10 veggie-Loving Instagrammers激发您的植物饮食目标


Medically Reviewed



“他们拥有大量的纤维,维生素,矿物质和有助于健康和疾病预防的生物活性化合物,”Christine Palumbo, RDN,谁是芝加哥。“蔬菜提供了一口大爆炸,”补充说玛丽莎·摩尔,RDN, an integrative and culinary registered dietitian in Atlanta.

对于初学者来说,纤维和蔬菜中的水和水果有助于消化,让你感到满满,这可以帮助你避免暴饮暴食和潜在的体重增加,帕卢布。这哈佛哈佛陈公共卫生学院also suggests that fruits and vegetables with a低血糖负荷(meaning they’re digested at a slower pace) can help prevent blood sugar spikes, which increase hunger. A审查2019年4月在线发布于2019年期刊营养的前沿even found that a veggie-filleddiet可以提高肠道中的“好”微生物的数量,负责健康因子,包括体重和血糖控制。

Also, many veggies and fruits come with more than just one perk. “While a red bell pepper can cover your维生素C当天,它还提供了一种剂量维生素A.和plant compounds like carotenoids, which offer anantioxidantbenefit,” says Moore.根据国家卫生研究院(NIH),维生素C帮助身体吸收铁保持免疫系统正常运行,而维生素A对于视力很重要,而且在支持免疫系统方面发挥作用NIH also notes。此外,抗氧化剂可防止由自由基引起的体内损伤,这是由几个因素产生的,从空气污染到烟草烟雾,Cleveland Clinic


In the long run,greens(和每个其他彩色植物)可以帮助降低发展慢性健康问题的风险,如type 2 diabetes和某些types of cancer,每一个past review。和一个2019年8月发表的研究美国心脏协会杂志发现吃得更多plant-based foods更少的动物食物降低了获得的几率心脏病和dying from a心脏病发作or中风。Another学习,发表在202年2月0 in the journal神经病学,发现那些吃了一个人素食丰富的蔬菜,坚果和大豆有一个较低的中风的风险与非竞争者相比。

更重要的是,在1月2021年发布的评论高血压杂志发现植物的饮食可以lower blood pressure(既是顶部和底部的数字),即使人们仍吃少量肉和乳制品。

你每天都应该吃多少植物?虽然遵循A.植物饮食can help you get your fill, an easy guideline for everyone from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is to fill half your plate with fruit or vegetables at each meal. “If it’s tough to get veggies or fruit in for your breakfast, double up on them at lunch or dinner,” says Palumbo. And once you check out these plant-loving Instagram accounts, that won’t be a problem. Your goal: “Keep an open mind,” says Moore. “Experiment with new ways to prepare vegetables and think of ways to fit more vegetables in — even where you wouldn’t always add them,” Moore says.





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无论您是在寻找健康的素食主义者还是颓废(仍然有益!)素食主义者desserts, Michaela Vais has your back. The recipe creator and chef packsher Instagram account(和她的博客,elavean) with vegan recipes that are mostly sugar-free and不含麸质, 也。

Try her轻松的红扁豆DAHL秘方protein-filled一个工作日的晚餐,s both full of flavor and super simple to make. (You can whip it up in 30 minutes.) Lentils are not only high in protein and fiber but also low in fat, according to the梅奥诊所, thus making them a great alternative to meat.



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如果你不能随时到达夏威夷(如我们大多数人!),你可以转向安德里亚·汉南的Instagram帐户适用于健康,岛屿灵感的素食主义者和无麸质食谱的想法。Hannemann,三个男孩的妈妈和作者植物过度加工, calls Oahu home, and so many of her recipes showcase all the delicious produce that can be found there.

Take her OG Acai Bowl recipe, which is filled with草莓香蕉切片,加坚果黄油,在她的书中饰演。(你也可以找到其他acai碗在她的博客上变化。) Make your own, and enjoy it while kicking your feet up (Hawaiian music optional).




打电话给所有pumpkin恋人!作者这Great Big Pumpkin CookbookMaggie Michalczyk,RDN,填充她的Instagram Feed.有健康的南瓜风格的食谱,就像营养一样鲜美。(查看她的博客for other plant-based recipe ideas that go beyond pumpkin.)

If you’re looking for a cozy and delicious meal to make at home, consider whipping up this creamy南瓜收获意大利面酱,它装有南瓜酱,胡桃南瓜和西红柿。和Michalczyk想让你知道:你不必严格地在秋天时吃南瓜 - 舒适的蔬菜可以全年享受!另外,南瓜加载维生素A.据USDA,½杯有机南瓜泥有超过15,000个国际单位(UI),使其成为一个优秀的来源。分数!





