
Research suggests that memes — a popular social media phenomenon among young people — can be beneficial for people living with mental health issues, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic wears on.

teen dressed in yellow laying on couch looking at phone

People who looked at COVID-related memes during the pandemic experienced stress-busting benefits.


While Jade Perraud, 24, of Montreal, self-isolated in her apartment with her golden retriever during theCOVID-19 pandemic,,,,she passed the time by sharing COVID-related memes on TikTok with her friends.

“I've been living alone this entire time, so I spent more time on my phone and more time connecting with others, and that included memes,” Perraud says.


One example is the popular Facebook groupZoom Memes for Self Quaranteens,这是由大学生在COVID-19大流行期间参加在线课程时成立的,当时不是一个人的课程。


COVID-19 meme sharing at the very least gave people something to do during the pandemic when workplaces, restaurants, bars, gyms, and other public places had shut their doors to the public. But new research suggests that memes may have played a role in keeping people sane, too. Astudy published in the journalPsychology of Popular Mediain 2021suggests that COVID-19 memes, to a certain extent, may have supported personal efforts to cope with COVID-19-relatedbob bet体育

The study included 748 people. Researchers found that participants who looked at memes with COVID-related captions had stronger information processing and decreased levels of COVID-related stress than those who looked at meme captions that were unrelated to COVID-19. And among the study participants, stronger information processing was tied to an increased ability to cope.

查看模因也与更高的高度ls of self-reported humor and increased positive feelings compared with non-meme content on social media.



What is it about memes that helps people feel better throughout the pandemic? “I think it's just a way for us to be creative and to connect with other people by sharing our experience, and then knowing we're not alone by seeing ‘Okay, other people are struggling with this during the pandemic,” says杰西卡·迈里克(Jessica Myrick),博士,,,,the lead author of the study and an associate professor of communications at Penn State University in State College, Pennsylvania.

The popularity of COVID-19 memes has also likely helped normalize the mental health struggles many have faced throughout the pandemic. Perraud says she’s able to be more open about her mental health online than she is at her job in career services at a major Canadian university.

“I can openly say ‘I'm depressed all the time,’ but then I forget sometimes when I talk to people in my life that not everyone jokes about that or is depressed,” says Perraud.

The mental health impact of COVID-19 memes could explain in part why online meme-sharing forums are so popular, according to Dr. Myrick. When people find something that makes them feel good, they tend to be more motivated to seek out a community of people with the same interest.

“One of the main purposes of experiencing positive emotions is to build social capital, to motivate us to want to connect to other people and to be in groups of people, so positive emotions are really important for building a community. That's how we connect with each other,” says Myrick.

Beyond the Pandemic: Memes and Mental Health Conditions

Using memes to cope with difficult emotions like stress — and even mental health conditions likedepressionand焦虑- 不是大流行的独特之处。例如,生活在抑郁症的佩雷德(Perraud)发现模因帮助她应对成为本科生的压力。

One popular source of such memes is the account@MyTherapistsayson Instagram, which has nearly seven million followers. In the comment section of each post, users engage with memes aboutneeding therapy,,,,经常发生情绪崩溃,,,,or mental health issues likeseasonal depression

研究表明,某些类型的模因可能对患有抑郁症或焦虑等心理健康状况的人有帮助。一个研究于2020年1月发表Scientific Reportsfound that, compared with people without depression, those who have depression are more likely to have a positive response to negatively oriented memes, or memes with a humorous take on a negative situation or experience.

一个ccording to the researchers, this was likely due to perceived peer support from others with similar symptoms.

“焦虑和沮丧的人经常转向社交媒体,以作为社会交流和适应不确定情况的一种手段,这是在当前大流行的背景下证明的。”Umair Akram, PhD,,,,the corresponding author of the study and a lecturer in psychology at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom.

More Than Entertainment: Memes Can Help People With Mental Health Issues Come Forward

While the main purpose of memes is usually to make people laugh, memes can also help people be more open with others around them about the fact that they may be struggling with their mental health.

布鲁克·纳斯利(Brooke Knisley)是纽约市31岁的喜剧作家,他与traumatic brain injury,发现模因(无论是专注于Covid-19还是精神健康等严重的问题)都可以是良好的破冰船。


Sharing a meme can be easier for some people than telling family members or friends outright about mental health struggles, saysNatalie Pennington, PhD,,,,an assistant professor of communication studies at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.


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彭宁顿说:“您也有很多人无法获得心理健康治疗,无法接受治疗,没有人离线交谈。”“ [模因对连接社区而言非常好,但[他们]无助于解决某人的问题。”

一个nd memes have drawbacks. Some people have turned to memes to spread misinformation on the internet, especially related to the COVID-19 vaccine.



While Knisley is a fan and creator of memes, she also has concerns about memes containing inaccurate information or even triggering people with mental health concerns. Knisley emphasizes that people have personal responsibility for the memes they create and share.

“I think people should take a moment to assess before they put a joke out into the world, what is the overall harm of this [joke],” Knisley says.

Beyond Memes: What’s Next if You Need Help?

While memes may help people find brief relief from stress and other negative emotions, they’re not a replacement for therapy or other forms of mental health support.


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  • 面对面或虚拟支持小组Organizations like the一个nxiety and Depression Association of America提供支持小组清单。

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