
Medically Reviewed
illustration of a brain and medication to represent epilepsy treatment
Medication is the first-line treatment for epilepsy, but surgery is an option for some. Shutterstock

当癫痫发作是由癫痫引起的时,第一线治疗通常是药物。有20多种不同的抗癫痫药。有些人可能会更好地工作types of seizures而不是其他人,所有人都有副作用。(1,2)

The goal is to strike a balance between the upside of fewer seizures — and better quality of life — and the downside of bothersome medication side effects.

If medication proves ineffective at controlling seizures, other treatments may be required, such as epilepsy surgery, dietary changes,vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) therapy, or responsive neurostimulation. (3)

But before you stop taking an anti-seizure medication for any reason — including continued seizures, unacceptable side effects, or any other reason — talk to your doctor about stopping the drug or changing therapies. Don’t stop an anti-seizure drug on your own.

Normally, anti-seizure drugs are tapered — taken in progressively smaller doses — before they are stopped entirely. Abruptly stopping a medication raises the risk of withdrawal seizures.


Usually, a person with epilepsy will be started on one medication (“monotherapy”) at a low dose, and then the dosage will be gradually increased to find the proper dose for that person. This is done to try to minimize side effects. Almost half ofpeople with epilepsy用单一疗法癫痫发作。

Side effects from anti-seizure drugs (also called anti-epileptic drugs, or AEDs) are common, often leading to a reduced quality of life in people with epilepsy. Drowsiness, dizziness, double vision (diplopia), and impaired balance are common problems with all classes of anti-seizure medication.


Some people are eventually able to stop anti-seizure medication, but the ability to do so varies with age and type of seizure. One study showed that 75 percent of people who had been seizure-free for three years could discontinue medication without having more seizures. (1)

For about 1 out of 3 people with epilepsy, seizures are not controlled by medication. These people are referred to as having drug-resistant or “refractory” seizures.

Because using multiple anti-seizure drugs can lead to severe side effects, other treatments are often tried for refractory seizures.

Broad-Spectrum Anti-Seizure Drugs

These drugs are used to treat a broad range of seizure types, including both focal and generalized onset seizures:

Narrow-Spectrum Anti-Seizure Drugs, for Focal Seizures

These drugs are used for focal seizures, even if they evolve to generalized seizures:

Narrow-Spectrum Anti-Seizure Drugs, for Generalized Absence Seizures

毒品Zarontin (ethosuximide)is used for absence seizures only.


Epidiolex., a medication made from cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical present in the大麻苜蓿大麻)植物,于2018年6月下旬批准食品和药物管理局(FDA)。


As of July 2018, Epidiolex has been approved for refractory seizures in patients older than 2 years caused by the childhood epilepsy conditionsDravet syndrome和Lennox-gastaut综合征。它是第一个被FDA批准的基于大麻的药物,以及批准的Dravet综合症的第一批药物。(4)



Any kind of surgery carries a level of risk, and brain surgeries can cause damage to surrounding tissue that can cause changes to a person’s cognitive (thinking) ability, or even to their personality.


There are a few main types of brain surgery for epilepsy: focal resection, corpus callosotomy, multiple subpial transection, and hemispherectomy. (5,6)

焦点切除Also known as lobectomy and lesionectomy, focal resection is the removal of the section of the brain where the seizures originate. This type of surgery is most likely to be successful at stopping seizures if doctors have identified a small and precise area of the brain where seizures originate, called the seizure focus.

Corpus CallosotomyThis type of surgery involves cutting the connections between the right and left halves (hemispheres) of the brain. Because generalized seizures are often focal (partial) seizures that then spread to both hemispheres of the brain, this surgery effectively keeps the seizure in the half of the brain where it started, so that only half the body is affected. Still, some people have a worsening of focal seizures after this procedure.


Hemispherectomy andHemispherotomy在一个解剖半spherectomy, the affected brain hemisphere is surgically removed. In a functional hemispherectomy, less brain tissue is removed, and the remaining brain is disconnected from the other hemisphere (as in corpus callosotomy). In a hemispherotomy, even less brain tissue is removed, and the affected brain is disconnected from the healthy brain.

If surgery is the appropriate course of treatment, experts recommend that it be performed sooner rather than later. Surgery can be an important and, some say, underutilized, treatment for people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy.

Dietary Changes Recommended for Epilepsy

已经发现一些饮食变化有助于减少癫痫发作。其中大多数涉及减少carbohydrate(sugars and starches) in the diet. It’s not yet clear how these diets help to reduce seizures.


  • The ketogenic diet
  • The medium-chain triglyceride diet
  • 修改了Atkins diet
  • 低血糖指数饮食

Reducing carbohydrate intake causes the body to burn more fat for energy, and when the body burns fat, acids calledketonesare produced. Having a higher-than-normal amount of ketones in the bloodstream is known as “ketosis。” As long as there’s enough insulin available, the body can use ketones for energy.

Low-carbohydrate diets are also associated with lower glucose and insulin levels in the blood.

Researchers are unsure whether seizure improvement comes about because of changes caused by ketosis, by the presence of more fatty acids in the blood, or because there are fewer fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

All of these diets are best learned under the care of a physician and nutritionist. Strict diets like the ketogenic diet may begin with a brief admission to the hospital for monitoring and teaching, followed by ongoing assessment of laboratory levels. (7)

Implanted Devices Used in Epilepsy Treatment


Vagus Nerve StimulatorVagus nerve stimulators were approved by the FDA in 1997. The device is surgically implanted under the skin of the chest, and electrodes connect the device to the left vagus nerve in the neck. The device sends regular pulses of electricity to the brain to control abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Although vagus nerve stimulation may reduce seizures by 20 to 40 percent, people who use them will usually also need to keep taking medication. (3)


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)The Medtronic DBS System for Epilepsy was approved by the FDA in April 2018. The pulse generator portion of the device is implanted in the chest, and two wires lead to a seizure focus in the brain. The device controls seizures by delivering ongoing electrical pulses to that area. The device is used in adults with focal seizures who have more than six seizures a month and who have not seen good results with at least three drugs. Certain medical procedures, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)不能用DBS系统进行,或者可能发生永久性脑损伤。(9)



  1. The Epilepsies and Seizures: Hope Through Research.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke。December 6, 2017.
  2. Karceski K. Initial Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults.Uptodate.com.。December 20, 2017.
  3. 迷走神经刺激治疗(VNS)。癫痫Foundation
  4. 乔治J.FDA批准了第一个大麻衍生的药物。今天Medpage。June 25, 2018.
  5. 癫痫Surgery.Mayo Clinic
  6. 手术类型。癫痫Foundation
  7. Ketogenic Diet.癫痫Society。2016年3月。
  8. 常见问题:癫痫症状的神经气氛敏感神经刺激。UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery
  9. 癫痫发芽DBS系统。食品和药物管理局。2018年5月3日。

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