






Signs of a concussion include headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light or noise, balance problems, and feeling tired. Someone with a concussion may also have difficulty thinking clearly, concentrating, and remembering new information and have erratic emotions such as sadness, irritability, and anxiety.
When should you go to the ER for a concussion?
Contact your doctor if you've experienced a blow to the head and have a headache that won’t go away, weakness or numbness, repeated vomiting or nausea, or slurred speech. A person should go to the ER immediately if he or she look very drowsy or cannot wake up, has seizures or convulsions, cannot recognize people or places, or lose consciousness.
Symptoms of concussions will typically subside on their own within one to six weeks. However, for some people, symptoms last longer and can cause complications, including headaches and dizziness that won’t go away. If a second concussion occurs before the first one has had time to completely heal, the brain can severely swell, which can turn fatal.
How do you heal from a concussion?
从震动复苏最重要的一步ion is to get plenty of rest. Physically and mentally demanding activities should also be avoided until symptoms subside. Medication may be prescribed to deal with headaches, nausea, or sleep problems. Sometimes, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and vestibular therapy are necessary.

What Are The Symptoms of a Concussion?


Therefore, it’s especially important to know the signs of a concussion and be vigilant in looking out for them, especially when someone has experienced a blow to the head.

Symptoms of a concussion fall into four categories: physical, cognitive, emotional or mood-related, and sleep, per the CDC.

Physical symptoms of a concussion include:

  • Headache
  • Fuzzy or blurred vision
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • Dizziness
  • 对噪音或光的敏感性
  • Balance problems
  • 感到疲倦或拥有没有能量


  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • 感觉放慢了
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • 难以记住新信息


  • Irritability
  • 悲伤
  • 不稳定的情绪
  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • 睡得或多或少于通常的,或睡着的麻烦(2的)

Some symptoms may appear right away while others may not show for days or even months after the injury.

Although rare, a person with a concussion can develop a dangerous血块或者脑筋流血,将大脑危害颅骨,有时可能是致命的。

Contact your doctor or local emergency department immediately if you experience any of the following danger signs after a blow, bump, or jolt to the body or head:

  • A headache that gets worse and does not go away
  • 弱点,麻木,或减少协调
  • 重复呕吐或恶心
  • Slurred speech


  • Look very drowsy or cannot wake up
  • Have one pupil larger than the other
  • 有癫痫发作或抽搐
  • 无法识别人或地方
  • 正在变得更加困惑,不安或激动
  • Are behaving unusually
  • 失去知觉


Learn More About Concussion Symptoms



CDC statistics from 2014 report that falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, and are most common in the youngest and oldest age groups. Falls account for almost one-half of all TBI-related emergency room visits.


How a Concussion Is Diagnosed

Oftentimes a concussion is diagnosed in an emergency room after a fall or accident or after an incident during a sports game. A concussion can also be diagnosed later on, when a person seeks treatment following symptoms that started after the initial blow.

There is no simple test for diagnosing a concussion. Rather, it is a several step process that involves the following:

  • An interview where doctors will document the extent of any loss of consciousness or loss of memory leading up to the event, or loss of memory of the event or after the injury, as well as any other symptoms
  • 使用若干标准化尺度之一的症状的范围和严重程度,最常见的是作为侧链脑震荡评估工具(SCAT-5),它评估症状,关注和记忆,询问最近的事件,并分析平衡和分析根据2017年4月发布的一篇文章的介绍的协调British Journal of Sports Medicine3.的)
  • Examination for any neurologic signs and symptoms, including testing strength, sensation, reflexes, coordination, mental status, nerve functions, and other neurological functions to determine the severity of the brain injury

Sometimes brain imaging may be recommended for patients with symptoms of severe headaches, seizures, repeated vomiting, or symptoms that continue to worsen. A cranial computerized tomography (CT) scan can determine whether the injury is severe and has caused bleeding or swelling in the brain, notes the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS). (4.的)

In recent years, researchers have been working on more effective ways to diagnose concussions. Several companies are working to develop simpleblood tests这将检测在2017年1月发布的一项研究中遭受脑震荡的人中存在的生物标志物神经病学。(5.的)


How Long Does a Concussion Last?

Most people who get a concussion will recover within a few days. But for some people symptoms can last for weeks or even longer.

How quickly someone improves depends on many factors, including severity of the concussion, their age, how healthy they were before the injury, and how well they care for themselves after the concussion.


How a Concussion Is Treated

Most people recover completely from a concussion, but how soon that happens depends on several factors, including the severity of the trauma, age, how healthy someone was before the concussion, and how that person takes care of themselves afterward.