如果季节性饮食是您的Forte,请不要比Laura Wright的更远Instagram帐户, which can give you ideas for all sorts of plant-based, wholesome meals that use fresh, of-the-moment ingredients. The author of第一个混乱的食谱started她的博客作为帮助任何人的方式(无论它们是否识别为素食主义者或植物),都要多吃更多的植物和整个食物。

你会发现充足的素食主义主菜食谱,就像她的最爱之一:Creamy White Bean Soup With Kale, Rosemary & Lemon, which is quick to make but tastes super rich. (She has a trick for making it creamy ... without actually including cream!) You’ll also find vegan treats like黑巧克力能量叮咬和姜糖蜜在她的饲料上软化,所以满足甜食渴望是一个垃圾扣篮。



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只要它是素食主义者,劳伦丰田,作者Hot for Food All Day: Easy Recipes to Level Up Your Vegan Meals,嗯,“食物热。”她Instagram帐户博客特色充足的素食主义者占用舒适的食物,包括她最喜欢的食谱:Vegan Nacho Cheese,用土豆和胡萝卜制成garlic和洋葱粉(又名所有适合的配料!)。您还将在素食者通心粉和奶酪和花椰菜布法罗翅膀上找到灵感。我们俩都拿走!


RELATED:5奶酪,你可以在keto饮食上吃 - 5你不能




你有没有错位你的测量杯?没问题!Food Blogger Sara Forte鼓励读者通过她所拥有的简单食谱即可即兴创作her Instagram account。“This is art, not science,” she says on她的博客,发芽的厨房

她喜欢新鲜的成分和天然食物。这意味着你会在她的帖子中找到各种基于植物的灵感mustardy Brussel slawto Roasted Zucchini, Black Bean & Goat Cheese Enchiladas. Plus, she focuses on seasonal recipes, so you can explore the best veggie-packed meal options from spring to winter.




如果您正在寻找由顶级注册营养师开发的营养包装食品配方,您将要开始关注玛丽莎·摩尔,RDN,基于亚特兰大的注册营养师营养师和Everyday Health contributor

You’ll find loads of healthy-produce recipes on her Instagram account and (mostly!)vegetarian blog包括她Apple Pecan Farro Salad, which is dressed with a homemade apple cider vinaigrette. Moore also has simple ideas for when you’re just too crazed to make something elaborate, likeSmokey chickpeas和菠菜,她建议穿过来白饭陷入皮塔饼,或者只是吃饭。百胜!




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有趣的事实:不同颜色的蔬菜有自己独特的一系列营养素,据哈佛卫生出版物,所以要吃各种各样的颜色是很重要的,以利用多样性。伊琳戈夫斯基的人instagam.帐户和博客,这Colorful Kitchen, gives you tons of rainbow-packed meal ideas to help you do just that.

Kabocha Squash & Lentil Stewrecipe, also featured in her new plant-based cookbook,多彩的家庭表:全族的季节性植物的食谱, is filled with color, like orange from the kabocha squash, green from the sautéed greens, and pink from the sauerkraut. Godofsky is a certified health coach and admitted latecomer to a veggie-filled diet — though she was avegetarian, she had never had tomatoes, peaches, or oranges, she says on her blog, until she was 19 years old! She became a full-on veggie convert and loves crafting vegan recipes, whether that’s素食乳脂状的tahini sweet parato炖or素食主义者贝瑞早餐披萨




Kate Jenkins, Portland, Oregon–based founder of the Vegukate blog andInstagram.account, likes to celebrate the benefits of unprocessed, whole, nourishing foods. Jenkins has her master’s degree in nutrition and develops plant-based recipes, like one of her favorites —Spring Salad With Green Goddess Dressing- 为她的博客。(在她的春天沙拉中,希望找到,正如她所说的那样,“一切春天的一个碗里”,就像草莓,萝卜和春天绿色一样。)

她Instagram帐户is brimming with salad and stew inspiration, plus nutrition tips such as how to make the perfect big salad. Her suggestions: Add plenty ofprotein, cooked foods (like roasted veggies), healthy fats, and at least two or three handfuls of greens like arugula, spinach, or羽衣甘蓝





Havingtacos tonight? You’ll impress guests by serving脆皮花椰菜炸玉米饼和鳄梨奶油Instagram.mer博主阿什利梅里洛。“这些素食主义者,谷蛋白-free crispy cauliflower tacos with slaw and avocado cream are the perfect balance of crunchy, tender, and juicy,” Melillo says on her blog, Blissful Basil. To give the cauliflower florets a breaded, crispy texture, she uses almond milk and brown rice flour, and then tosses them inoats。你可能认为他们味道几乎炒,但它们实际上在烤箱里烤了。

MeliLlo是一名前学校心理学家和食谱的作者Blissful Basil。她开始博客,用素食主义者和素食食谱包装,作为2010年的爱好,分享她对烹饪和写作的热爱,但在2016年,她决定全职工作,在博客和instagram上全职工作,定期与食谱一起发布素食主义者菠菜 - 朝鲜蓟蘸到A.素食南瓜瑞科蒂塔意大利乳房子
