

anthony bourdian and philip Rosenthal in stills from their travel shows
Left: Anthony Bourdain in an episode of "Parts Unknown." Right: Philip Rosenthal in an episode of "Somebody Feed Phil." CNN; Netflix

A month before I was supposed to leave for a summer study abroad program in London, my body had other plans. In the weeks leading up to my trip, I had an湿疹,在我的膝盖上扭伤韧带,并发展出复杂的尿路感染(UTI)that landed me on intravenous antibiotics because of an intolerance to most antibiotics.

一年前,我被诊断出患有肥大细胞激活综合征(MCAS),这是一种慢性疾病,使我对某些食物,环境因素和bob bet体育 就像我对他们过敏一样。Hives,过敏反应, diarrhea, and cardiovascular and respiratory issues are common with MCAS. Doctors also confirmed that I hadirritable bowel syndrome和关节过度运动频谱障碍 - 通常与MCAS合并。

每次诊断都带来了对我的身体的新责任感。我必须保护自己免受潜伏在户外,餐厅食品盘甚至朋友冰箱中的危险,而且我总是携带Epipen和inhalerin case of an emergency.

I also learned that managing chronic illnesses is a full-time job. Along with doctors' appointments I had weekly physical therapy appointments to keep my chronic pain from my joint hypermobility at bay.

Living with chronic illnesses makes traveling hard, but I was determined to prove everyone (and myself) wrong. After all, if I could make it through finals from a hospital bed with thatUTI,我肯定可以在伦敦学习一个月。

和在伦敦的第一周半,的事情s were perfect. I found places near my campus where I could eat without having anaphylaxis or a mast cell–related stomach reaction. Besides having a bout of nausea on the London Eye and sometimes using a cane for my injured knee, I was okay. I heard a professor lecture on the history of the BBC. I saw two West End shows, and sipped afternoon tea like a local.

但是我的童话假期持续了很长时间。不断步行使我的背部陷入困境,我大部分时间都会以严重的方式结束back pain。I was also having issues with my heart rate and often felt like I was going to pass out. Because I was unable to fully participate in the program or interact with my peers, I decided to go home and rest, where I could be close to my medical team.

After a particularly bad day of back pain, I sat down with the directors and told them what was going on. I was crying, and one of them handed me a tissue. “I want to stay, but I know I won’t have the full experience here with the amount of pain I am in,” I said. I remember shaking, exhausted from the pain and the thinking it took to make the decision to leave.



When I left London, I felt like I let down my doctors who had confidence in me thriving abroad, but more importantly, I felt like I failed myself.

With all of my medical limitations, I didn’t think I would ever be the traveler I aspired to be. I would never get to eat pizza in Italy, or travel to other parts of the Middle East, or Tokyo — places I had always dreamed of visiting.

But then I remembered all of the travel shows my dad and I used to watch after school when I was a kid. Shows likeBizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern安东尼·布尔登(Anthony Bourdain):没有预订帮助我们建立了纽带和对探索的共同热爱。我的父母会带我去我们当地的埃塞俄比亚或印度餐厅,他们鼓励我尝试新食物。这是我探索不同地方并了解世界的好方法。

So instead of continuing to feel sorry for myself and my current medical limitations, I turned on the TV and took comfort in shows like Anthony Bourdain’s零件未知和the Netflix OriginalSomebody Feed Phil。这些节目为我提供了一种方法,可以在药物,物理疗法和痛苦之外展望世界,以了解不同的文化和饮食方式。为了我,Somebody Feed Phil零件未知是我的出路。



七月的一个炎热的一天,由于我的膝盖燃烧带来了一些严重的背痛,我在家里休息,我调到了有人喂菲尔,a Netflix show starring Phil Rosenthal. In the show, Phil, who is also the creator and writer of the sitcomEverybody Loves Raymond,eats his way through different cities, alone or with family members and guests. In this particular episode, Rosenthal was in Italy‘s watery city of Venice enjoying gelato and meeting famous butchers and chefs. He tastes some of the best gelato he’s ever had and meets a famous dog from the city, Nani the Wonder Dog.

