

Brain-Healthy Foods Can Help You Stay Sharp


What you choose to pile onto your plate affects a lot more than just your stomach and能量水平- 它也可能对您的大脑在当今和将来的功能都产生巨大影响。“The brain’s neurons, or brain cells, can become rigid as you age, which means they don’t translate information very well to each other,” says Paul Nussbaum, PhD, clinical neuropsychologist and adjunct professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine's Brain Health Center. “One way to keep those brain cells communicating quickly and correctly, improving memory and lowering your risk of dementia and阿尔茨海默氏病as you get older, is to add certain foods to your diet.” Ready to boost your brain power? Start incorporating some of these foods today.



一项研究on micein a 2012 issue of theJournal of Alzheimer’s Disease表明特级初榨橄榄油可以改善学习和记忆。“橄榄油也是心脏健康饮食的基石,众所周知的心血管健康有助于大脑健康。”健康的思维食谱。加入饮食也非常容易。在沙拉调味料,炒肉和蔬菜中使用,甚至在汤上淋上一些。


grilled salmon and asparagus

When it comes to foods that keep your brain sharp, the shining stars are foods containingomega-3 fatty acids。Nussbaum博士说:“您的身体不会产生omega-3脂肪酸,因此您必须食用它们。”最受欢迎的方法之一就是吃野生三文鱼,尽管沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼也是Omega-3的重要来源。但是,不要以为您必须从海鲜部门挥霍新鲜的鱼 - 罐头版本同样健康。“轻轻地将沙丁鱼罐头或鲑鱼涂在沙拉上,”卡兹说。“在上面加一点柠檬,您可以走了。”



Dark fruits like蓝莓和blackberries are loaded with抗氧化剂。为什么这很重要?Nussbaum说:“抗氧化剂应该被认为是从车库中扫除灰尘的扫帚。”“您体内的灰尘颗粒被称为自由基,无论走到哪里,都会造成损害,包括大脑。就像omega-3脂肪酸一样,您的身体不会产生抗氧化剂,因此您必须吃含有它们的食物。”新鲜的小吃berries, use frozen ones insmoothies,或者尝试Katz的建议:将它们用一点水和柠檬汁煮在锅中,使其完美地煮在酸奶上。



A 2013 studyin theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesshowed thatB vitaminsupplementation in people with high homocysteine levels can slow the shrinking of the brain that's associated with Alzheimer’s disease — and these little legumes are packed with some of those vitamins. Plus, they couldn’t be easier to eat! Canned lentil soup is delicious (just make sure you choose a low-sodium variety). Katz also recommends boiling扁豆用肉桂棒,几个大蒜和一些牛至小树枝,持续20分钟。沥干并使用小扁豆作为增强脑部的沙拉礼帽。


orange and red beets

硝酸盐beetsincrease blood flow to the brain, which is directly linked to how well your brain operates, says Katz. These veggies also have folate (B9), which (as previously stated) may delay dementia as you age. You can roast them and put them on a salad with some goat cheese, but Katz recommends shredding raw beets and adding them to a cabbage and carrot slaw as a refreshing side dish.



There’s a reason this深叶绿色has such a good reputation: It's a nutritional powerhouse.KaleKatz说,包含45种不同种类的类黄酮,具有抗炎和抗氧化特性,可以清除蜘蛛网从您的大脑中清除。他补充说:“此外,它有很多维生素K,可以增强记忆力。”当您将其从杂货店带回家的那一刻,将其清洁并撕下叶子,从易于食用的茎上撕下叶子,以便它可以准备就绪。Katz建议将其炒并将其添加到菜肉馅煎蛋饼中或使用它在沙拉中而不是长叶。她说:“这是超级耐寒的,所以请随时在早上加入沙拉中 - 不会枯萎。”将羽衣甘蓝融入冰沙中也是为早餐添加抗氧化剂的增强剂的好方法,此外,它使绿色更适合挑食者。



This cruciferous veggie is full of folate and the antioxidantvitamin C,这两者都改善了大脑的功能。A research review in theJournal of Alzheimer's Diseaseshowed that eating a healthy amount of vitamin C can help protect your brain against cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. And菜花is a versatile veggie: You can roast it or mash it as a delicioussubstitute for potatoes。如果将米饭蒸并在食品加工机中脉动,它也可以代替米饭。



努斯鲍姆说:“如果看它们,这些坚果实际上看起来像小脑,这很有趣,因为它们是一种很棒的脑食品。”一项研究in the October 2014 issue of theJournal of Alzheimer’s Diseaseshowed thatwalnutsimprove learning and memory in mice. Buy the nuts pre-roasted and unsalted, add them to salads or yogurt, or even snack on them straight. “If you don’t love the natural taste of walnuts, toss them with cinnamon and allspice, and toast them for eight minutes or so to give them a little more flavor,” says Katz.






任何列表,包括富含抗氧化剂的食物needs to include this beverage. Researchers from the University of Michigan have found that an element in green tea helps stop plaque growth in the brain that’s connected to Alzheimer’s disease. Drink it hot (a cinnamon stick and orange peel can boost the flavor) or make it iced and add a little papaya juice to sweeten it.