The most important step inconcussion recoveryis getting plenty of rest, which is necessary to help the brain heal. It's also important to avoid physically and mentally demanding activities until symptoms subside.

药物可能被规定处理头痛疼痛那nausea, or sleep problems related to the traumatic brain injury.

A doctor might also prescribe a number of therapies to help with the rehabilitation process, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and vestibular therapy, notes the CDC. (7.的)


Possible Complications From a Concussion

Symptoms of most concussions and other mild TBIs will go away on their own within one to six weeks. But for some people, symptoms last longer and may cause complications.

These complications can includepost-concussion syndrome那which is characterized byheadaches and dizziness那不会消失;post-traumatic vertigo那or dizziness that accompanies movement; and second impact syndrome, which happens when a second concussion occurs before the first one has had time to completely heal. This can lead to rapid and severe brain swelling, which can turn fatal, notes the NHS. (8.的)

研究也将中度至严重的脑创伤联系起来,风险增加阿尔茨海默氏病and other types of失智。阿尔茨海默'S协会正在呼吁更多研究以更好地了解链接。(9.的)

Learn More About the Possible Complications of Concussions




Also that year, an estimated 812,000 children were treated in emergency departments for concussion or TBI. (1)



睡觉disturbances can occur regardless of the severity of a brain injury. In fact, research suggests thatbob ios下载 affect individuals with a concussion or mild TBI more severely. This could be a result of the individual being more aware of their deficits or increased social pressure to reintegrate into their daily life, since a concussion is often viewed as a less severe form of brain injury.

It's important to talk to your doctor about any sleep problems you're experiencing following a TBI so that proper treatment can be administered. Treatment may include sleep medication,认知行为治疗或者,每次过去的研究或其他行为修改。(10)


震荡s in Males Versus Females


Learn More About How Concussions Are Different in Males Versus Females

Sports and Concussions

A common cause of concussion is trauma during a professional or recreational sport, including but not limited to football, soccer, and hockey.



治疗脑震荡在体育运动中,很多post-concussion rehab protocols use exercise of graded intensity (rather than pure rest) prior to return to play.



Traumatic brain injuries are the largest cause of emergency room visits for children. Bumps on the head, falls, or playing field scuffles can all cause injuries ranging from mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) or concussions to severe TBIs.

If you suspect that your child has had a concussion, go to the emergency room if you see any of the following signs:

  • 意识丧失
  • 麻烦行走
  • 模糊的视野
  • 严重的头痛,头痛,或者更糟


Fast action can lead to a proper diagnosis and treatment to help your child recover. Since concussions are unique to each individual your child'S医生将根据具体症状进行治疗。如果脑震荡不足以保证到医院的旅行,你的孩子'医生将提供家庭护理的说明。


  • 身体休息直到症状消退
  • Mental rest and avoidance of mentally taxing activities until symptoms subside
  • 吃得很好,避免咖啡因
  • 避免明亮的灯光或响亮的噪音,这可能会使症状变得更糟

Note that it is no longer recommended to wake a child every few hours when he or she is sleeping to check for symptoms. Also, children can usually return to their normal activities within a few days or weeks and should stop what they are doing if symptoms return. (6)



头痛,头晕,视力模糊 - 你如何了解脑震荡的迹象?为了接受及时治疗和预防并发症,它'重要的是要意识到可能发生脑震荡的方式以及可能存在的症状。

Learn More About Concussions by Taking Our Quiz

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. TBI - 获得事实。疾病预防与控制中心。2019年3月11日。
  2. 创伤性脑损伤和脑震荡:迹象与症状。疾病预防与控制中心。2019年3月11日。
  3. 运动震荡评估工具第五版(SCAT5)。British Journal of Sports Medicine。2017年4月26日。
  4. 脑震荡。NHS Choices。2017年7月5日。
  5. 急性等离子体Tau涉及震荡后长期回归。神经病学。2017年1月6日。
  6. Facts About Concussion and Brain Injury.疾病预防与控制中心
  7. 从脑震荡中恢复。疾病预防与控制中心。February 12, 2019.
  8. 脑震荡。American Association of Neurological Surgeons。June 2018.
  9. Traumatic Brain Injury.Alzheimer的协会
  10. Traumatic Brain Injury and Sleep Disorders.Neurologic Clinics。2012年11月30日。
  11. 女性足球运动员在高中体育中遭受最大的脑震荡。American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons。March 14, 2017.
  12. 自我报告的性别差异在中度至重度创伤性脑损伤后的长期成果。BMC Neurology。2010年10月28日。