

当您认为“盐”时,您的思想可能会摇摇晃晃。但是,加工,包装的食物是美国标准饮食中钠的更常见来源。 Ina Peters/Stocksy; Kristin Duvall/Getty Images; Thinkstock

When you were diagnosed with diabetes, one of your first concerns was probably how you were going to monitor yourcarbohydrateintake. So you thought about potatoes, bread, pasta, and even水果。But there’s actually another nutrient that everyone with2型糖尿病应该有雷达:钠。



统计数据linking diabetes and heart diseaseare enough to get anyone to rethink their soy sauce usage. According to the美国心脏协会(AHA), adults with diabetes are up to two times more likely to die from心脏疾病compared with those who don't have diabetes. That could be because people with type 2 diabetes may have certain risk factors that make them more prone to cardiovascular disease, like having high blood pressure, having highLDL(“bad”) cholesterol, carrying excess weight, and living a more sedentary lifestyle.

Research backs this up. Adults with type 2 diabetes who consumed the highest intake of sodium increased risk of cardiovascular disease by more than 200 percent compared with those who ate the lowest amount, according toprevious research。作者得出的结论是,限制盐可以帮助防止complications of diabetes

有关的:What Is a Type 2 Diabetes-Friendly Diet? A Complete Guide


和sodium may seem like the same thing, but they’re not. Sodium refers to the natural element, which is a mineral. Salt, on the other hand, contains 40 percent sodium by weight, according to theAHA。Still, you can think about lowering your salt or sodium; both will do your heart good.


Research has also found that restricting sodium significantly lowers systolic blood pressure (the first number) by about 5.5 points and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) by 1.6 points, according to a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials inNutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseasesin June 2021。这美国糖尿病协会建议患有糖尿病的人将钠摄入量限制为2300毫克(mg),这是每天1茶匙(TSP),尽管只有7%的糖尿病患者符合这些准则,但根据一项研究。营养和糖尿病2020年6月

就是说,一些专家建议将其进一步降低。“患有糖尿病的人应每天只努力消耗1,500毫克的钠”或1/4茶匙的盐。洛里·扎尼尼(Lori Zanini),RD,CDCES,作者Eat What You Love Diabetic Cookbook在加利福尼亚州达纳角。因为建议的每人各不相同,请咨询您的医生,以找出最适合您的限制。

It may seem difficult to think about sodium when you’re already so focused on making sure you’re gettingan okay amount of carbs每顿饭或小吃。有了更多的跟踪,它可以使您循环循环,但这是完全可行的,最重要的是,这是值得的。“我向客户提供的鼓励是,无论您是否患有糖尿病,所有人都可以从这种方式中受益。这只是一个健康的饮食计划。”扎尼尼说。尽管健康成年人是否应该监测钠摄入量存在一些争议,但这对糖尿病患者至关重要。

盐的第一源不是来自您的盐摇奶油:它在餐馆外面吃饭。实际上,在餐厅发现了70%的钠摄入量加工食品,根据study published in May 2017 in the journal循环。“The best advice is to eat more at home. Preparing meals at home and limiting the amount of times you dine out every week will drastically cut back on your sodium intake,” Zanini says. “I like to say, ‘If it comes in a bag, box, or through a window, there’s a good chance there’s going to be a significant amount of salt added to that food,’” she adds.


6 Sneaky Sodium Sources


1. marinara酱

A serving can contain more than 500 mg of sodium, per the美国农业部(USDA), and you may pour on far more than that. Zanini recommends making your own at home by cooking fresh tomatoes into a sauce; you can even eliminate the salt or use less than the recipe suggests.


Flavored packets of麦片是一个令人震惊的来源,包装约200毫克的钠。美国农业部。与其购买这些数据包,不如在家制作燕麦片,用水果或坚果自行调味。

3. Certain Condiments

While they add a punch of flavor to cookout favorites, mustard and ketchup may actually be salt bombs. You don’t necessarily need to go to the trouble of making these at home, but Zanini suggests comparing the nutrition labels of brands to find one that contains less than 100 mg of sodium per 1 tsp serving. “Anything more than this can add up quickly,” she says.




Another potential shocker, but poultry is also atop sourceof sodium. It may be enhanced with a mix of water and salt to plump it up. In data from the美国农业部,增强的深色肉3.5盎司(盎司)与非增强鸟相比,钠含量更高。这是您想阅读标签的另一种情况。如果该成分列出了“鸡肉汤和海盐”之类的东西,那是一只危险的旗帜。

6. Cheese

一块1盎司的切达干酪可能会提供150毫克的钠。美国农业部。这happy news: The type of起司can make a big difference.Past research总结说,加工过的奶酪,例如美国奶酪和弦奶酪,是最咸的。瑞士人是低盐的最大赢家之一,每1盎司切片只有53毫克。美国农业部。据另一个人认为,还发现马苏里拉奶酪在盐秤上较低previous study。这gist: Go for fresh!

