
Medically Reviewed
男士健康意识月份 -  6月-nov-722x406
Learn how you can help raise awareness about prostate cancer and other threats to Men’s Health. Malte Mueller/Getty Images; Carla Nichiata/iStock

今年6月是男性健康意识月,这是一项活动和教育计划,重点是男性和男孩的健康和健康。美国各地的社区将观察到男子健康月,这是美国国会认可的特殊意识时期。这个月是男子健康周的分支,这是在国会通过的一项法案中创建的,并由比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)在1994年签署。


This year’s global activities feature an awareness campaign to encourage men to fight theCOVID-19的传播by seeking early management of symptoms, practicing social distancing, and establishing their behavior as a role model for their children. The main campaign centers on Wear Blue for Men, encouraging people to wear the color blue on Friday, June 19 (two days before Father’s Day), to raise awareness for men’s health issues.

“When you look at the top 10 leading causes of death and stratify by gender, men lead in 9 of the 10 categories,” saysSalvatore J. Giorgianni Jr., PharmD,男子健康网络(MHN)的高级科学顾问。“甚至在困难的情况之前新冠肺炎,,,,men’s自杀率是女性的四倍。疾病预防控制中心认为,这是一个很大的理由是全面增加药物滥用。更难接受的是,这种转变已经从老年人转变为中年男人。在男子健康专家中,人们非常担心这会加剧相当长的一段时间。有太多的男人因易于管理的条件而垂死,但总体上可以预防。”



Dr. Giorgianni believes some of the difficulty men face when dealing with mental health arises because they have not developed the skills to talk about it.

他说:“这些深处的问题从您小时候开始。”“你跌倒了,或者发生了什么事,被告知要吸吮它,就像一个男人一样。男人没有很好的词典来谈论自己的情绪健康或伤害。还有污名。It’s a societal issue why men and boys can’t talk about mental health, depending on what communities they’re in, what stage of life, people surrounding them, their zip codes or ethnicities — there are a multitude of factors why boys and men are not encouraged to say things like ‘I’m really down,’ or ‘I feel awful.’ Guys have to learn that it’s not unmanly to talk about their mental health. If they don’t talk about it, they internalize it and it becomes very dangerous. It’s not the type of thing where you can just say, “Hey, go get screened for depression.’ It doesn’t work that way, unfortunately.”



Giorgianni说,男性健康意识月很重要,因为关注和资源不成比例女性健康与男性健康。“ NIH预算有很多用于妇女健康研究的预算,但没有针对男性健康计划的预算线。在HHS中,有几个女性健康办公室,但没有男性健康的职位。有一种心态,男人的健康是您不投资的地方。广告客户的一般观点也是她们自己适应的功能,即女性是男孩和男性医疗保健的提供者。您会看到针对妇女和女孩的大量广告,但是当您为男孩和男人寻找医疗保健广告时,就不存在。”

鉴于让男孩和男人fo的困难cus on their health, Giorgianni believe the more healthcare awareness that can be created for men and boys, the better. “It’s time for men to take a page out of the women’s health playbook and take responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones.”

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Men’s Health Awareness Days and Weeks

Within the month of June is Men’s Health Week, June 15–21, which will contain a number of activities highlighted online with the hashtag #MensHealthWeek. The week will be highlighted by Wear Blue Day, which takes place on Friday, June 19. The day, created by the national nonprofitMen’s Health Network,,,,centers on raising awareness of healthy lifestyle choices, regular annual visits to the doctor, education on heart disease or diabetes, and erasing the stigma of self-care by beginning general health conversations with male friends.


癌症Awareness Walks and Runs



The American Heart Association (AHA) also hosts walk/run events in many states to raise funding for innovative research to develop breakthrough treatments for cardiac health. To find an event near you, use theAHA的定位器工具


GMHC举办年度AIDS walk在纽约市,是一年中最大的筹款活动。该基金支持GMHC为受影响的人和家庭提供的预防,护理和倡导计划的工作HIV爱滋病in the tristate area, and those of related HIV/AIDS service organizations. This year, the NYC AIDS Walk was held virtually on June 7, 2020. In addition to supporting regular services, funds from the 2020 walk will support new services offered by the organization during the2019冠状病毒病大流行。



在工作中或在社区中举办蓝色日子,以提高人们对男性寻求定期检查或对男性的教育的认识和金钱睾丸癌教育,前列腺癌教育或其他对影响男性的健康问题的认识(心血管疾病,skin cancer,,,,肺癌, 糖尿病,痛风,,,,和more). The Men’s Health Network suggests choosing a day that works best for you, even if it does not coincide with Wear Blue Day on June 19. Select a goal amount of money to raise. Your group would then wear blue that day, business or casual, and each person can donate a selected amount for wearing blue. You can also sell ribbons, pens, or蓝色前列腺癌意识销to raise additional funds. Some groups also customize their events by hosting a men’s health presentation, contests for the best blue clothing design or even host bake sales to raise additional funds toward your goal.

Movember Takes Place During the Month of November


Zero Prostate Cancer Run/Walk







Men’s Health World Congress

原定于7月9日至11日在马来西亚砂拉越举行的男子健康世界大会(MWHC)会议因19日被取消。今年的会议将致力于男子健康的新兴创新,其中包括人工智能的发展以促进男性健康。您可以检查更新的编程和新计划的日期,以获取会议演示文稿MWHC website





For those wanting to partner with a local health center to host their own health fair, Men’s Health Network offers event planning advice at the组织的网站。计划信息包括如何与健康中心,医生,医院和牙医等卫生团体合作,以主持个人的健康信息亭。博览会可以包括血压的现场筛查,胆固醇,PSA(前列腺特异性抗原)测试和体内脂肪计算。它还可以包括当地体育馆,瑜伽和空手道中心的参与,以及提供健康烹饪和饮食的演示,以鼓励积极的生活方式改变。





Facebook广告系列将帮助用户参与两项男子健康计划。网站GetItChecked.com鼓励男性进行年度检查,包括医生希望他们能告诉男性患者每年不进行身体检查的事情。另一个运动,在WearBlueForMen.com,,,,helps raise awareness about Wear Blue Day on Friday, June 19, 2020, when people are asked to wear blue clothing to raise awareness for men’s health issues.



Other Ways to Take Action on Men’s Health

