

Travel can be a daunting prospect if you have symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). But don’t stress out over vacationing with IBS pain, constipation, diarrhea or frequent trips to the restroom. These expert traveling tips will help you avoid discomfort and have a good time wherever you go…Linda Sassman counted down the days to her European honeymoon in October 2011 – itinerary set, tickets bought, aisle seat reserved. But deep anxiety gripped her as she started obsessing about the long airport check-in and 12-hour flight.“All I could think about was needing to run to the bathroom while in the airport security line,” recalls the New Jersey artist, 29.萨斯曼有irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), a disorder that affects the large intestine (also called the colon). It causes腹痛和cramping along with diarrhea,便秘胃肠病学家威廉·D·谢(William D. Chey)GastrointestinalPhysiology and Manometry Laboratory at University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor.根据美国胃肠病学功能性胃肠道疾病工作组,多达20%的北美成人人口具有IBS,患者中有60%是女性。病情的确切原因尚不清楚。What’s known is that symptoms of IBS can strip the joy from a vacation, doctors say. Many travel-related issues exacerbate the condition, from unfamiliar foods to anxiety, stress and lack of sleep. Meanwhile, you may find it harder to do things that can help ease irritable bowel symptoms, such as getting exercise, having scheduled mealtimes or even taking regular restroom trips.“On vacation, women feel a lack of control – their meal schedules are disrupted, they don’t know what foods they’re being exposed to [or] where the restrooms are,” says gastroenterologist Caroline Hwang, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles.“I tell my patients that since stress is known to exacerbate IBS, travel preparation is key.”Before you board a train, plane or automobile, check out these 10 IBS traveling tips to make the trip more enjoyable and less likely to increase symptoms of IBS.

Consider a restful destination such as a beach or resort, or explore a new place slowly, rather than attempting a jam-packed schedule, such as visiting eight cities in seven days, Dr. Hwang advises. Once there, allow ample time for leisurely meals, restroom breaks and daily exercise.她说:“享受观光,但不要让自己疯狂地跑来跑去。”“压力会赶上你。”如果乘飞机旅行,请预留过道座椅,以便于使用厕所。飞行前在机场留出足够的时间,以便您可以舒适地通过安全,并有时间在登机前停下来。2.可视化您的旅行。
Chey博士建议这项练习以进行镇定假期:在您进行旅行之前,在心理上想象您可能面临的潜在挑战,例如IBS pain和an emergency need for a restroom in an unfamiliar place. Imagine each situation having a positive outcome.But don’t spend all your time envisioning problems, Dr. Chey warns.“If you tend to obsess over potential issues, it can create more stress and anxiety, exacerbating your symptoms of IBS,” he says. “It’s a balancing act.”

Hwang博士建议,如果您的主要IBS症状是腹泻,请打包衣服和内衣,卫生餐巾,以防泄漏,婴儿湿巾和随身行李中的塑料袋。如果您乘汽车旅行,请乘坐便携式厕所,该厕所提供泄漏和防气味的一次性袋子,以应对紧急情况。Also, bring an antispasmodic medication (such asdicyclomine, which reduces cramps) for IBS pain, and an antidiarrheal (such asloperamide, which slows intestinal spasms and thickens stool), Dr. Chey recommends. Keep them in your carry-on bag in case you have symptoms of IBS during your flight.Both medications are available in capsules and tablets, so you won’t need to worry about taking liquids through security checks.4. Stow some snacks.
If you require a低碳水化合物饮食或者谷蛋白- or lactose-free foods, pack your own meal and snacks for the trip, Dr. Hwang suggests. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide fiber, which helps your digestion. If your diet isn’t severely restricted, she recommends low-fat yogurt and high-fiber grain bars.她补充说,如果您容易腹泻,她补充说,她补充说,包装“绑定”食物,例如香蕉,大米,苹果酱和吐司。Dr. Chey cautions against pretzels, a common airline snack, because they can cause gas.Hwang博士补充说,在长时间的飞行或驱动器中,避免刺激胃肠道的酒精和含咖啡因的饮料,可以刺激肠道收缩。她说:“苏打水的耐受性不佳,因此远离所有碳酸饮料。”

如果您乘坐汽车旅行,请绘制休息站或加油站,因为一段漫长的高速公路有很少的停车位,没有厕所。洗手间 - 芬德手机应用程序,例如WhereToWee或者Sitorsquat, can help. And always carry change in case you encounter a pay toilet.At each stop, take a quick walk to break up the sitting and缓解压力, Dr. Hwang suggests. On a plane, keep in mind that the lavatories may be busier at certain times, such as after a movie or right before the seatbelt light goes on in preparation for landing.如果您需要频繁的洗手间旅行,请避免使用公共汽车和乘客船,这些公共汽车和乘客通常会局促且等待线很长。6. Use relaxation techniques.
Because stress can aggravate IBS pain, practice relaxation exercises before and during your trip, Dr. Hwang advises. Here are some good ones:

  • Learn深呼吸. Draw a deep breath through your nose, from your abdomen. Exhale through your mouth, pushing out all the air. Repeat about 10 times. “It’s amazing how quickly your heart rate will go down when you breathe deeply,” Dr. Chey says.

