Dealing With Loss While Living With an IBD


处理丢失 - 与Living-Living-with-ibd-722x406
与她的祖母多萝西sparacio的Natalie Hayden,在2011年的圣诞节。多萝西在2017年在85岁的年龄去世了。 照片由娜塔莉海登提供


When she moved to Las Vegas with my grandfather, we were pen pals. Most days after school I would race to the mailbox, anticipating another letter from her, with her bubbly script on the envelope and hints of tobacco smoke on the paper from her cigarettes.

当我被诊断出来的时候Crohn’s disease2005年7月21日,我的奶奶,当时那时候已经搬回了芝加哥的郊区,会在医院用她美味的鸡汤汤的容器拜访我,以帮助滋养我的病态。当我搬出国务开始我在明尼苏达州开始我的电视职业时,我们会定期通过电话交谈,分享关于我们的生活的新闻,并在下一次发作之前进行预测The Bachelor

Years passed and our relationship continued to grow and deepen. And then in September 2012, I received a phone call that she was hospitalized and having trouble breathing. Since I was a young girl, I had always begged her to “stop cigaretting.” Yes, I made up that word as a child. Unfortunately, she never listened.

The news hit me hard. I lost sleep at the thought of losing her and stress immediately triggered pains in my abdomen. The pain became so unbearable that I ended up in the hospital.

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Making the Most of Every Day

我康复了,但我的奶奶从未恢复过她所有的力量。她被诊断出来了emphysema和laterlung cancer。幸运的是,我能够经常看到她。当我结婚时,她还活着,当我有我的第一个孩子时。我知道她永远不会完全康复,我必须在身体上,精神上,情感上做好准备,特别是为了我自己的健康。


就像我们正要离开的时候,我收到一个电话call from my parents saying that grandma was about to pass. My mom, who was sitting in grandma’s bedroom with my dad and my aunts, held the phone up to my grandma's ear so I could say goodbye. I told her it was okay to go to Heaven and let her know how much she meant to me then and always. Moments later, she took her final breath.

在一个瞬间,我的世界完全改变了。对于有IBD的一些人来说,失去爱人的痛苦可以制造炎症性肠病症状螺旋失控。虽然我幸运的是不要进入耀斑,但我的思绪被情绪淹没,并且变得困难manage my illness。在我悲伤的过程中,我了解了处理我的感受和处理损失的新方法,同时还保持我的IBD检查。


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1. Make Your Loved One’s Memory Eternal

My grandmother always said cardinals were a sign that someone who had passed was paying you a visit. Birdseed for cardinals was handed out at her funeral. A family member gave me a bird feeder for Christmas, so cardinals visit me outside my window. When I see cardinals, they fill my heart with joy and comfort. Every single time I see a cardinal, I say “Hi, Grandma.” You can also make a photo book about your loved one and write down memorable experiences you had with them so you can remember them for years to come, or watch old videos of them.


当我的奶奶去世时,我发现它非常突然散步,散步,在周围环境中浸泡,然后将我的焦点从消极的消极转移到包围我的美丽。你可以练习深呼吸并得到好exercise,并确保你休息和得到bob ios下载 。悲伤可以制作IBD疲劳much worse, so slow down and take time to feel your feelings and regain your footing.






As someone with an IBD, I have found it's beneficial not bottle up my emotions and instead open up about my struggles. I find that by sharing my memories and thoughts with my husband and with loved ones, it helps me cope to this day. Just like with sharing your patient journey, the more you share with others, the more you will get back in return.

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