

Medically Reviewed
具有双重手柄的平底锅更容易抬起并进出烤箱或炉灶. Adobe股票

Tasks of daily living can be difficult to accomplish when you have joint swelling, pain, stiffness, or other symptoms of类风湿关节炎(ra)。爬楼梯,打开一个罐子,并拉上你的睡衣底部不是你所考虑的那种运动,特别是在一个ra flare..

Add in thefatiguethat often comes along with RA, and it’s no wonder that getting simple things done can seem so hard, says Kristin Malone, an occupational therapist in Lockport, Illinois.

Falling is also a risk with RA. According to一项研究于2020年4月在期刊上发表的Medical Science Monitor, more than 50 percent ofpeople with RA注册了研究经验的瀑布。Malone说,这个好消息:您的家庭周围的内容可以让您更轻松地管理,如果您已经耗尽或有很多痛苦,请帮助您节省能量,这是ra,Malone说。


In the Kitchen

Thekitchendoesn’t have to be intimidating. Use these smart adaptations designed to make it easier to open cupboards and cans, close containers, lift bags, and maneuver while cooking.

  • Pick your pans.Pans with a nonstick surface require less scrubbing to clean. Pans with double handles are easier to lift and move in and out of the oven or on the stove top.
  • Take a seat.Standing at the counter to prep can be tiresome and put unnecessarystress on your joints. Try sitting on a stool while you work in the kitchen.
  • Let it drip dry.Buy a dish rack and letplates, pots, and pans air-dry. You’llconserve energythis way and prevent yourself from having to manipulate towels.
  • 走电。Malone说,电动罐头可以拯救您必须拯救您的“挤压和转弯罐头”。用手持设备打开一个可以对拇指关节产生大量压力,这往往是有问题的people with RA, she says. The Arthritis Foundation also recommends using a food processor or mandoline for slicing.
  • Try roll-out shelves.考虑安装滑出的架子,因此您不必达到您需要的物品的柜子。懒惰的苏珊是一种廉价的替代品,它旋转了一些东西。
  • Serve “à la carte.”车轮上的一辆服务购物车可以帮助您将食物带到桌子上或从桌子上的盘子到洗碗机。如果新的那些太昂贵,请在线寻找二手购物车。


一个安全的和功能对名人的浴室是必须的e with a chronic condition such as RA. Make yours work for you with these basic adjustments.

  • Cover your floors.“Placing nonslip rugs in front of the tub or shower can helpprevent falls马龙说。选择带橡胶或非橡胶背衬的地毯。不要使用毛巾清理:它们可能会吸收溢出过的任何水,但它们可能很滑。请务必在浴缸或淋浴地板上安装NONSKID条带。
  • Raise your toilet seat.“如果你上下困难,那么凸起的马桶座可以是一个选择,”马龙说。另一种选择:在厕所附近的墙上安装抓住杆。


一个温暖和诱人的起居室可以对你的心态产生所有差异。采取这些明智的步骤来创造一个欢迎的空间relaxing and unwinding.

  • Lighten up.买一些灯泡照亮你家的黑暗区域。“如果事情是阴暗的,他们更难以看,”马龙说。确保你的楼梯点亮,因为如果你看不到它们,那么海拔的变化可能很棘手。
  • Board it up.If you have RA, you might find it harder to get out of chairs that are soft and cushy. If you don’t want to invest in firmer seat cushions, buy a wheelchair pad at a drugstore or medical supply shop and place it on top of where you sit. Or ask a home improvement store to cut a piece of plywood that you can slip under your couch cushions to increase firmness.
  • Guard against tripping hazards.为您的生活空间提供良好的检查,并删除所有可能导致您绊倒和跌倒的灯和电视绳索。移动或摆脱可能是滑溜的任何区域地毯也是如此。
  • 把手机充电器放在房间里。保持手机充电和附近,因此您可以在响铃时轻松达到它。许多手机也提供了语音录制选项,可以节省您必须在小型显示屏上发短信的应变。


In an ideal world, your bedroom is a safe refuge from the world, where deep and restorative rest can occur.良好的睡眠is also vital to your RA. Make these adjustments and upgrades to help ensure sound slumber night after night.

  • 压力less when getting dressed.Zipper pulls, buttoning aids, and Velcro fastenerscan make it easier and safer to get dressed, the Arthritis Foundation suggests. And move a chair into or near your closet so you can sit down while putting on or taking off clothing, especially things such as shoes and socks.
  • 用你的杠杆。如果你有ra,旋钮可能很难转动。安装杠杆手柄以使卧室和壁橱更容易打开和关闭。
  • Buy duplicates.有重复的普通家庭物品(如清洁用品和小型电子产品),节省了您不得不在房子周围铺住它们。马龙说,如果你不携带吨,你就不太可能绊倒和堕落。

To identify home products likely to make your life safer and easier, no matter which part of the house you’re in, look for items marked with theArthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use海豹。
