What Is the SlimFast Diet Plan? Reviews, Cost, Foods, and More

Slim-Fast Plan
You'll drink SlimFast-brand shakes on this weight loss plan. iStock

You’re probably familiar with SlimFast from the diet’s celebrity ambassadors and catchy TV ads. Thisdiet先锋以其苗条的品牌奶昔,酒吧和小吃而闻名 - 但是您真的需要这种减肥的方式吃吗?

What Is SlimFast?

The premise of the SlimFast diet is that meal replacement products will help you lose weight, saysKeri Gans, a registered dietitian nutritionist based in New York City. On the SlimFast plan, you consume two meal replacement shakes, bars, or cookies, have a sensible meal of your choice, and three 100-calorie snacks throughout the day. (1)If you’re interested in trying theketogenic diet, you can also follow the SlimFast Keto Plan, which requires understanding the SlimFast Keto Quick-Start Guide.

How Does the SlimFast Plan Work?

“The SlimFast plan works as a basic low-calorie diet,” saysDawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, the Chicago-based author ofThe Superfood Swap。The SlimFast plan is a meal replacement system, meaning that breakfast and lunch are replaced with a shake or a bar, and that’s one way your daily calories are reduced. Women will consume 1,200 calories per day and men will eat 1,600 per day. (2)This plan requires purchasing a large amount of your daily foods in the form of SlimFast products. For breakfast, you’ll consume a shake, bar, or cookie; for a midmorning snack, a 100-calorie SlimFast snack (like chips); another shake, bar, or cookie for lunch; a SlimFast 100-calorie snack in the midafternoon (like crisps); a healthy dinner of your choice; and an evening 100-calorie snack of your choice (like veggies and dip). (1)

How Quickly Will You See Results on SlimFast?

SlimFast says this on their website: “Give us a week, and we’ll take off the weight.” (1) That’s a big promise, and their promotional materials say that you can lose up to 5 pounds (lb) in that first week in their Quick Start program. (3)While that does sound exciting, experts suggest exercising caution.

“Sometimes people on meal replacement plans like this see immediate results because the diet is a shock to the body. You may be losing a bit of fat at the time, but it’s more likelywater weightinitially,” says Amy Goodson, RD, of Dallas–Fort Worth. The catch is, the rate of loss will slow down or eventually stop, she says — you just can’t keep it up. It’s important to know that ahead of time so that you don’t get frustrated about something so normal and common. After the initial weight loss, you may lose 1 to 2 lb per week, a number that is more sustainable.

Can You Drink Coffee While on the SlimFast Diet?

The ideal beverage to choose on SlimFast (beyond the shakes) is water. (1) But you can also drink tea andcoffeeon SlimFast. (4)The company points out that a cup of black coffee contains 1 calorie, making it a waistline-friendly sip. If you do opt for coffee, avoid adding any type of sweetener, as the company notes that sugar-sweetened beverages will stall weight loss. (1) It’s possible to have a latte or cappuccino (what they call a “milky” coffee), but order it with skim milk, take it without sugar or flavored syrups, and count it as one of your snacks. (4) If you’re craving java, you can also have SlimCafe, their line of on-the-go coffee drinks.

SlimFast Product Options and Foods You Can Eat on the Diet

During the majority of the day, you will be eating SlimFast products. These include meal replacement shakes, bars, and cookies, as well as snack options. SlimFast offers these foods in several different categories, depending on what version of the diet you’re on. (5) 这些包括:

SlimFast OriginalReady-to-drink shakes and shake mixes in five flavors (like Strawberries & Cream and Cappuccino Delight) have 10 grams (g) of protein, 5 g of纤维, and vitamins and minerals to potentially “control hunger for up to four hours,” according to SlimFast.

SlimFast KetoThis is their newest line. These meal replacement products are low on carbs and high on “healthy” fats, so you can “become a fat-burning machine.” For instance, their meal shake includes乳清蛋白和胶原蛋白与草食黄油和MCT(中链)triglycerides)。花生酱脂肪炸弹看起来像花生酱杯子,它们也有MCT油,这是一个补充以帮助您保持酮症

SlimFast Diabetic Weight LossThese meal replacement shake mixes are an option for those who have type 2 diabetes.

