6 Top Diabetes Exercise Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Physical activity can help prevent diabetes from beginning and progressing — so long as you do it smartly. Avoid these common mistakes in the gym for a safer, more effective workout.

顶型糖尿病 - 运动蛋糕和避免到 - 避免them-alt-722x406
当您运动和管理糖尿病时,穿合适的鞋子至关重要。 Silke Woweries/Getty Images

现在比以往任何时候都更加健康。According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA),科学家不知道患有糖尿病的人是否有增加小说的风险新冠病毒that causes COVID-19, but it’s clear that they are at a higher risk for complications if they are infected. Don’t let that add to your worries. Rather, take this fact as a push to make sure you’re managing your blood sugar as well as you can.

Exercise可以提供帮助,但是糖尿病患者需要牢记一些因素以保持安全。有些人可能会经历hypoglycemiawhen they exercise, while others report blood glucose spikes if they work out at certain times of the day or for longer than usual.

但是,不要让这阻止您锻炼。“确保自己活跃并健康饮食将有助于防止疾病的发展,”科罗拉多州恩格尔伍德市Vital Rd首席执行官CDE RDN的Jessica Crandall Snyder说。


A meta-analysis published in December 2016 in the journal糖尿病学found the risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreases by 26 percent if you engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. That’s consistent with what the美国糖尿病协会(ADA)推荐: exercising five days per week can help your body use insulin better, not to mentionrelieve stress,改善您的blood pressure胆固醇水平, and稳定血糖,除其他好处。

该建议与美国卫生与公共服务部(HHS)建议for adults. The HHS says to exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes per week, or at a vigorous intensity for at least 1 hour and 15 minutes per week. According to the ADA, moderate-intensity exercise involves being able to talk but not sing while moving, while vigorous-intensity exercise involves being shorter of breath and not being able to say more than a few words before taking a break.


如果你不能满足这些需求,它仍然是worthwhile to exercise as much as you can and avoid inactivity, according to the HHS. A small研究于2016年12月发表在《期刊》上糖尿病学特别建议在进食后步行10分钟,可能会使血糖降低22%。狂后的锻炼时间似乎是关键。一天中最大的一餐后进行锻炼可以改善葡萄糖控制,尤其是在锻炼涉及的情况下moderate-intensity aerobic exercise持续45分钟或更长时间评论于2018年6月发表在运动药物

锻炼越多,越好:study published in March 2020 in体育与运动中的医学和科学发现患有2型糖尿病的患者作为有氧训练的频率或有氧和有氧运动和有氧运动的组合,血糖控制继续改善抵抗训练增加。

有了您的医生的批准,任何类型的运动都没有禁食 - 骑自行车,步行,爬楼梯和举重都是好主意。(幸运的是,这些练习中的许多练习都可以在社交疏远的同时从您自己的家中进行!)

But be open to trial and error to see what your body responds to best, and avoid these six exercise mistakes:


“在开始运动之前就了解血糖水平至关重要,”Lynn Grieger,RDN,CDE,亚利桑那州普雷斯科特的私人教练。这American Council on Exercise recommendsavoiding锻炼if your glucose levels are 250 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or greater and酮症is present, or greater than 300 mg/dL without ketosis. (Ketosis, which can be detected with a ketone test, occurs when the body doesn’t have sufficient glucose for energy, leading it to burn stored fat for energy, and to form substances calledketones。)

另一方面,如果您的水平低于100 mg/dl,请首先吃零食,例如烤花生酱或酸奶的烤面包。


2. Skipping Water Breaks

Dehydration克兰德尔·斯奈德(Crandall Snyder)说,这种糖尿病患者容易导致您的血糖水平升高。跳过运动饮料,里面装有糖和碳水化合物,然后喝水。格里格说,目标是每15至20分钟喝4至6盎司(OZ),或者每当您口渴时。


Exercise helps the muscles handle glucose more effectively, which in turn lowers your blood sugar, Grieger says. That’s a good thing for most people with diabetes, but only if blood sugar levels don’t get太低。“如果您服用快速作用胰岛素,请带(或保持方便),胰岛​​素,并迅速消化carbohydratesources,” Grieger says. A snack with 15 grams of carbohydrates, such as dried fruit, should also do the trick if you’re feeling lightheaded or weak, Crandall Snyder says.


患有糖尿病的人需要穿透气的袜子和鞋子非常适合keep the feet protected。“If you get a cut or a scrape, it may be harder for you to heal that area because your blood sugar is higher and you have decreased circulation down there,” Crandall Snyder says. “Wearing shoes that are comfortable and fit well is not only going to help you be more physically active every day, but will protect you from potentially getting a cut or a scrape that doesn't heal.” This is especially crucial in the summer months because your feet might be soft and prone to cuts after you work out in the pool, so be sure to stash a pair of flip-flops nearby.

有关的:11 Foot Care Tips for People With Diabetes


无论您是否患有糖尿病,都必须在严格的锻炼过程中倾听身体。克兰德尔·斯奈德(Crandall Snyder)警告说:“不要太努力地走出大门。”如果您感到头晕目眩,请停下来,恢复并重新开始,当您感觉好些时。


锻炼时最大的错误?不这样做。克兰德尔·斯奈德(Crandall Snyder)说:“锻炼很难开始,对于某些人来说,这确实不是他们期待的事情。”您的目标是找到自己喜欢的活动 - 因此,请在当地的体育馆尝试Zumba,或者每天早上邀请朋友与您同行30分钟。克兰德尔·斯奈德(Crandall Snyder)说:“这样一来,您就会更加社会娱乐,而不是专注于您讨厌锻炼的程度。”如果您喜欢它,您将更有可能坚持下去,并将定期练习与healthy dietcan help you better manage your diabetes.