  • Meditate.“Close your eyes and picture yourself someplace peaceful and relaxing,” he suggests. “You’ll experience a pleasant out-of-body experience, which reduces anxiety.”

  • 实践“mindfulness.”Spend a few minutes being aware of how you’re feeling in the moment – don’t focus on the past or worry about the future. Repeat a word or phrase that’s meaningful to you, with your eyes open or closed. “Practice mindfulness daily for two weeks before you travel and you’ll be comfortable on the flight,” Dr. Hwang says.

7. Don’t eat that!
当你旅行时,吃一些th的机会at irritates your digestive system is higher than it’d be at home. That shrimp cocktail on a street vendor’s cart might look great, but it could be swimming with bacteria.“Know which foods cause symptoms of IBS and avoid them,” Dr. Hwang suggests.在其他国家 /地区,请避免生蔬菜和水果以及未煮熟的海鲜和肉类。只喝瓶装饮料。“It’s OK to sample safe local foods; just make sure they’re well-cooked and eat them in moderation,” Dr. Hwang says.另外,如果加剧您的IBS症状,请避免糖,乳糖或面筋。When you make hotel reservations, ask to have a refrigerator installed in your room to store safe snacks and drinks, Dr. Hwang suggests. And keep a supply of easy-to-carry items such as蛋白质棒, nuts and oatmeal packets.她补充说,有轻松的饭菜,记得吃几顿小饭,而不是三餐。并尽快恢复常规的进餐时间,即使您在不同的时区。

For some travelers, sleep on a plane is as elusive as a good on-board meal. But try to rest anyway, especially on overnight and transcontinental flights, Dr. Hwang advises.There’s a good reason for that. People with shifting sleep schedules are more likely to have IBS, according to a 2010 University of Michigan study of nurses. That’s because the colon has its own biological clock, the researchers said. Odd hours of wakefulness disrupt that rhythm, creating symptoms of IBS such as diarrhea,bloating和便秘。Melatonin,一种天然激素作为非处方补品,有助于调节睡眠和唤醒周期。一些医生为患有睡眠问题和喷气滞后的患者开了规定。“It also helps ease abdominal pain,” Dr. Chey says. “It’s good for a long flight.”Take 0.5 mg-5 mg of melatonin one hour before the bedtime of your final destination, the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests. Check with your doctor for suggestions about the best dose for you.Over-the-counterantihistaminessuch asdiphenhydramine或者doxylamine, or doctor-prescribedsleeping pills,还可以使您昏昏欲睡,可以在飞机上睡觉。向您的医生询问潜在的副作用,例如干口和头晕。If you’re tired when you arrive at your destination, take a 30-minute nap only, then get a full night’s sleep at bedtime, Dr. Hwang suggests. That will help you acclimate to a new time zone.

9. Take care of medication and doctor visits.
These tips will make sure you have access to the care you need, according to Dr. Hwang and other sources:

  • Have your IBS prescription medications filled well before you travel – don’t wait for the last minute. Some insurance plans allow you to get an early refill for a vacation.

  • 向您的医生询问可以在目的地城市填写的额外处方。将您的药物分为两个容器,以防万一。随身携带一个,另一个在您的手提箱或酒店房间里。

  • Take a five-day course of antibiotics with you in case of an intestinal infection. Most doctors will give a preventive prescription to IBS patients who are traveling abroad, Dr. Hwang says.

  • Carry your physician’s contact information with you; if traveling abroad, rent or buy an international cell phone to reach your doctor easily in an emergency. “Your doctor may not be able to help you directly, but [he or she] can help determine if your condition is serious enough to see a doctor [where you are],” Dr. Hwang says.

  • If you have diarrhea not caused by an infection, take loperamide; you can use it preventively if you’re facing a long bus or plane ride. If you experience intestinal distress and can’t reach a doctor, sip some chamomile or peppermint tea, which helps with cramping, Dr. Hwang recommends.

10. Accept your condition.
如果您有IBS,那么很容易感到加重,因为您必须如此努力工作以防止旅行时发生事故或不适感。但是,夏博士说,这是一个积极的一面。他说:“请记住,与胃肠道疾病(如乳糜泻)不同 - 食用面筋可能是危险或[威胁生命]的,IBS敏感性不会导致癌症或其他严重的后果。”Planning ahead empowers you to do what other travelers can do, Dr. Hwang adds.“It’s better to not have IBS, but people with diabetes have to be prepared at all times too,” she says. “It’s worth it to enjoy your vacation.”
