


如果你有一个胃部不适,你的第一个本能可能是吮吸薄荷糖糖果或酿造舒缓杯薄荷茶。但是,虽然薄荷的款待可以帮助一些消化条件消化不良和gas, it may hurt others, such asheartburn由于胃食体反流疾病(GERD)

一种2011年研究在痛苦中发表显示为什么薄荷可能会有所帮助有肠易肠综合征的人, or IBS. The compounds in peppermint actually activate an anti-pain channel in the colon. This channel, called TRPM8, may reduce the pain linked to eating some spicy foods like mustard or chili, according to researchers. Since then,多项研究已经证实薄荷油是一个有益的油治疗IBS.






If you have indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, or pain lower in your gut, then you may want to try peppermint.

aline charabaty,md,炎症性肠Disea中心的主任se at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C., recommends using coated capsules of peppermint oil. “The enteric-coated form of peppermint oil bypasses the stomach and is released in the small bowel,” she says, “so the enteric-coated form should not affect the gastroesophageal sphincter.” Dr. Charabaty says the clinical evidence is pretty clear that coated capsules –available at health food stores, grocery stores, and online – are the way to go. “Studies that showed benefit in improving IBS symptoms used two tablets of enteric-coated peppermint oil twice a day for at least four weeks,” she says.


Peppermint hard candy, on the other hand, does not have the same effect. In fact, the sugar content might cause the opposite result. “One thing to remember is that peppermint candies have a high sugar content,” says Charabaty. “Sugar can get fermented by the bacteria in our small bowel, which in turn can produce gas, bloating,便秘和腹泻。“

如果你有较低的消化问题, such as indigestion or IBS, and are interested in trying peppermint as an alternative therapy, talk to your doctor about adding peppermint to your treatment plan.