SlimFast Advanced Energy这种膳食奶昔和冰沙混合物含有20克蛋白质,5克纤维,1 g糖和caffeine

SlimFast Advanced NutritionThe idea is that the 20 g of protein and 1 g of sugar in this shake and smoothie mix will reduce your appetite. Available in Creamy巧克力, Strawberries & Cream, and Vanilla Cream.

Bake ShopWhile shakes may be the most recognizable part of SlimFast, you can also opt for meal replacement cookies and bars, which have between 10 and 15 g of protein and 5 g of fiber.


SnacksSlimFast has high-fiber 100-calorie snack packs, including chips (Sour Cream and Onion and Mesquite BBQ), crisps (Cinnamon Bun Swirl and S’Mores), and candy-like snacks (Peanut Butter Chocolate Bites). The company recommends having one of these snacks between meals.

您提供的食物The only fresh foods you’ll need to buy and prepare will be for the one “sensible” meal and one snack per day. The sensible meal is 500 calories. (6)Your grocery list will differ week to week depending on the specific meals you’re replacing — and SlimFast also provides suggested recipes — but that list may contain:

  • Canned tuna
  • Shrimp
  • Salmon
  • Steak
  • Salad greens
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Onions
  • Bell peppers
  • Asparagus
  • Fresh mozzarella
  • Cream起司
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Quinoa
  • Unsweetened nuts
  • Hummus
  • Popcorn

A 3-Day Sample Menu for the SlimFast Diet

如果您是一个男人,每天将允许您两个200卡路里的“迷你媒体”。((7)These are noted below.

Day 1

BreakfastSlimFast Creamy Milk Chocolate Shake (For men: Add berry parfait)

Snack100-calorie SlimFast Mesquite BBQ Baked Chips

LunchSlimFast Chocolatey Peanut Butter Pie Bar (For men: Add bowl of chili)

Snack100-calorie SlimFast S’Mores Drizzled Crisps

DinnerSteak tacos


Day 2

BreakfastVegetable omelet

SnackSlimFast Peanut Butter Chocolate Bites

LunchSlimFast French Vanilla Shake (For men: Add beef jerky)

SnackBaby carrots and hummus


SnackSour Cream & Onion Baked Chips

Day 3

BreakfastSlimFast Double Chocolate Chip Cookie (For men: Add strips of bacon)

SnackMesquite BBQ Baked Chips

LunchSalad topped with veggies and chicken


DinnerSlimFast French Vanilla Shake (For men: Add prosciutto wrapped mozzarella stick)

SnackCinnamon Bun Swirl Drizzled Crisps

What Are the Pros and Cons of the SlimFast Diet?

Before you start SlimFast, you'll want to know what you’re getting into so you can decide if it's the right fit for you.


It’s convenient.Slimfast计划可以帮助人们追踪他们的餐点和小吃,并使减少卡路里和减肥变得容易。您不必考虑自己分配食物或在菜单上做出选择。一切都为您完成。“您正在抓住产品,” Blatner说。

It removes the guesswork.除了在饭菜和零食中观看卡路里和零食外,您不必在白天数量或测量两顿饭和两种小吃的东西。

There’s wiggle room.Slimfast承认您有社交生活,并且您的饮食应该适合这一点。这意味着您可以选择当天的“明智”(或健康)餐的任何餐点,无论是与家人共进晚餐还是与同事午餐。(1)

有一个良好的支持系统。People who are on the SlimFast plan can find meal plans, recipes and ideas for snacks, tips for fitness, and an online community for support at the SlimFast website. There’s even a dietitian on staff who can answer questions.



Some people may not feel full after eating.Not everyone can be satisfied with the SlimFast plan. “Some people may eat multiple SlimFast bars and gain weight,” says Blatner. What’s more, if you’re heavily relying on shakes, you may not feel satisfied because you’re not chewing your food.

Boredom is possible.“与任何食物替代产品,它可以通用t tiresome,” says Gans. Though you can mix up your free meal and snack to add variety, there aren’t a lot of choices when it comes to the shakes, bars, and snacks.

It’s not that tasty.除了潜在的无聊之外,喝奶昔或吃薯条还缺乏风味。Angela Lemond, RDN, a co-owner of Lemond Nutrition在德克萨斯州的普莱诺和洛克沃尔。

It can get expensive.The SlimFast plan calls for multiple daily servings of their shakes and bars. “They are more expensive than produce,” says Blatner.