In order to better understand the role of gondoliers in the city and gain a better respect for their work, Rosenthal hops in a boat for a lesson on paddling Venice’s waterways. The gondolier guides him through the motions of paddling, and together they travel through the streets of Venice at a leisurely pace. Rosenthal looks excited about the new experience. But when the guide leads him to open water near big boats and cruise ships, Rosenthal’s face turns red. “We’re either going to end this now, or I’m going to live on that island with a volleyball,” he says, motioning to a nearby island. He's done with the lesson and can’t push himself any further.

“Push,” the guide says to him. Rosenthal forces a chuckle and a smile, and with great effort, starts paddling again.

Seeing the look on Phil’s face reminded me that everyone tires out when traveling, and that it’s completely okay to rest. My body needs a lot of rest due to my chronic illnesses and I don’t have to feel bad about giving myself the time I need — in regular life or in future travels.


罗森塔尔(Rosenthal)还可以为他的节目的许多情节增添个人风格When he travels to his hometown of New York City, he and comedian Judy Gold visit Zabar’s, a gourmet delicatessen on the Upper West Side of Manhattan where you can buy lots of specialty Jewish foods. After filling a shopping cart with foods like bagels and lox, he visits a few other food spots in the city before stopping in to see his mom.

罗森塔尔(RosenthalEverybody Loves Raymond— confirms that his mom does make one dish very well: matzah ball soup. Which, as it happens, is what the family is having for dinner that night.


因此,我得到了一本特殊的食谱,该食谱没有过敏原和抗炎的传统犹太食谱,称为The New Yiddish Kitchenby Simone Miller and Jennifer Robins. With a few tweaks to the ingredients, I was able to enjoy traditional Jewish food without irritating my condition. For example, the recipe for traditional Jewish bagels calls for cassava flour instead of regular wheat flour. There’s also a recipe for rugelach in the book that uses gluten-free flour instead of white flour.

In making my own versions of these family favorites, I’m able to find new ways to enjoy the things I loved growing up.

3. Practice Living in the Moment

当我等待新剧集Somebody Feed Phil,我打开了安东尼·布尔登(Anthony Bourdain)零件未知。该节目总是有一种方法使我摆脱了慢性疾病引起的悲伤。看着布尔登与人互动是一个很好的提醒,我可以在当下生活。

In one episode, Bourdain goes to Cologne, Germany, where he spends time tasting traditional dishes like currywurst and exploring whether or not the city has changed in recent years. He talks with locals about current events and learns about the large Turkish community in Germany from a woman named Melek Yaprak, whose grandparents immigrated from Istanbul.


Watching Bourdain interact with the people he encounters and take a genuine interest in their lives reminded me about the importance of living in the moment and getting out of myself. It reminds me that life is what I make of it and that I can learn so much from the people around me, whether it’s friends and family, Uber drivers, or the employee bagging my groceries at the store. I find myself wanting to be more of an active listener like Bourdain — to talk less about myself and my health and to just be there with the people in my life.

4. Remember That Nothing Is Permanent

布尔丹有一个在许多情节中创造出现实但强烈的心情的诀窍零件未知。Things take a more somber tone in an episode where he visits London, shortly after the Brexit vote. Bourdain talks with locals about the then-recent referendum and the tension in the country over staying in or leaving the European Union. After a night of heavy drinking, he has breakfast with celebrity chef Nigella Lawson. She makes him a dish called eggs in purgatory, with eggs poached in tomato sauce and crusty, greasy bread. The two talk about the reality of how the vote happened and Bourdain finds a parallel between his hangover and how some Britains felt after Brexit.

“I was feeling shame and regret, and mourning,” Bourdain says. “You’re not the only one,” Lawson says back with a sad chuckle, as she starts to heat up a pan.


有时,最简单的事情会舒缓慢性病。Somebody Feed PhilNo Reservations帮助我意识到没有耀斑是永远的。我可以去任何想要的地方,我可以从床上安全地做。好吧,至少现在。
