the known or potential risks.


TheFDA has authorizedthe use of several monoclonal antibody therapies to treat mild or moderate COVID-19 in adults and children 12 and over (and weighing at least 40 kilograms, or about 88 pounds) who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days and are at high risk for progressing to severe COVID-19, hospitalization, or both.

People at high risk include those who are 65 and older as well as those with the underlying medical conditions detailed above.

In addition to meeting these criteria, you’ll also need a referral from your healthcare provider,根据美国卫生与公共服务部(HHS)的说法.

如果您有症状,但没有医疗保健提供者,请致电877-332-6585致电政府运营的Covid Covid单克隆抗体中心。


The following monoclonal antibody therapies have received EUAs for mild or moderate COVID-19 in eligible patients:

注意:如果您没有资格获得此治疗,则可以通过加入COVID-19的临床试验来获得新药物或治疗。询问您的医疗保健提供者是否有资格clinical trial; people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and genders are needed to find the most effective treatments.

RELATED:How Clinical Trial Volunteers Are Helping End the COVID-19 Pandemic

Where to Get a Monoclonal Antibody Treatment

To find an infusion center near you, ask your healthcare provider or visit theHHS distribution website.

Insurance Coverage of Monoclonal Antibody Treatment

联邦政府已经购买了单克隆抗体疗法的供应,并使它们无需为患者提供抗体产品本身,according to the HHS.

But because the treatment needs to be delivered via infusion, there may be an administrative charge, and that fee will vary according to both your provider and insurance coverage.Medicarewill cover that cost, while Medicaid coverage varies according to the state, according to HHS. If you have private insurance, contact your insurance provider to find out what it will cover.

Uninsured people should ask the treatment facility about charges.

Antiviral Treatments

As mentioned, the FDA has granted EUA for two oral prescription antiviral treatments, Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir tablets and ritonavir tablets) and molnupiravir. These treatments work differently but are both used outside of a hospital setting and in individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are at high risk for COVID-19 complications.


Paxlovid can be used to treat mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults and children ages 12 and older who weigh at least 88 pounds, have tested positive for COVID-19, and are at risk for severe illness or death from the disease, according to the FDA.

The three-pill therapy (two tablets of nirmatrelvir and one tablet of ritonavir) is taken every 12 hours for five days, for a total of 30 pills.


Paxlovid每门课程的费用为530美元Reuters on December 22.

Paxlovid may not be a good fit for people with uncontrolled or undiagnosedHIV, as well as those with severe liver or kidney disease. Paxlovid also may interfere with various medications,FDA在其网站上列出了它.

Side effects include the following, according to the FDA:

  • High blood pressure
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • GI issues like diarrhea
  • 失去品味


莫纳皮拉维尔(Molnupiravir),每门课程的价格为700美元。article from December 23 inThe New York Times, is authorized for use only in adults who test positive for COVID-19 and are at risk of complications or death from the disease, notes the FDA.

The four-pill therapy is taken orally every 12 hours for five days, for a total of 40 pills, and works by causing a genetic mutation in the coronavirus that causes it to die off, according to anarticle published October 9, 2021, in自然.

Like Paxlovid, molnupiravir should be taken within five days of COVID-19 symptom onset.

The FDA recommends the drug only when other authorized treatments, including monoclonal antibodies, can’t be accessed or are not “clinically appropriate.”

Yet the agency advises that pregnant women avoid molnupiravir due to animal studies that suggested the drug may pose birth defects to the fetus.

Side effects of molnupiravir may include the following, per the FDA:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea


Other Treatments for Mild or Moderate COVID-19

In uncommon circumstances, physicians may treat patients who have mild or moderate COVID-19 with the following:

CorticosteroidsThere is evidence to suggest that some people who require supplemental oxygen from a mask or an oxygen cannula may benefit from receiving a steroid such as地塞米松to treat mild or moderate COVID-19.

Examples of conditions that may require supplemental oxygen includeCOPD, pulmonary fibrosis,pneumonia,cystic fibrosis, 和sleep apnea,根据美国肺协会的说法.

Dexamethasoneis a very powerful immune modulator; it reduces inflammation in the body by suppressing the immune response,” Pottinger says. “That sounds like the wrong thing to do, because we need our immune system to kill the virus, but what we’ve found in large and well-done clinical trials is that this subset of people can have an overly robust immune response.”

This response can be reduced by a short course of a relatively low dose ofcorticosteroids和help those patients recover faster and to have a better outcome, he explains.

Home OxygenIn pre-COVID-19 times, it would be very uncommon for physicians to start a patient on oxygen from a doctor’s office or ER and then send them home, says Pottinger.

“Traditionally that would never happen in the United States. We would almost always send someone to the hospital if they’re sick enough to need oxygen,” he says. “Because many hospitals are so incredibly strapped, there has been an increase in an initiation of outpatient oxygen. I think that is fine as long as the patients’ other medical needs are able to be met outside a hospital setting.”

People with COVID-19 who have been prescribed home oxygen should stay in regular contact with their provider, Pottinger advises, adding, “Your doctor might send you home with a pulse oximeter if you don’t have one.”

Debunked or Unproven COVID-19 Treatments: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

社交媒体继续传播关于19 Covid-19治疗的无支不见或无益的主张,最突出的是hydroxychloroquine伊维菌素. “There is no evidence to support their use; there is actually quite a bit of evidence to show that they don’t help,” Pottinger says.

HydroxychloroquineThe most recent review of the existing evidence finds not only the lack of a significant benefit but also some suggestion of harm, particularly in older patients with existing heart disease or risk factors, according to the authors of a评论于2021年8月发表美国医学杂志.

IvermectinThis drug is commonly used to treat or prevent parasites in animals, and伊维菌素tablets are approved at specific doses to treat some parasitic worms in humans. There is currently no evidence that this drug works to prevent or treat COVID-19, says Pottinger, althoughsome clinical studies are underway.

Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous, as is using medications intended for animals. Animal ivermectin products are very different from those approved for humans,according to the CDC.

RELATED:Can Drugs for Other Diseases Help People With Mild or Moderate COVID-19?