The upside to SlimFast: “It’s super easy to follow, grab-and-go for most of the day, and is better than all-out starving yourself,” says Lemond. That’s not the most resounding review, but at least the shakes are formulated to keep you as full as possible, she says.


这是一个低热量的计划。即使您试图减肥,您的身体仍然需要卡路里才能保持燃料和充满活力 - 这仅适用于基本知识。勒蒙德说:“如果有人喜欢活跃,我不建议这种饮食。”她说:“这将是太限制的,这将使它很难正常运作。”如果您打算继续使用Slimfast,她建议您去看医生进行医疗监督。

What Are the Potential Short- and Long-Term Effects of SlimFast?


Short-Term Effects

In the short term, being on the SlimFast plan will lead to weight loss. You’re eating 1,200 or 1,600 calories (for men and women, respectively) a day. But “people who lose weight quickly often gain it back quickly,” says Goodson.

Long-Term Effects

The likelihood you'll want to stay on the SlimFast plan for the long term is doubtful, as you'll probably grow tired of the limited options (and flavor and textures) of the meal replacements. Even once you hit your goal weight, SlimFast advises continuing to replace one meal a day with a SlimFast shake, bar, or cookie. (8)This means that staying on SlimFast products for the long haul is built into the plan. If you haven’t learned how to create healthy meals, you may go back to eating the way you did before, which means you may regain the weight.

Moreover, experts don’t know if SlimFast will help you lose weight for good. In a review of randomized controlled studies on popular commercial weight loss diets published in theArchives of Internal Medicinein April 2015, researchers found that SlimFast had “mixed” results and that more studies are needed.Weight Watchers((WW) andJenny Craigwere found to be the best commercial programs for weight loss.((9

It’s also worth noting that for some people, a super-strict plan like this may be appealing because they don’t feel like they can trust themselves around food or they feel out of control. If that’s you, you may find that talking to a skilled therapist or knowledgeable dietitian may help you address the root problem, says Goodson.

On the upside, SlimFast encourages 30 minutes of dailyexercise, something they call “me time.” (1) If you follow this part of the plan, you may be able to get into the habit of regular exercise, something that will serve your health for years to come.

SlimFast and the Keto Diet: What This Combined Plan Looks Like

Similar to the original SlimFast plan, the SlimFast Keto plan has women on a 1,200 to 1,300 calorie per day diet, while men eat 1,600 to 1,700 calories per day. (10

Keto is a high-fat, very low carb diet designed to help your body enter酮症, which is a state in which you burn fat for fuel rather than carbs. On a酮饮食菜单,您将放弃高碳水化合物的食物,例如面包,意大利面,饼干,甚至许多水果,而是吃高脂食物,例如带有皮肤,鳄梨和橄榄油的大腿大腿。

在Slimfast Keto计划中,您将用低碳水化合物的Slimfast Keto替代产品(例如奶昔或餐吧),三个100卡路里的Slimfast替换两顿饭酮小吃, and a healthy keto-friendly meal of your choice.

Summary: Should You Try the SlimFast Diet for Weight Loss and Better Health?

SlimFast may truly work for some people, but registered dietitians are doubtful. Eating whole foods rather than processed meal replacement products will likely leave you feeling more satisfied, says Goodson. The one place where these types of products may fit into your life nicely is during the “in between times when you’re too busy to grab a meal,” she says. The good news is that because they’re readily available in a variety of stores (Amazon, CVS, Walmart, Target) and don’t require a prescription, you can keep them on hand for when you need them most.

Additional reporting by Katherine Lee.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. Slimfast如何工作?SlimFast
  2. What Is the Average Weight Loss on the SlimFast Plan?SlimFast
  3. Pick a Date!SlimFast
  4. 我可以在Slimfast计划中喝茶和咖啡吗?SlimFast
  5. Lose Weight and Keep It Off.SlimFast
  6. 7Day Meal Planner.SlimFast
  7. How Does the SlimFast Plan Work?SlimFast
  8. Will I Gain Extra Weight When I Come Off the SlimFast Plan?SlimFast
  9. Gudzune KA,Doshi RS,Mehta AK等。商业减肥计划的功效:更新的系统审查。Archives of Internal Medicine。2015年4月。
  10. What Is the SlimFast Keto Plan and How Does It Differ From the Regular SlimFast Plan?SlimFast
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