The 7 Best Times to Drink Water

Boost your mood, support your weight, and sharpen your focus by knowing when and how much to hydrate.

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Whether you prefer your water iced, filtered, or infused with fruit, it's important to make sure you're drinking enough. Ethan Sykes/Unsplash

If one of your goals is to drink more water, you’re on your way to a healthier body. “Every cell in our body requires。水对于您的消化,心脏,肺部和大脑的功能至关重要。”莎拉·克里格(Sarah Krieger), a registered dietitian nutritionist in St. Petersburg, Florida.

There are many guidelines about how much to drink. Krieger instructs clients to take their body weight in pounds (lb), divide this number in half, and drink that many ounces (oz) in fluids, including water, each day. (If you are 140 lb, that’s 70 oz of fluids, which is the equivalent of almost nine cups of fluids.) That also depends on your activity level, if you’re out in the heat, or if you’re pregnant, nursing, or ill — all factors that require you to increase hydration. Similarly, water intake recommendations from the国家科学,工程和医学学院suggest men drink at least 13 (8 oz) cups of fluids per day and that women aim for 9 (8 oz) cups of fluids or more.

RELATED:6 Unusual Signs of Dehydration You Should Know About

不管你的水合作用目标,喝consistently throughout the day. Here are seven times when sipping is a smart move to make:

1. When You Wake Up, Consume One to Two Cups of Water

而不是脸色的远处咖啡, drink one to two cups of water first. Because you don't drink while you'rebob ios下载 , you wake up alreadydehydrated,解释说克里格。现在喝水可以使您回到基线。如果您早上服药,这也可以帮助您。然后,是的,去喝咖啡。好消息是它也很算是流体,尽管它是一个caffeinateddrink, which tends to be dehydrating, moderate amounts of java are not dehydrating, according to a小的,先前对50名男性的研究。(Still, coffee is not a replacement for water.)


水可能在体重管理中发挥作用。Melissa Mitri,RDN, owner of Melissa Mitri Nutrition LLC in Milford, Connecticut. “Drinking a cup of water before a meal can help you feel more full and help prevent overeating,” she says. Indeed, a small study found that drinking water before a meal helped men and women eat less and feel just as satisfied as a group who didn’t drink water before. Researchers published their findings inOctober 2018 in the journalClinical Nutrition Research

It may also be better if it’s iced. A small study on men in theEuropean Journal of Nutritionin January 2019发现与喝温暖或热水的群体相比,在35摄氏度的食物中喝了两杯冰水的参与者,因为寒冷的温度会减慢消化,并可能有助于减少食欲。



Drinking water with food aids digestion, says Mitri. Water is especially important to drink alongsidehigh-fiber foodsF伊伯moves through your digestive system and absorbs water, helping form stools and promote regularity, she says. So if you’re packing your plate withplant-based foods(as you should!), sip on water, too.


It’s common to experience the midafternoon dip, a downward slide of energy that happens around 3 p.m. This slump compels many people go get coffee to power through the end of the day, but this beverage choice can cut into your sleep, says Mitri. Even drinking caffeine six hours before bed was found to disrupt sleep compared with a placebo, concludespast research。Reaching for a sugary snack can have similarly unwelcome effects: namely, an energy crash after a spike. Instead of turning to these imperfect solutions, address the root cause, which may bedehydration。发表的评论Nutrientsin January 2019注意到,除了疲劳外,脱水还会引起愤怒,敌意,混乱和depression。因此,将水成为日常习惯可以帮助您确保您的能量和心情保持稳定。



A headache can be a脱水的症状,说国家头痛基金会。What’s more, it can alsotrigger migraine attacks。对于那些migraines, increasing water intake may help decreasemigraineseverity, frequency, and duration, suggests aJuly 2020 trial in adult women published in the临床神经科学杂志

6. Hydrate Smartly Before, During, and After Exercise

保湿开始了一两天锻炼, says Krieger. You also won’t want to slam water before a workout in hopes of hydrating up — that will likely lead to uncomfortable sloshing andbloatingas you move. Make sure you’re drinking water regularly in the days leading up to a workout, particularly those that are tough or sweaty. In fact, according toCleveland Clinic在俄亥俄州,您应该专注于从耐力赛开始前一周开始的水合策略,作为一个2019年11月研究Sports Medicine表明即使少量脱水也可以降低性能。米特里补充说,要进行适度的锻炼(例如外面的慢跑,早上步行,骑着卧式的自行车),大约30分钟前喝一杯水,在运动过程中饮食。然后,请确保在锻炼完成后保持良好的水分,以取代您通过汗水丢失的东西。

RELATED:8 Foods High in Water That Can Help Prevent Dehydration

7. Have a Sip or Two of Water Before Bedtime

Don’t drink a cup or two of water before bed — you’ll have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and that will disturb your sleep. However, go ahead and bring a glass of water to your bedside at night, just in case you get thirsty. For many patients on medication, one common side effect is dry mouth, so keeping H20 nearby can be helpful, says Krieger.

Expert Tips to Make a Water Habit Happen


Make drinking water more interesting.克里格说:“很多人都没有水的味道。”这没什么错,但是您想做的工作以确定自己喜欢的方式,以便您实际上喝更多。也许那是室温或冰。过滤或从水龙头中进行过滤。或与橙色片。


Keep water by your bedside.This isn’t just critical for staying hydrated, but also for reinforcing the habit because it serves as a visual reminder to start sipping, says Mitri. What’s more, “if you start with water, it makes it easier to continue that habit throughout the day rather than playing catch-up,” she says.

Try a challenge.Old habits can be hard to break, and new ones can be tough to form. Commit to a水合挑战,就像美国广播公司新闻的首席医疗通讯员一样,医学博士詹妮弗·阿什顿(Jennifer Ashton)也接任了她的书自我护理解决方案,让自己负责。有趣的应用程序植物保姆可以指导您的“自我浇水”过程。或尝试制作,它的重点是建立那些使您进行良好动作的认知连接,例如保湿,自动。
